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On the lower primary school teachers of mathematics ability to use multimedia standards
Vocational and Technical Teachers College educational technology professional Cheng -
Instructor: Lecturer Jin Bao-kun
Abstract: Teachers multimedia applications in education plays a pivotal position, as a new generation of teachers to its capacity as a standard appraisal. In order to improve teaching efficiency of today began to use and develop. Low-grade students in primary schools, mainly in the main visual image thinking, the use of multimedia in teaching, the students can develop thinking skills, through the creation of context, such as stimulate interest of students in learning. Mathematics Teaching in the process of building the "diversification" teaching, adequate and reasonable use of multi-media teaching, of London through text, images, sound, animation and other forms of multi-level fusion materials, and expand the amount of information, and to the psychological development of students the best state to mobilize the enthusiasm of students to promote student interest in learning, a mathematical study of the psychological needs.
Key words: multimedia teaching mathematics, the lower primary school mathematics, standards

1. "You can't imagine how difficult it is for me to deal with my wife," the man complained to his friend. "She asks me a question, then answers it herself, and after that she explained to me for half an hour why my answer is wrong.


2. When the young waitress in the café in Tom's building started waving hello everyday. Tom was flattered, for she was at least 15 years younger than he. One day she waved and beckoned to Tom again. When Tom strolled over, she asked, "Are you single?"

"Why, yes," Tom replied, smiling at her broadly.

"So is my mom," she said. "Would you like to meet her?"


在汤姆工作的大楼里有一个咖啡屋,那儿总有一位小姐每天都和他打招呼。汤姆有些受宠若惊,因为这位小姐看上去至少比他年轻15岁。一天她又对汤姆招手并示意汤姆过去。于是汤姆走了过去。她问道,“您现在是单身吗?” “对,是单身,”汤姆满脸堆笑的说。 “我母亲也是,”她说,“您愿不愿意见见她
3. Mrs. Brown: Oh, my dear, I have lost my precious little dog!

Mrs. Smith: But you must put an advertisement in the papers!

Mrs. Brown: It's no use, my little dog can't read.






As the developement of social economics, people's living standard has increasingly improved, aviation is becoming the most important transportation way for people's daily life.

But people does not restrict their standards of traveling only in safety、convenience and speed, they more emphasis the service quality that are served for them. This requests us-the aviation companies to improve our qualities.

In order to check out what I've studied in my four years university, also for completing the job that belongs to my responsibility in my future work, the passage begins with the basic problems of services for aviation customer, for example, the basic define of services for aviation customer,the characteristics of services for aviation customer, and then research the importance of details services influence the services for aviation customer and how to improve services for aviation customer begins from the details aspect.

At last, author uses his own view to express the opinions of how to improve oneself for the aviation related employees in the modern time. Furthermore, author wishes to trigger the quality improvement of services for aviation customer according to this and try their best to create a feeling like staying at home for customers through the careful and best service. Besides that, author expects to make more harmonious relationship between customers and aviation employees.

As social and economic development and the people's living standards are improving, air travel has become an important day-to-day mode of transportation. People travel for the request has not only was safe, convenient, efficient, and more emphasis on their own by the start of the service quality, and this has given us the civil aviation enterprises to a higher demand. To their four years of university study results to be a test, but also the completion of a better future for their work, we are from the Civil Aviation passenger service starting with the basic issues, such as civil aviation passenger services the basic definition of the characteristics of the Civil Aviation passenger services, For further details of the study aviation service passenger service as well as the importance of the details of how to start improving the quality of services the Civil Aviation visitors! Finally, the authors express their own views on how to improve the new era of Civil Aviation employees and the self-perfection, hope to further promote the improvement of the quality of air services, and strive to meticulous and thorough service for visitors to create a feeling of being at home, more expectations make relations more harmonious by brigade.

As social and economic development and the people's living standards are improving, air travel has become an important day-to-day mode of transportation. People travel for the request has not only was safe, convenient, efficient, and more emphasis on their own by the start of the service quality, and this has given us the civil aviation enterprises to a higher demand. To their four years of university study results to be a test, but also the completion of a better future for their work, we are from the Civil Aviation passenger service starting with the basic issues, such as civil aviation passenger services the basic definition of the characteristics of the Civil Aviation passenger services, For further details of the study aviation service passenger service as well as the importance of the details of how to start improving the quality of services the Civil Aviation visitors! Finally, the authors express their own views on how to improve the new era of Civil Aviation employees and the self-perfection, hope to further promote the improvement of the quality of air services, and strive to meticulous and thorough service for visitors to create a feeling of being at home, more expectations make relations more harmonious by brigade.


Along with social economy's development, people's living standard enhances day by day, the aviation already became the important transportation way which the people go on a journey daily. Not only but the people regarding the journey request also already limited to were safe, convenient, quickly, more starts pay great attention the grade of service which one receive, this gave our commercial aviation enterprise to set a higher request. To make an examination to own university 4 year study achievement, simultaneously better will also complete the labor of duty for the present, this cultural spy the basic question which will serve from the commercial aviation passenger obtains, like the commercial aviation passenger will serve the basic definition, the commercial aviation passenger will serve the characteristic and so on, how then the research detail service the importance which will serve regarding the commercial aviation passenger as well as obtains from the detail aspect to improve the commercial aviation passenger grade of service! Finally, how did the author express by own viewpoint enhanced and consummates the self-opinion to the new time commercial aviation jobholders, hoped that could further promote the aviation grade of service enhancement by this, made every effort to build the home away from home take the careful thorough service as the passengers the feeling, expected that could cause while the travel relations to be more harmonious.


With society development of the economy, living standard of the people improves gradually , aviation already becomes people daily important traffic way going out to travel. That people is not limited to also already to the request going out to travel is safe , convenient , rapid but , more beginnings attach importance to service quality accepted by self , this gives our civil aviation enterprise to have brought forward higher request right away. Achievement makes a checkout for studying learning 4 years enthusiastically to self , accomplish the duty job more well at the same time also for the days to come, the main body of a book start with the fundamental problem that the civil aviation passenger serves specially, if civil aviation the fundamental definition that the passenger serves , the characteristic that the civil aviation passenger serves etc., and then the service quality studying detail serves the significance that the passenger serves to civil aviation and how to starting with detail aspect improving the civil aviation passenger! The author has expressed the idea how, to improve and perfect oneself to the new period civil aviation employee finally, with self viewpoint , has hoped the rise being able to promote aviation service quality on this account further , has made every effort to take being meticulous and attending to minute details in everything service as passengers building feeling just like very much at home , has expected to be able to make to take advantage of that brigade relation is especially harmonious more.


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