写出下列各词的反义词或对应词: ask------( ) up--------( ) like-------( )

来自:    更新日期:早些时候
ask (对应词)()~


1.cock watch 2.sit stand 3.open close
4.yes no 5.here there 6.in on
7.up down 8.black white 9.clever foolish
10.clean dirty 11.inside outside 12.dark bright
13.glad sad 14.easy difficult 15.same different
16.hard soft 17.fast slow 18.fat thin
30.quiet noisy 31.late early 33.long short

34.little big 36.these those
37.right(对的) 38.strong 39.quick 40.tall 41.light 42.pull 43.ask
44.throw 45.polite 46.much 47. many

ask-问-----( answer 答) up---上-----(down下 ) like-喜欢/不像------(hate厌恶/unlike不像 )
1.You'd better go to see your sister,( hadn't you )?
2.Let's go to school,( shall we )?
3.He hurt his foot yesterday,( didn't he )?


ask------(answer )回答 up--------( down) 向下like-------( hate)恨

1.You'd better go to see your sister,( would you )?
2.Let's go to school,( shall we )?
3.He hurt his foot yesterday,( did't he )?

ask---answer 回答
up---down 向下
like---dislike 不喜欢
1.You'd better go to see your sister,( hadn't you )?
2.Let's go to school,( shall we )?
3.He hurt his foot yesterday,( didn't he )?


1. hadn't you
2. shall we (如果前面为Let us或祈使句,后面为 will you)
3. didn't he

ask(问)对应 answer(回答)
up(上) 对应 down (下)
like(喜欢) 对应 hate (恨)

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