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~ 现在互联网电商越来越普及, 网上购物的人也越来越多了. 很多人在淘宝网上开网店创业赚取人生的第一笔佣金! 那么淘宝网上开店怎么开, 如何在淘宝网上开店,步骤如下:
Now the popularity of the Internet, online shopping also more and more. A lot of people online venture in Taobao online earning life first commission! So Taobao the set up shop on the net how to open, how to set up shop in Taobao online, the steps are as follows:
准备清晰的开店人身份证正反面扫描件(电子版)。 Prepare clear shop person Id positive and negative scan (electronic version).

清晰的自己的上半身照一级自己上半身照手持身份证正面的照片(电子版)如果自己没有照相机,建议去照相馆拍照或者扫描,手机拍照、电脑摄像头拍照的不行。 注意,下面这两张照片要求图片背景一致、并且手持身份证的照片,必须能够看清身份证上的文字,放大后,要求与本人身份证正面照片清晰度一致或者接近。 Clear your upper body level your upper body ID card hand positive pictures (electronic version) if you didn't have a camera, suggest to go to the studio photo or scan, mobile phone camera, computer camera no.. Note, these two photographs, and consistent picture background requirements of handheld ID photos, jumeituan.uz.taobao.com,must be able to see the identity card on the text, after amplification, and the requirement of my identity card positive picture clarity the same or close.

打开淘宝网,点击左上角的,免费注册,见下图 Open the taobao.com, free registration, click on the upper left corner, see below

注册成功淘宝会员名和支付宝一并注册成功,你的淘宝会员名,就是你自己取的那个名字,你的支付宝账户,就是你的手机号!你支付宝的登陆密码和淘宝会员名的登陆密码是一样的。 The success of the registration Taobao member name and pay treasure to be registered, you Taobao member name, is the name of your own choosing, your Alipay account, is your mobile phone number! Your Alipay account login password and Taobao members login password is the same, we'll set about payment password.
登陆到支付宝 支付宝的登陆网页,打开这个网站,输入你的支付宝账户(你的手机号)然后输入支付宝登陆密码(和你淘宝会员名的登陆密码是一样的,然后点击登陆)登陆后,点击安全中心设置支付宝登陆密码和支付密码。 Here, I want to give their own Alipay real name authentication check. Click the image above right, login to the Alipay Alipay login Webpage, everyone must remember ah, open the site, enter your Alipay account (your mobile phone number) and then enter the Alipay login password (and you Taobao members login password is the same, then click the landing) after landing, click the security center

支付宝实名认证的方法和步骤,登陆你的淘宝网,并点击卖家中心,免费开店实名认证。 Pay treasure authentication methods and steps, landing your taobao.com sellers, and click on the center, free shop real name authentication.

支付宝公司,在1-2天之间,会给你的银行卡打入一笔钱,其金额肯定在1元以下但不能确定具体是多少,如果给你银行打款成功,支付宝会给你手机发短信通知你,让你登陆你的网银查看,登陆网银后,点击查看账户明细,选择日期-往前推两天!其中,你会发现有一笔收入金额,在1元以下的,备注是支付宝,记住金额(如:0.12 、0.36 等等)然后登陆淘宝网,同样点击卖家中心、免费开店、开店认证、开通实名认证(注意,此时会出现让你输入大款金额,将支付宝给你的打款金额,正确的输入到框框里面,点击提交确认,如果你输入的金额正确,网银认证就通过啦! 网银认证通过后,再次登录淘宝会员名,同样点击卖家中心、免费开店、开店认证, 等待1-2个工作日,淘宝官方小二审核通过完毕,支付宝的整个实名认证过程就完毕啦!完成实名认证、开店考试、完善店铺信息,就拥有了属于你自己的淘宝网店铺啦!开始创业吧! The company paid, in between 1-2 days, will give you the bank card into a sum of money, the amount must be in 1 yuan of the following but cannot identify the specific is how much, if the bank to give you hit a success, Alipay will give you mobile phone to send text messages to inform you, let you login to your net view, after landing net, click View account details, select a date - pushing two days! Among them, you'll find out there is a sum of the amount of income, 1 yuan in the following, the note is to pay treasure, remember the amount (such as: 0.12, 0.36 and so on) then login taobao.com, also click seller center, free shop, shop certification, opened the real name authentication (note that, at this time will appear allowing you to input the amount will be wealthy, pay treasure to give you the amount of play money, the correct input to inside the frame, click the submit confirmation, if you enter the correct amount, authentication through! Net after authentication, log on again Taobao member name, click the seller the same center, free shop, shop certification, Waiting for 1-2 working days, Taobao official second through the audit is completed, the real name authentication process Alipay is over! Complete the real name authentication, shop test, improve store information, have taobao.com shop belong to your own! Get a move on!


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    栾苇刘答:在开设淘宝网店的过程中,新手应当遵循以下步骤:1. 准备操作系统环境:使用联想Y7000P笔记本电脑,安装Windows 10操作系统,并配置360安全浏览器v14.1.1265.0。2. 访问淘宝网站首页,在右上角点击“免费注册”链接。3. 在注册页面设定您的密码和会员名称,完成后点击“登录”按钮。4. 登录成功后,在...

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    栾苇刘答:一、学习淘宝规则 在开店之前,建议题主及其他新手卖家花几天时间详细了解淘宝规则,就像进入商场开店前要了解商场的规则一样。淘宝规则官网网址:https://rule.taobao.com/index.htm 二、了解开店条件 开店条件包括:- 年满18周岁 - 拥有自己的身份证 - 一个人,一个身份证只能开通一家网店 三、...

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    栾苇刘答:现在互联网电商越来越普及, 网上购物的人也越来越多了. 很多人在淘宝网上开网店创业赚取人生的第一笔佣金! 那么淘宝网上开店怎么开, 如何在淘宝网上开店,步骤如下:Now the popularity of the Internet, online shopping also more and more. A lot of people online venture in Taobao online earning...

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  • 15065633858淘宝网店开店详细流程步骤是什么?
    栾苇刘答:3. 找到并点击“更多”选项。4. 在展开的选项中,再次向左滑动,找到“免费开店”并点击进入。5. 选择“个人入驻”选项,如果你是以企业身份注册,则选择“企业入驻”。通常,使用个人身份证注册选择“个人入驻”。6. 按照页面提示完成身份证认证和面部识别认证。这两个步骤完成后,你的网店便成功认证...

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  • 15065633858如何注册淘宝网店开网店详细步骤流程是什么?
    栾苇刘答:随着电子商务的兴起,越来越多的商家希望加入这一浪潮,开设自己的在线店铺。在众多电商平台中,淘宝平台因其用户基数庞大而成为一个热门选择。以下是将指导您如何在中国淘宝网上开设网店的详细步骤:1. 创建淘宝账户 访问淘宝官方网站,点击“免费注册”按钮。您可以选择通过手机号码或电子邮件地址进行注册。

  • 15065633858如何开淘宝网店铺的流程和步骤
    栾苇刘答:现在互联网电商越来越普及,网上购物的人也越来越多。很多人在淘宝网上开网店,创业赚取人生的第一笔佣金!那么在淘宝网上开店怎么操作,如何在淘宝网上开店,步骤如下:1. 准备清晰的开店人身份证正反面扫描件(电子版)。2. 准备清晰的自己的上半身照以及自己上半身照手持身份证正面的照片(电子版)。

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