
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

The conflagration should adopt correct outfire method when happening and select and use the appropriate outfire implement diving to save actively, think that the hermetic room inner is on fire , not having been ready not to open doors and windows in front of equipment and material cutting out an engine,; Allocate the since "119" gives an alarm , speaks clear place , fire tendency , person full name and telephone number giving an alarm , send person to get rid of the neighbourhood crossing greeting a fire engine and. Need to remain calm when fleeing for one's life, the be swift with self's judgement danger place and safety place, withdraw from as soon as possible; Be not allowed to swarm out or be reluctant to leave property, pass through fire zone time using the clothing and other articales of daily use soddening to drape wrapping the body to the full , cover up the mouth nose , press close to the floor; Be sure not to run , may roll about on the spot if being on fire on one's body,on one's body flame pressure is killed , is plunge into close water middle, or is intimidate the seedling cutting out an engine with clothing and other articales of daily use coverage thick and heavy or; Flee for one's life if the body place seeks upstairs, not making progress downward like the road , flee for one's life again downward when not having been on fire for sure downstairs. When the storey is not taller than mssingle if stairs or entrance is closed up by the conflagration,may make use of cloth , bed sheet , carpet , curtain etc. to manufacture cord , flee for one's life by the fact that balcony , time of waterpipe etc. glides over in the window,; And way out is arrived at other quilt should withdraw from mssingle if the storey is high,interior, close the door , window leading to blowing area, the doors and windows using wet cloth , towel etc. to seal off mssingle of blowing area direction conditionally, uses water to irrigate the doors and windows wet , drawing near one side not having fire at the same time unceasingly calling for help. The flashlight , calico available oscillate issuing SOS , may by no means in the evening ride in electric elevator, spring neither but imprudently building.

There was a big fire in one office building in our neighborhood at about nine4 o’clock last night.

Many firemen and fire engines came. In the beginning,

we saw flames with thick black smoke coming out from the sixth floor;

and we also heard the explosion of the gas tank mixed with the noisy sounds from shattering windows.

Soon the fire spread one by one to the floors above, and finally reach the top floor.

Some aluminum window frames and some brick walls meted and collapsed from the heat.

Many people like myself stood outside on the streets watching the fire in horror as we heard the sirens and gas explosions.

Luckily there was no one in that office building when the fire broke out.

The fire-men were unable to control the fire until the top floor was burned out;

it took about one and a half hours for the firemen to put out the big fire.

The next morning newspapers carried the story and pictures of the fire.

1 世博真美 城市,让生活更美好!”在一声声口号中,世博的脚步离我们越来越近了。走在大街小巷,随处可见世博明星——“海宝”正热情地向我们打着招呼,周围的人们个个热情高涨,迎接着2010年的到来。我这个小东道主当然也不能懈怠,利用双休日去社区学习世博英语。一大早,我背起书包,一边哼着小调,一边走出了家门。只见小区里的爷爷、奶奶们已经早早地出来锻炼身体:有的舞弄着剑,有的打起了太极拳,有的则一边遛狗,一边散步,好不热闹啊!我想到待会儿又能学上几句世博英语,说不定在世博会召开期间真能派上用场,心里别提有多高兴了,连走路的步伐也加快了。走着,走着,忽然觉得脚底下软软的,黏黏的。定睛一看,发现自己原来踩到了一堆狗屎上。雪白的球鞋被弄脏了,这怎么办?谁这么缺德呀?我环顾一下四周,不见狗和它的主人。我暗暗生气,心想:这些狗真不懂文明,随地大小便可是影响市容的行为。千万别让我碰到那只狗和他的主人,看我怎么收拾你?看着又脏又臭的球鞋,刚才那份快乐早就被抛到九霄云外去了,我只能飞奔回家,重新换了一双鞋。这回,我吸取教训,边走边看清地上。咦,刚才被我踩到的那堆狗屎前怎么蹲着个小弟弟?我连忙三步并作两步,走上前去看个究竟。只见,小弟弟的皮鞋前端也被弄脏了,看来他也是个倒霉蛋。“小弟弟,别……”我刚想上前劝道,可眼前的一幕让我惊呆了。只见,小弟弟打开一张餐巾纸,笨拙地把纸盖在了狗屎上。多臭啊!万一脏东西弄到弟弟手上,那可怎么办?我连忙一把拉起小弟弟,说:“小弟弟,这脏东西可不能碰呀!”小弟弟忽闪着眼睛,笑着说:“哥哥,幼儿园老师告诉我,再过500天就是世博会了,我们小朋友也要为世博出一份力啊!”我一下子懵了,我怎么没想到呢?平时,我和同学们嘴上总说要为世博出力,可怎么偏偏忘记应从身边做起,从小事做起呢?我感到脸上火辣辣的中国教育文摘。我把小弟弟扶到一旁,转身来到那堆狗屎前,刚蹲下身子,一股恶臭就直朝我的鼻子里钻。我一面用左手捂住鼻子,一面快速地拾起那脏东西,飞也似的把它扔进垃圾箱里。不知什么时候,小弟弟的妈妈出现在了我们的身旁,对着我们连声说“你们真棒,不愧是城市小主人呀!”我真有点不好意思了。我告别了这对母子,又继续上路。早春的早晨,风还有点刺骨,但我觉得整个人特别清爽。我仿佛看到2010年,许许多多的外国友人从四面八方来到我们上海,他们正翘起大拇指说:“城市,让生活更美好!”世博真美! 2与书结缘 培根写过的一篇《论学习》中提到过这样一句话:“读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,论理学使人庄重,逻辑修辞之学使人善辩;凡有所学,皆成性格。”读书可以丰富我们的课余生活,使我们增长知识,开阔视野。在我们写作业时,有写不懂、不清楚的问题我们可以翻阅书籍,比如可以翻阅《十万个为什么》等等的书籍;在有写字不会写的时候或不懂其意思的时候,我们可以翻阅工具书,如《新华字典》等等的书籍。书的用处很广,我们随时都可以用到它。我读的书并不是很多很多,但我把书的内容大概地记在了脑子里。所以我在写作文时就可以把我所记在脑子的好词好句恰倒好处地用在作文里,使作文画龙点睛。试卷上的题目,比如说:写古诗,填反义词、近义词都是我在书里学到的知识。把书里学到的知识活学活用,这就是我写作业的作风;把书里的优美语句用在作文里,这已经成了习惯。不仅书中的知识可以用在学习上,还可以用在生活中。比如突然面临火灾我们该怎么办,家中有人煤气中毒我们该怎么办,怎样搭配食物才能营养均衡……与书结缘吧!读书,可以充实自己,可以感受到读书的乐趣,可以感受到学习、生活的乐趣。

The fire hazard at homeThere used be a fire hazard in my house several years ago.It was because the stove fire lost control,with lots of fire went around the house.The sheets,the clothes,the furniture all caught fire.Everything that were in the fire,it was terrible.We had to do something to stop it.We went out with wet towel cover the face to get some walter to fight the fire.with barrels of water pourred onto the fire,the fire ended finally.


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