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求 简单 英语口语话题解答。~

Almost everyone says that it is not good for playing cell phones in class, but every thing both has two sides. I think we can play it when we finish our tasks, to ralax ourselves. Rembmber that do not play too much.
关于Dare to dream, dare to do.的
Dare to do what you dream, and do the best that you can. We all know that everything is possible. Just be brave, you can! You can get it !

1 My pleasure/ You're welcome!
2 就是Miss.,或者不知婚否,可用Ms.,听起来也差不多。
3 Would you please sign this bill ?
4 How many towels do you need?
5 Excuse me sir(miss), sorry to bother you. I'd be very grateful if you sign this list for me and leave your comment or suggestion on my service.
6 Did you have a good night's sleep,sir?
7 When did you check into our hotel ,and how long will you stay?
8 This tips for me ? Thank you very much ,sir!
9 Have a wonderful day!
10 Thank you for staying in our hotel.May you have a fine trip,You are warmly welcome to our hotel again, So long, good-bye!

1.Do you wish the school authorities would help the students to establish more societies or clubs? Why or Why not?
Yes, definitely. Having more clubs or societies not only could bring energy and enthusiam to schools, but also could change the diversity of classes, making each class not as boring so that students would have more interest and could concentrate more during their studies.
2. If you were the president of this college, what would you do to help the students with their studies?
There are certainly lots things we could do. But the thing that I would probably do first to help the students with their studies would be putting students into groups and let them work together.
3. What do you usually do in your spare time? Why?
I usually swim and dance in my spare time. Swimming and dancing are my favorite things to do because they are good for our health and we could maintain a good body shape.
4. What are your hobbies? How do you develop it or them?
My hobby is reading. To develop this, I read a variety of different types of books so that I could have different tastes and a variety of wrinting techniques.
5. Why do you choose computer (…) as your major at college?
I chose computer as my major at the college because nowadays we need computer techniques everywhere despite the kinds of job you are taking.
6. Do you think friends are important in your life? Why or why not?
Friends are the most important in my life. Having friends is building relationships. And with a good relationship, we would be successful in the future. Besides, we you are encountering difficulties, it is your friend that would give you a hand and save you from struggling.
7. Do you like traveling? Why or why not?
I like traveling because we could see different cultures, experience different lives, and feel the beauty of the nature.
8. Do you like shopping? Why or why not?
Shopping is probably my least favorate thing to do. Girls usually like shopping but I think unnessary shopping not only wastes time, but also wastes money.

1 你希望你学校的领导帮助学生去建立更多的社团或者俱乐部?为什么或者不为什么?
2 如果你你们大学的校长,你咋样帮助你们学生的学习问题?
3 你经常在你的业余时间干什么?为什么?
4 你的爱好是什么?你怎样发展你的爱好?
5 为什么你选择电脑作为你大学的主修课?
6 你认为你的朋友在你生活中很重要吗?为什么或不为什么?
7 你喜欢旅行吗?为什么或不为什么?
8 你喜欢购物吗?为什么或不为什么?


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