
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

应该是 :i saw you walking in the rain

是不是 手嶌葵-the rose
反正是the rose,但是版本很多,女版的不少,手嶌葵的最好听。

high in the sky
歌手:golden earring 专辑:on the double
The time has gone
But your face baby, is still here on my mind
The tears I cried have filled the rivers,
Lakes, seas, but not the time
I hear your voice through the wind
Whispering tender, sweet sweet as wine
But remember I'm coming to that
Place where your love is still shining
Although my eyes are wet
I still see the lovely moments in the shadow of your name
And so I think of you and remember
The day He put out the flame

I'll come high in the sky
Where your love is blooming
Like a flower on a field
I'll come high in the sky
Where your love is blooming
Pure and real

Yes, the time has gone
And gone for me is the time to spent here on earth
I'll cry my tears knowing that you are waiting for me
Could it be worse
I reach my hand
While you are reaching your hand out for me

live on my mind
歌手:cockburn bruce 专辑:the charity of night
See you standing in the door against the dark
Fireflies around you like a crown of sparks
You blow me a kiss that blurs my vision
Blurs the human condition
Cockburn Bruce
You're the ocean ringing in my brain
You are my island ripe with cane
Catch the scent of strange flowers when you pass
Fluid motion like the wind in grass
It's your eyes I want to see
Looking into mine
Got you live on my mind
All the time
Light me like incense in the night
Light me like a candle burning bright
Light me like a searchlight in the sky
Time means nothing when I look in your eyes
It's your eyes I want to see
Looking into mine
Got you live on my mind
All the time
Repeat Chorus



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