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I am so delighted and grateful that God has created such a beautiful girl and let her be with me. So charming she was that we are happy and joyful when staying together. She was grace and elegant, just the one in my dream. We have enough money to enjoy our love with. We love each other. Every day, we make love. Every time I get into her warm body, i feel satisfied both in phsical and in mental. Every kiss on her skin guides us to the wonderful future in the adult world.

继利比亚地区的问题之后,中东地区的叙利亚和伊朗又成为全球瞩目的焦点。这些问题的原因其实很简单,但是人们却从不会寻找正确的解决办法来应对这些问题。Following the Libya area after the problems in the Middle East, Syria and Iran became the focus of global attention. The reason of these problems actually very simple, but it can never find the right solutions to these problems.亲爱的奥巴马先生,人类是一个种族,更多的时候应该平等相待、彼此尊重、和睦相处。我作为一个有责任心的人,我不会对这些问题坐视不管,因为这是‘我们’的问题!Dear Mr. Obama, humans are a race, more time should be equal, respect each other, live together in peace together. As a responsible person, I will not sit on these problems, because this is the ' we ' problems!--在这里,我对本次的叙利亚局势有以下四点建议,实行起来都很简单,而且是属于和平的办法,无论对叙利亚地区的人民还是关注这些局势的人来说,都是个好消息,希望接到这些建议之后,能尽快出台相应方案,早日解决哪些问题。Here, I on the Syria situation to make the following four proposals, the practice is very simple, and is a peaceful way, both for the people of Syria or pay close attention to the situation of people, is a good news, I hope to these recommendations are followed, can be introduced as soon as possible to solve the corresponding solution, which problem.1、派遣联合国维和部队共同维护叙利亚国内和平与稳定局势。1, United Nations peacekeeping force to jointly safeguard peace and stability in Syria.2、欧盟各国应该率先行动起来向叙利亚提供经济援助和帮扶与支持,维护叙利亚的稳定。2, the EU should take the lead in action to provide economic aid to Syria and help and support, maintaining the stability of Syria.3、建立‘叙利亚问题选举委员会’,在叙利亚国内进行一次由各个国家监督之下的人民选举,并通过人民的选举与投票结果决定总统阿萨德是否下台。3, establish the ' Syria Electoral Commission ', in Syria a by every country under the supervision of the people and by the people's election, elections and voting results determine whether President Barack Assad to step down.4、其他国家不应该以任何武力和军事态度对应中东地区这次的局势发展和情况。4, other countries should not in any manner corresponding to the Middle East force and military this situation and circumstances.

克拉根福的近郊有许多的城堡,目前都已重新翻修,多半都对外开放参观,而且在克拉根福的旅游信息中心有许多的免费资料可以索取,十分的方便。 克拉根福是奥南的大城,无论是航空、铁路或公路交通都十分的便利。
位于奥地利南部的克拉根福(Klagenfurt) ,是个标准的边境城市,距意大利约60公里、离斯洛文尼亚更仅30公里,由于掌控阿尔卑斯山上的几个主要隘囗,如Loiblpass、Wurzenpass,而且有相当重要的 交通和防御价值。
89.4 %的居民以德语为母语,紧随其后的是克罗地亚语(3.3 %)和斯洛文尼亚语(1.9 %)。(2001年)
68.8 % 的居民信奉罗马天主教,7.5 %新教,3.0 %伊斯兰教,16.1 %无信仰。
克拉根福在l2世纪已经有城市规模。1518年,被立为克恩滕州的首府直到今天。最初这里只是一个防御性的山城, 城市四周筑有高高的城墙,但在1809年与拿破仑的法军交战后,所有城墙均被毁坏;今天,在昔日城墙的原址,出现四条环城道路 St. Veiter Ring(北)、Volkermarkter Ring(东)、Viktringer Ring(南) 和Villacher Ring(西),在这四条道路内的就是昔日克拉根福城所在。 不过,也由于城墙被打破,该城才有了更大的发展空间,使其今日成为一兼具传统之美与现代工业 (以皮革和电子工业为主) 的城市。
由此往北可前往维也纳,车程约4小时15分;往西经 Villach (维拉赫)可分别前往萨尔茨堡 (车程约3.5小时)、因斯布鲁克 (车程约5小时40分),和意大利的威尼斯 (车程约4.5小时),可说是一处国际列车的重站。

As southern Austria Carinthia (Kirnten) the capital of River Lake Worthersee written for Klagenfurt, urban atmosphere of serene tranquility, because the hills and win to become the tourist town of Ao Nang, every weekend or holiday, can be seen everywhere tourists come on holiday .
Worthersee Lake is located in the right side of the old city is not directly Klagenfurt Lake, but in an artificial canals and lakes connected, so geography is essential in the 12th century that is carried out. 800 years of development history, leaving traces in the city to become apart from the lake, the Klagenfurt to attract tourists a major factor.
The outskirts of Klagenfurt has many castles, have now been renovated, most are open to visitors, but also in Klagenfurt Tourist Information Center has a lot of free information can be obtained is very convenient. Klagenfurt is a city of Ao Nang, whether air, rail or road traffic are very convenient.
[Edit this paragraph] Location
Is located in the south of Klagenfurt, Austria (Klagenfurt), is a typical border town, about 60 km away from Italy, is only 30 kilometers away from Slovenia is more, due to control of Alpine mountains crumbling several major import, such as Loiblpass, Wurzenpass, but also very important the value of transport and defense.
[Edit this paragraph] Language
89.4% of residents speak German as their mother tongue, followed by the Croatian (3.3%) and Slovenian (1.9%). (2001)
[Edit this paragraph] Religion
68.8% of the population are Roman Catholic, 7.5% Protestant, 3.0% Muslim, 16.1% had no religion.
[Edit this paragraph] History
Klagenfurt l2 century, has been in the size of cities. 1518, was established as the capital of Carinthia until today. Initially there is only a defensive fortress, built around the city with high walls, but in 1809 the French army at war with Napoleon, all the walls were destroyed; Today, the site of the former city wall, there four ring road St. Veiter Ring (North), Volkermarkter Ring (East), Viktringer Ring (south) and Villacher Ring (West), in these four roads within the city of Klagenfurt is the former location. However, because of the wall was broken, the city have a larger space for development,
Make it today to be a beauty of both traditional and modern industry (mainly in leather and electronics industries) city.
[Edit this paragraph] Climate
As the barrier of the Alps, the Mediterranean sea breeze can not be arrived at in the summer, the northern foot of Klagenfurt area, make this area heat-Nan Xiao, fortunately, the Alps, snow water savings made lakes, making this piece of land in the regulation of water and yet Relax said.
[Edit this paragraph] the economic
Klagenfurt is a rattan cane state's most important economic center, the state 22% of the industrial and commercial enterprises situated here. The main economic pillars are light industry, import and export trade and tourism. Some well-known multinational companies such as Siemens and Philips have set up branch offices here. In recent years, Klagenfurt Kane Vine City and the state economic policy is the core of the Klagenfurt city into a high-tech center.
Klagenfurt is also a fair city. Here are held annually in tourism fairs, exhibitions, and other kinds of wood in different themes of goods and professional exhibitions.
[Edit this paragraph] Aviation
There is a city of the northeast corner of the airport, could be linked with the Austrian cities. Vienna to Klagenfurt flights include five flights a day, non-stop about 55 minutes to reach, at present only Tyrol airlines route.
[Edit this paragraph] Rail
This can go to Vienna in the north, the journey of about 4 hours and 15 minutes; west via Villach (Villach) can be set off for Salzburg (by car about 3.5 hours), Innsbruck (by car about 5 hours and 40 minutes), and Italy, Venice (by car about 4.5 hours), can be said that an international trains weigh stations.
[Edit this paragraph] Highway
Route more developed, regardless of the east into Slovenia, north-east to Graz or Vienna, north to Linz, Salzburg or Innsbruck to the northwest, or south into Italy, are very convenient, including entry of Slovenia or Italy are required to cross the Alps, the mountain passes or a tunnel, a very spectacular scenery.

Klagenfurt (Klagenfurt)
[Edit this paragraph] About
As southern Austria Carinthia (Kirnten) the capital of River Lake Worthersee written for Klagenfurt, urban atmosphere of serene tranquility, because the hills and win to become the tourist town of Ao Nang, every weekend or holiday, can be seen everywhere tourists come on holiday .
Worthersee Lake is located in the right side of the old city is not directly Klagenfurt Lake, but in an artificial canals and lakes connected, so geography is essential in the 12th century that is carried out. 800 years of development history, leaving traces in the city to become apart from the lake, the Klagenfurt to attract tourists a major factor.
The outskirts of Klagenfurt has many castles, have now been renovated, most are open to visitors, but also in Klagenfurt Tourist Information Center has a lot of free information can be obtained is very convenient. Klagenfurt is a city of Ao Nang, whether air, rail or road traffic are very convenient.
[Edit this paragraph] Location
Is located in the south of Klagenfurt, Austria (Klagenfurt), is a typical border town, about 60 km away from Italy, is only 30 kilometers away from Slovenia is more, due to control of Alpine mountains crumbling several major import, such as Loiblpass, Wurzenpass, but also very important the value of transport and defense.
[Edit this paragraph] Language
89.4% of residents speak German as their mother tongue, followed by the Croatian (3.3%) and Slovenian (1.9%). (2001)
[Edit this paragraph] Religion
68.8% of the population are Roman Catholic, 7.5% Protestant, 3.0% Muslim, 16.1% had no religion.
[Edit this paragraph] History
Klagenfurt l2 century, has been in the size of cities. 1518, was established as the capital of Carinthia until today. Initially there is only a defensive fortress, built around the city with high walls, but in 1809 the French army at war with Napoleon, all the walls were destroyed; Today, the site of the former city wall, there four ring road St. Veiter Ring (North), Volkermarkter Ring (East), Viktringer Ring (south) and Villacher Ring (West), in these four roads within the city of Klagenfurt is the former location. However, because of the wall was broken, the city have a larger space for development, so that today, both as a traditional beauty and modern industry (mainly in leather and electronics industries) city.
[Edit this paragraph] Climate
As the barrier of the Alps, the Mediterranean sea breeze can not be arrived at in the summer, the northern foot of Klagenfurt area, make this area heat-Nan Xiao, fortunately, the Alps, snow water savings made lakes, making this piece of land in the regulation of water and yet Relax said.
[Edit this paragraph] the economic
Klagenfurt is a rattan cane state's most important economic center, the state 22% of the industrial and commercial enterprises situated here. The main economic pillars are light industry, import and export trade and tourism. Some well-known multinational companies such as Siemens and Philips have set up branch offices here. In recent years, Klagenfurt Kane Vine City and the state economic policy is the core of the Klagenfurt city into a high-tech center.
Klagenfurt is also a fair city. Here are held annually in tourism fairs, exhibitions, and other kinds of wood in different themes of goods and professional exhibitions.
[Edit this paragraph] Aviation
There is a city of the northeast corner of the airport, could be linked with the Austrian cities. Vienna to Klagenfurt flights include five flights a day, non-stop about 55 minutes to reach, at present only Tyrol airlines route.
[Edit this paragraph] Rail
This can go to Vienna in the north, the journey of about 4 hours and 15 minutes; west via Villach (Villach) can be set off for Salzburg (by car about 3.5 hours), Innsbruck (by car about 5 hours and 40 minutes), and Italy, Venice (by car about 4.5 hours), can be said that an international trains weigh stations.
[Edit this paragraph] Highway
Route more developed, regardless of the east into Slovenia, north-east to Graz or Vienna, north to Linz, Salzburg or Innsbruck to the northwest, or south into Italy, are very convenient, including entry of Slovenia or Italy are required to cross the Alps, the mountain passes or a tunnel, a very spectacular scenery.


KLAGENFURT , the capital of Carinthia (Kärnten) Province (537,000), is a popular winter resort, surrounded by the mountain lakes of southern Austria near the Italian border. Chartered as a city in 1279, Klagenfurt reached the height of its commercial importance in the 18th century. Its current population is 90,000. A theological seminary and a large cathedral are located here. Austria's warmest lake, Wörther See, and the surrounding beaches are nearby. Near Klagenfurt, the Austrian Alpine International Academy at A-9161 Maria Rain is open to American students (kindergarten through grade 12) interested in English-language classes.

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