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瑞秋·格林(Rachel Karen Green)千金大小姐,逃婚后先做咖啡店侍女,后在时尚界工作。
莫妮卡·盖勒(Monica Erin Geller,婚后加姓Bing)厨师,喜欢事物整洁分类,争强好胜。
菲比·布菲(Phoebe Buffay)行为古怪的按摩师,喜欢弹吉他唱歌,著名歌曲是《臭臭猫》(Smelly Cat)。
罗斯·盖勒(Ross Eustace Geller)古生物学教授,离过三次婚,有时喜欢斤斤计较。
钱德勒·宾(Chandler Muriel Bing)公司主管,自以为有很强幽默感,有时缺乏自信。因此“用幽默来掩盖自己的不自信”。
乔伊·崔比安尼(Joey Francis Tribbiani)演员,喜欢食物和美女,头脑简单但有爱心。


village people - y.m.c.a
Village People
Young man, there's no need to feel down.
I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground.
I said, young man, 'cause you're in a new town
There's no need to be unhappy.
Young man, there's a place you can go.
I said, young man, when you're short on your dough.
You can stay there, and I'm sure you will find
Many ways to have a good time.
It's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A.
They have everything for you men to enjoy,
You can hang out with all the boys ...
It's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A.
You can get yourself cleaned, you can have a good meal,
You can do whatever you feel ...
Young man, are you listening to me?
I said, young man, what do you want to be?
I said, young man, you can make real your dreams.
But you got to know this one thing!
No man does it all by himself.
I said, young man, put your pride on the shelf,
And just go there, to the Y-M-C-A.
I'm sure they can help you today.
It's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A.
They have everything for you men to enjoy,
You can hang out with all the boys ...
It's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A.
You can get yourself cleaned, you can have a good meal,
You can do whatever you feel ...
Young man, I was once in your shoes.
I said, I was down and out with the blues.
I felt no man cared if I were alive.
I felt the whole world was so tight ...
That's when someone came up to me,
And said, young man, take a walk up the street.
There's a place there called the Y-M-C-A.
They can start you back on your way.
It's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A.
They have everything for you men to enjoy,
You can hang out with all the boys ...

Jennifer Aniston Pitt (Rachel Karen Green)

在Matthew Perry(钱德勒扮演者)接到老板华纳兄弟的威胁后,Jen曾任他的私人教练帮他减肥。
之前可没有这么好的身材,为了能有大突破,她的经理人让她减了30磅。在2000年7月29日嫁给了已经大红大紫的William Bradley Pitt(布拉德.皮特)。在2000年10月25日,她正式的把姓氏改为Pitt,但在电影电视的演员表里仍用娘家姓Aniston。有趣的是,Pitt在Friends中客串的角色是最讨厌瑞秋的高中同学。
禁止老公Brad Pitt和性感的Nicole Kidman(汤姆.克鲁斯前妻)合演新电影Mr. And Mrs. Smith。不知道是否因为这样,史密斯夫妇的女主角换成Angelina Jolie(主要作品:古墓丽影系列),最新的消息是Pitt已经成为前夫并且正和Angelina Jolie打得火热,而Jennifer则终日以泪洗面。

Courteney Bass Cox Arquette(Monica Geller)

Courteney Cox是家中四个孩子中最小的,在她10岁的时候父母19年的婚姻结束了,Courteney和兄姐们留在了母亲身边。但和父亲非常亲近。
成名前的遭遇和“Friends”中的Joey颇相似,在多个肥皂剧里演一些小角色。在1985年,她参演了NBC的连续剧Misfits of Science,饰演一固定角色,但节目不受欢迎被迫在四个月后取消。是Friends开播时六人里最著名的人。也是Friends六人里唯一没有被提名过艾美奖的。
1999年6月,Courteney嫁给了David Arquette,Scream(惊声尖叫)里一起合作的演员。

Lisa Kudrow (Phoebe Buffay)

拍摄Phoebe和Ursula同时出场时,Lisa的姐姐Helene Sherman演了Phoebe/Ursula的背部。
看完Rachel生Emma那集,Lisa的老公Michel Stern想要给儿子Julian添一个弟弟或妹妹。

Matt LeBlanc (Joey Tribbiani)

在Friends试镜的前一天晚上Matt喝醉摔倒了,所以第二天脸上有两块疤。因为试镜当天他穿着皮裤,所以给David(罗斯扮演者)留下了很不好的印象。 在得到Joey这个角色时,他的口袋里只剩下了11美元。
1998年,Matt和模特Melissa McKnight订婚,终于在2003年5月3日于夏威夷正式完婚并成为是两个孩子的继父。

Matthew Perry (Chandler Muriel Bing)

Julia Roberts -演员; 1995-1996
Jennifer Capriati-职业网球手

David Schwimmer (Ross Geller)

David参演、导演和编写了Band of Brothers(兄弟连),并在里面饰演一个反面角色。
曾拒演Men In Black(黑超特警组)里Will Smith所演角色。
几位绯闻女友均是歌手或演员,现任女友是porn star,不过只出现在Playboy和一些soft core web sites。David带她出席了艾美奖颁奖礼。(不知道现在还是不是“现任”)


Ross is geeky and a bit selfish, bitching about things all the time. I would say he's the weakest character in the show - after all he does live in a different building. But he does also have a gentle and sensitive side, which is what people love him for.
Monica is of course the strongest character. Compulsive cleaning, fiery, and of course loving. Anything you would see in a mum you see in Monica. A bit hard to deal with sometimes but she takes care of everyone as the hostess.
Rachel is so like every other character Jennifer Aniston has every played. Next door girl, cute with good fashion sense, a little spoiled and careless but strong at heart. Nice buffer for any show.
Joey is my favourite. He has such a big heart, always loving always caring for people he loves, but never in a pushy way. He has lots of cute little moves, he'd do anything to make his friends happy, and of course he's also the hottest.
Phoebe is also a unique character. Toughed it up by herself through lots of bad things, but still keeps a genuine, loving heart. She lives in her own world and she lives it good and proud, not being taken down by the big society. Who doesn't love her little craziness?
Chandler is seemingly the least stand-out one but actually probably the most important one. He represents most people - good-hearted, tries to fit in and be funny - Which doesn't always work with other people but that's where most jokes of the show come from.

Chandler who is quite funny, with the baddest thanksgiving ever, because his parents got divorced. Who sometimes gives cold jokes.

Monica who of course is the strongest character in the show. Compulsive cleaning and fiery.

Ross is geeky and a bit selfish, bitching about things all the time. after all he does live in a different building. But he does also have a gentle and sensitive side, which is what people love him for. But he had divorced for three times.

Phoebe who doesn't really care about how other people thinks about her. Also she always do some weird stuff.

Rachel: Rachel's this kind and nice person, she was once called a pushover by Phoebe cause she really cares about others' feelings a lot. She was a "princess"kind of person at first and didn't know how to be independent and live life without the money of her fathers, but with the help of the other 5, she was able to be the person she wanted to be. And she is the person who Ross had a crush fro high school.

Joey: pretty man with no brain...likes to hook up with girls but was never really in a serious relationship, maybe he's not ready for something like that. he still seems to have the IQ of a kid, and never seems to have grown in the 10 years of friends...he might not be that serious on love but I know that cares a lot about his friends.

Rachel: Rachel's this kind and nice person, she was once called a pushover by Phoebe cause she really cares about others' feelings a lot. She was a "princess"kind of person at first and didn't know how to be independent and live life without the money of her fathers, but with the help of the other 5, she was able to be the person she wanted to be. I didn't like her at first because of her being so spoiled but later I found out that she had a great personality, she cares a lot about other people and has a loving heart. Maybe that's why Ross has had a crush on her ever since high school~

Monica: Monica has a stronger character, she sometimes tries to do things the way that she wants no matter what, and she is somewhat obssessed with competition, she loves to compete and always has to win, and could be agressive sometimes...she has a more manlike personality compared to Rachel. but she is a great person with love and passion, she is willing to compromise sometimes...not very often though..she's the kind of person who has to do everything what she thinks is perfect, loves to organize things and goes crazy when things aren't nice and neat...it drives people crazy sometimes.(i have to say, she's my least favorite character in friends...)

Phoebe: (she's my favorite character!!)Phoebe is filled with love! She's had a sad childhood, but that made her a tougher person. She has a huge sense of family and would do almost anything for her family and not ask for anything in return (for example having her brother's triplets...)she has some weird behavior that people don't really understand, but they all know that Phoebe cares about everyone. Her life seems different from most people, but she really wants a normal marriage with children and live happily with their friends. Yep, it's Phoebe~weird and loving Phoebe~

Joey: pretty man with no brain...likes to hook up with girls but was never really in a serious relationship, maybe he's not ready for something like that. he still seems to have the IQ of a kid, and never seems to have grown in the 10 years of friends...he might not be that serious on love but I know that cares a lot about his friends. As a man, he is very attractive, but doesn't take on any responsibilty in a relationship, which is something I don't like about him...but he is so funny and brings a lot of laughter into the show~

Chandler: I have to admit that Matthew Perry did a great job in playing Chandler in this show. Chandler is very adorable person who become very numb when it comes to love, he never knows how to flirt with a woman, and he is afraid of commitment, they all thought that he would be the last one to be married. However he found the woman that he loves- Monica! Chandler tells stupid jokes and can be embarrassing sometimes. but everybody loves Chandler and likes being with him

Ross: Paleontologist~PhD~likes to show off that he's PhD! I think that Ross is a very sensitive person, he is very serious in relationships unlike Joey..he never really fools around with girls, but had 3 divorces, which is very sad. That made him lose confidence in himself for a while. Being Monica's brother, he is kind of naive and immature sometimes, freaks out and get out of control...but he has a loving heart and is always willing to give.


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