
来自:    更新日期:早些时候


Bruce's favorite food is chocolate.His parent and teacher ofen say that it's bad for his ___ to eat too much chocolate.But he doesn't belive it.He often puts some chocolate in the milk for breakfast,the juice for lunch ,even the soup for supper. ①( His mother has to put some chocolate in his bag )before he goes to school.Sometimes when she goes shopping with him,he won't leave the shop until she buys some chocolate for him.
②( The little boy came back from school with a painful look yesterday afternoon. )A toooth hurt and he had nothing .His mother made some soup for him.He wanted to put some chocolate in it,or refused to drink it.His mother had to agree.His father bought some ____for him,but it was useless .So the next morning his mother took him to the dentist's .The dentidt found that there was a cavity in his bad tooth .So he had to fill it with something.
“Now,young man,” said the dentist , “what kind of filling would you like for that tooth ?”
“Chocolate,please,”answered Bruce.

Lost Mayan civilization
Mayan civilization is one of the important ancient civilization, around 2000 BC, the Maya into the farming period, the beginning of the Mayan civilization in this regard. Mayan civilization and prosperity of the millennium, but in the 9th century AD, the Mayan diaspora seem like some sort of coincidentally received instructions, dozens of the ancient city was abandoned at the same time, they abandoned the fertile land to barren mountains migration, on the reasons for interruption of the Mayan civilization is still divided. Some people think that the Mayan population growth is undermining the ecological environment, resulting in its failure Sheng-polar; Some people think that is a plague to destroy the Maya; Some people think that is a civil war or foreign invasion led to destroy civilization. What comes from the Mayan to the reasons for his making, so far baffled the experts


Lost Maya civilization

The Maya culture is one of world important ancient civilizations, about 2000 B.C., the Maya person entered the agriculture time, the Maya civilization starts in light of this. Maya civilization prosperous two millenniums, but to the 9th century, lived scatteredly the Maya person as if likely has received some kind of instruction as if by prior agreement, at the same time dozens of ancient city-states is abandoned, they gave up the fertile land, to remote mountain migration which went out of cultivation, about the Maya civilization interrupt's reason, is still until now unable to agree. Some people thought that was the Maya population growth destroyed the ecological environment, caused its Sheng Jier to fade; Some people thought that was plague has destroyed the Maya person; Some people thought that is the civil war or other families invasion causes the civilization to be destroyed in a moment. Actually does the Maya person come from where, why goes because, to make the experts to be puzzled until now

Lost Mayan civilization
Mayan civilization is one of the important ancient civilization, around 2000 BC, the Maya into the farming period, the beginning of the Mayan civilization in this regard. Mayan civilization and prosperity of the millennium, but in the 9th century AD, the Mayan diaspora seem like some sort of coincidentally received instructions, dozens of the ancient city was abandoned at the same time, they abandoned the fertile land to barren mountains migration, on the reasons for interruption of the Mayan civilization is still divided. Some people think that the Mayan population growth is undermining the ecological environment, resulting in its failure Sheng-polar; Some people think that is a plague to destroy the Maya; Some people think that is a civil war or foreign invasion led to destroy civilization. What comes from the Mayan to the reasons for his making, so far baffled the experts

Mayan civilization is one of the world's most important ancient civilization,The Maya went into the farming period around 2000 BC.Mayan civilization began in this regard. Mayan civilization and prosperity of the millennium, but in the 9th century AD, the Mayan diaspora seem like some sort of coincidentally received instructions, dozens of the ancient cities were abandoned at the same time, they abandoned the fertile land to barren mountains migration, on the reasons for interruption of the Mayan civilization is still divided. Some people think that the Mayan population growth is undermining the ecological environment, resulting in its failure Sheng-polar; Some people think that is a plague that destroyed the Maya; Some people think that is a civil war or foreign invasion led to destroy civilization. What comes from the Mayan to the reasons for his making,baffling the experts until now.


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    史邰唐Mayan civilization is one of the important ancient civilization, around 2000 BC, the Maya into the farming period, the beginning of the Mayan civilization in this regard. Mayan civilization and prosperity of the millennium, but in the 9th century AD, the Mayan diaspora seem like some...

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