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莎士比亚(William Shakespeare, 1564-1616),伟大的英国文学家。在其作品中,Hamlet( 哈姆雷特)、Othello(奥瑟罗)、King Lear(李尔王)、Macbeth (麦克白),故事均取自欧洲的历史传说。自十九世纪始,它们即被公认为是莎翁的「四大悲剧」
威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare,1564--1616)欧洲文艺复兴时期最杰出的戏剧家和诗人。对他的一切现在还都有许多疑问,在没有确证之前,我们仍然沿用大家熟知的这个被称作莎士比亚的人。他读书时就卓尔不凡,可能当过教师,对诗歌和戏剧都感兴趣,在剧院干过许多行当,大概在1590年固定于伦敦的一家剧院当演员和写剧本。莎士比亚早期的创作中已显示出他人文主义思想,对当时社会的方方面面都有自己深刻的理解。对爱情、对金钱、对人性和对社会的贫富等都有鲜明的描写。
《哈姆雷特》Hamlet 英文简介

The King of Denmark dies suddenly, and within two months his widow, Gertrude, now Queen of Denmark, marries his brother Claudius. Hamlet, his son, fears that Claudius killed his own brother (Hamlet's father) to become king of Denmark Hamlet's friend Horatio, advises him that his father’s ghost has been seen walking at night. Hamlet then wits with Horatio the next evening to see the late King Hamlet's ghost appear at midnight. The ghost tells Hamlet privately that Claudius had him, by pouring poison in his ear. This enrages Hamlet and he begins to plots of how to revenge his father's death. He begins to act like a madman, prompting King Claudius, his wife Gertrude, and his advisor Polonius to send Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to spy on Hamlet and figure out why he is acting mad. Even Ophelia, whom Hamlet was in love with, gets treated rudely, prompting Polonius to believe Hamlet is madly in love with her, though Gertrude suspects it is because of his father’s death. Polonius, a busy body who jumps to hasty conclusions, allows Laertes to go to France and had orders Ophelia not to associate with Hamlet. Hamlet convinces an acting company to reenact King Hamlet's death before Claudius, disguised as play written by Hamlet, in the hope that Claudius will confess. Though Claudius is enraged, and Hamlet’s mother tries to reason with Hamlet after the play. Polonius insisted on staying behind a curtain while she spoke with him and hears Polonius, and kills him through the curtain, thinking the person is Claudius. Hamlet regrets it when he realizes it was Polonius, and Claudius still banishes him to England, accompanied by Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, who are carrying orders that the English execute Hamlet. After Hamlet leaves, Laertes returns from France, enraged over his father’s death, and is horrified to find that Ophelia has reacted to her father's death with utter madness. She eventually falls in a stream while gathering wildflowers and drowns, thus building more resentment in Laertes. Meanwhile, Hamlet finding the orders and switching them to order Rosencrantz and Guildenstern killed, returns to Denmark and is met by Horatio. Claudius is now desperate to rid himself of Hamlet, and convinces Laertes to duel Hamlet for revenge over his father. To ensure the kill, the tip of Laertes' sword is poisoned and Claudius also poisons the victory cup in case Hamlet wins. During the fight, the poisoned drink is offered to Hamlet, he declines, and instead his mother, Gertrude, drinks it over the objection of Claudius Laertes, losing to Hamlet, illegally scratches him with the poisoned sword to ensure Hamlet's death and Hamlet (unknowingly), grabs Laertes sword and cuts and poisons him. The queen is dying, and screams that she has been poisoned. Laertes, dying, admits of Claudius' treachery. Even though he is weakening fast, Hamlet fatally stabs Claudius, and Hamlet begins his death speech. Though Horatio wants to commit suicide out of sorrow, Hamlet entreats him to tell the story of King Hamlet's death and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern's deaths to so they will be avenged. . Fortinbras, the prince of Norway, arrives from conquest of England, and Hamlet's last dying wish is that Fortinbras become the new King of Denmark.
《麦克白》Macbeth 英文简介

Macbeth is one of Shakespeares greatest tragedies: a drama of crime and punishment, of temptation, guilt, remorse and retribution. The portrayals of Macbeth himself and his wife are memorably persuasive in the rendition of the psychology of ambition,rationalised treachery and eventual disillusionment. Repeatedly the rich and often sinuously complex verse gives general resonance to the particular situation, so that some of the speechesprovide enduring epitomes of states of being which many of us,intermittently, may experience. Inner division, pangs of conscience, the sense of being ambushed by events, and desperatedefiance: they are there; but so too is a vitality of expression and enactment which offsets the plays sombre atmosphere.
《李尔王》King Lear 简介

The Wordsworth Classics Shakespeare Series presents a newly-edited sequence of William Shakespeares works.The textual editing takes account of recent scholarship while giving the material a careful reappraisal.King Lear has been widely acclaimed as Shakespeares most powerful tragedy. Elemental and passionate, it encompasses the horrific and the heart-rending. Love and hate, loyalty and treachery, cruelty and self-sacrifice: all these contend in a tempestuous drama which has become an enduring classic of the worlds literature. In the theatre and on screen King Lear continues to challenge and enthral.
《奥瑟罗》Othello 英文简介

The Wordsworth Classics' Shakespeare Series,with Henty V and The Merchant of Venice as its inaugural volumes,presents a newly-edited sequence of Willian Shakespeare's works.The textual editing takes account of recet scholarship while giving the material a careful reappraisal.Othello has long been recognised as one of the most powerful of Shakespeare's tragedies. This is an intense drama of love. deception, lealousy and destruction.Desdemona's love torOthello the Moor. transcends racial prejudice: but the envious lago conspires to devastate their lives. In its vivid rendering ot racism,sexism, contested identities, and the savagery lurking within civilisation, Othello is arguably the most topical and accessible tragedy from Shakespeare's major phase as a dramatist. Productions on stage and screen regularly renew its power to engross, impress and trouble the imagination.
哈姆雷特中文简介:也被翻译成《哈姆莱特》。英文原名为“The Tragedy of Hamlet,Prince of Denmark”(丹麦王子哈姆雷特的悲剧),简称Hamlet,又名王子复仇记,威廉·莎士比亚的著名悲剧之一,是莎士比亚最负盛名的剧本,同《麦克白》、《李尔王》[2]和《奥赛罗》一起组成莎士比亚“四大悲剧”。在《哈姆雷特》中,复仇的故事中交织着爱恨情愁。同时,哈姆雷特也是该剧主人公丹麦王子的名字。



The four tragedies of Shakespeare, including" Hamlet,"" Othello"," King"," Mike white", the story is taken from the European historical legends.
Hamlet is referred to as Hamlet, also known as the prince's revenge, William Shakespeare's famous tragedies, is Shakespeare 's most famous plays, in" Hamlet", revenge story of love hate feeling sorrow.
Othello" is to the end of the fifteenth Century Cyprus island as the stage. The protagonist Otero is a black moor, as the Venice army commander. He was listening to his words, killing the beautiful chaste wife Daisy de Mona. To understand the truth of the matter after the intersection, remorse, finally from the knife, follow wife in spring of.



  • 18892638958威廉莎士比亚四大悲剧简介

  • 18892638958莎士比亚的四大悲剧简介(只要几句)

  • 18892638958莎士比亚的四大悲剧?
    窦星朱莎士比亚的四大悲剧指的是:《哈姆雷特》、《奥赛罗》、《李尔王》、《麦克白》《哈姆雷特》讲述了叔叔克劳狄斯威了篡取了王位,谋害哈姆雷特的父亲,哈姆雷特王子因此为父王向叔叔复仇的故事 《奥赛罗》 讲述了威尼斯大将奥赛罗,与元老之女苔丝狄蒙娜结为夫妻,奥赛罗因他人妻子与他人有私情,亲手将妻子掐死...

  • 18892638958简述莎士比亚的“四大悲剧”和“四大喜剧”。
    窦星朱一、四大悲剧 1、《哈姆雷特(Hamlet)》是由英国剧作家威廉·莎士比亚创作于1599年至1602年间的一部悲剧作品。戏剧讲述了叔叔克劳狄斯谋害了哈姆雷特的父亲,篡取了王位,并娶了国王的遗孀乔特鲁德;哈姆雷特王子因此为父王向叔叔复仇。2、《麦克白》的故事,大体上是根据古英格兰史学家拉斐尔·霍林献特的...

  • 18892638958莎士比亚写的四大悲剧简介
    窦星朱莎士比亚四大悲剧包括《哈姆雷特》、《奥赛罗》、《李尔王》、《麦克白》, 是其悲剧作品中最著名的四部。故事均取自欧洲的历史传说。《哈》剧写的是丹麦王子哈姆雷特回国奔丧,父王鬼魂诉冤,嘱其报仇。王子装疯,安排“戏中戏”,证实了新王杀兄的罪行。错杀大臣后,王子被打发出国,他洞察新王阴谋,...

  • 18892638958莎士比亚的四大悲剧都有哪些?

  • 18892638958莎士比亚四大悲剧简介及欣赏
    窦星朱在艺术上,莎士比亚的悲剧作品情节复杂,人物形象鲜明,心理刻画深刻,氛围营造凄凉,语言富有诗意。如《哈姆雷特》中的经典独白,展现了哈姆雷特内心的挣扎;《麦克白》中的血腥和黑暗氛围,预示着麦克白的崩溃;《李尔王》中的暴雨荒野一场,凸显了 Lear 的孤独和绝望。这些元素共同构成了莎士比亚悲剧的永恒...

  • 18892638958莎士比亚四大悲剧简介(莎士比亚四大悲剧和喜剧)

  • 18892638958莎士比亚的四大悲剧是哪些?

  • 18892638958莎士比亚的四大悲剧是指什么

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