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~ 亲爱的马克:





  • 19441059523请会英文的帮忙把这段话翻译成中文。
    段维瑞答:亲爱的马克:纽约市终于迎来了一个真正的 销售经理 。我恭祝您的乔迁之喜。您的 营销能力 在公司里首屈一指,或许,您就是这个行业里最好的营销人才。您的热忱和心智将使公司受益匪浅,我深信,不久后您就会带领整个公司成为这一行业的 领军者 。纯手工翻译 ...

  • 19441059523请英语高手帮我把以下这段中文翻译成英文。这段话是我为英语演讲比赛写...
    段维瑞答:We need to thank our parents, our friends and our teachers. But don't forget, we've got one more person who deservs our thanks. That's we ourselves. Thanks to our courage, we can calmly solve the problems we meet in our life and study. Thanks to our confidence, we can...

  • 19441059523急!请英语高手帮我把这段翻译成汉语
    段维瑞答:foreman, maintenance foreman, and chief draftsman. Within six years he advanced to research director, then chief engineer. While working there he introduced piece work in the factory. His goal was to find the

  • 19441059523请会英语的群狼们将这段话翻译成英文 谢谢了 麻烦拜托了
    段维瑞答:besmear again burns (cream, such as drugs. Suggest you standing a home burn creams, happened in small area burns, spread on affected area, can anti-inflammatory pain, help restore. Minor burns in daily life is very common,

  • 19441059523(汉译英)请英语高手帮忙把以下这段话翻译成英文,急用,请勿用翻译软件等...
    段维瑞答:to the world which gives us life. We are thankful to our parents, when we gradually grow up, for their raising us up with hardwork. we are thankful to our teachers, when we read in the morning, for their teaching us knowledge. we are thankful to our friends, for a friend...

  • 19441059523请帮我把下面这段英文翻译成中文,谢绝网络翻译。
    段维瑞答:SOMETHING FOR YOU TO PONDER The following is something to ponder if you don't know what to be thankful for.你应该考虑一些东西 如果你不知道该对什么存有感激之心,请考虑以下事情。If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep ...

  • 19441059523英文高手帮忙翻译这段话 中翻英 急**
    段维瑞答:1.take a rest and braeth some fresh air.braeth some fresh air can make you head relax and prevent the forming of presure.2、转移并释放压力。做一下体育运动,体育运动能使我很好地发泄,运动完之后我会感到很轻松,不知不觉间就可以把压力释放出去。2.tranfer and release presur.take ...

  • 19441059523请英语高手帮忙翻译一段中文至英文
    段维瑞答:Western countries and we have different historical origins, in some habits will have different views, for example, in some animals on the image of the story. English-speaking countries of dog, and our country on the "dragon" has special feelings, it is a symbol of Han nationality...

  • 19441059523请用英语帮我翻译一下下面这段话。谢谢。
    段维瑞答:I will guide you to taste the local snack of BeiJing. From 2.pm to 4.pm we will visit YiHe Garden. From 6.pm to 8.pm we will watch Peking Opera. We wll return LiHua Middle School at 9.am. I believe we will have a good time tomorrow.翻译的好差啊,我自己都受不了啦...

  • 19441059523求懂英语的,请来帮我把这段中文翻译成英文!
    段维瑞答:moreover as early as in the boyknew in front of girl on the sentiment root dark kind, the boy onlyhas what a pity worked as she was the younger sister. For the kernelis righteousness, the girl wants to help her the good sisters, chosehas evaded: No longer to the boy sai...

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