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Although tabular massive sulfide lenses are the most voluminous style of mineralization, a significant proportion of the deposit consists of semimassive sulfide. Sulfide minerals in stringer veins are volumetrically minor.
Massive, banded sulfides: These tabular, lenslike bodies contain 70 to 95 vol percent fine-grained sulfide minerals. Breccia textures are uncommon and likely resulted from tectonic deformation rather than primary depositional processes. Pyrite and sphalerite are the dominant sulfide minerals, with subordinate pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, galena, tetrahedrite, and arsenopyrite. Marcasite and native gold have also been recognized in trace amounts. Meneghinite (Pb13CuSb7S13) is the dominant lead sulfosalt mineral and it occurs in trace amounts with lesser bournonite (PbCuSbS3), boulangerite (Pb5Sb4S11), and miargyrite (Ag2Sb2S3). Barite is not present within or above the massive sulfide lenses.
块状联合硫化物:这些板型晶形体含有70至95 体积百分比的细颗粒硫化矿物;通常不存在角砾岩纹理,并且这是构造变形而不是原发性沉积过程所形成的结果。主要的硫化矿是硫铁矿及闪锌矿,其他从属矿物有磁黄铁矿、黄铜矿、方铅矿、黝铜矿及砷黄铁矿。同时也有微量的白铁矿和自然金;而主要的铅磺酸盐矿物是微量的辉锑铅矿(Pb13CuSb7S13),还含有更少量的车轮矿(PbCuSbS3)、硫锑铅矿(Pb5Sb4S11) 及 辉锑银矿(Ag2Sb2S3)。在块状硫化物晶体中或顶部没有发现重金石。

Other workers recognized that massive sulfide bodies from the Wolverine deposit contain significant amounts of selenium (up to 5.13 wt% in galena; J. Jambor, writ. commun., 1996; Layton-Matthews et al., 2008); sulfide concentrates contain an average of 0.1 wt percent Se (M.J. Beattie, writ. commun., 2000). Pyrite in massive layered sulfide lenses typically occurs as fine-grained anhedral masses and as coarse-grained porphyroblasts. It also occurs as rare, very fine grained, anhedral, colloform masses and framboids near the hanging-wall contact with graphitic argillite. Abundant, fine-grained, reddish brown sphalerite forms delicate, wispy, submillimeter- to centimeter-scale bands parallel to the S1 foliation (Fig. 6B).
其他工人确认沃富林矿床的块状硫化物矿体有相当含量的硒(方铅矿中含量达5.13重量百分比;根据J. Jambor, writ. commun.,1996年;Layton-Matthews等人2008年文献);硫精矿含有平均0.1重量百分比的硒(M.J. Beattie, writ. commun., 2000年文献)。在块状硫化物晶体层中的硫铁矿一般以反V形的细颗粒团以及粗颗粒变斑晶的形状体现。硫铁矿也在靠近接触石墨泥板岩的断层上盘以稀有的、非常细粒状、反V形的胶状及微球团出现。大量的细粒状、红棕色的闪锌矿形成与S1叶层平行的精细小束状、亚毫米-厘米-比例的条带(图示6B)。

Sphalerite compositions range from 4.1 wt percent Fe in pyrite- and sphalerite-rich massive sulfide to 10.4 wt percent Fe in chalcopyrite-rich massive sulfide. Representative sphalerite analyses (n = 13) from five samples of massive sulfide are presented in Table 1. Galena, tetrahedrite, and arsenopyrite all are common in the massive sulfide lenses and typically occur together as fine grained, anhedral aggregates within sphalerite-rich layers
(Table 1, Fig. 6E). Galena near the base of the Lynx sulfide lens is high in selenium (up to 4.04 wt % Se), and galena is the only mineral within the massive sulfides that contains selenium in concentrations greater than ~1 wt percent, the lower limit of detection of the energy dispersive spectrometer(EDS) microanalysis technique used.

Galena at Wolverine contains little silver (<1 wt % Ag), despite the very high silver grade (370.9 g/t) for a VHMS deposit. The high grades of silver are due mainly to the abundance of tetrahedrite, which contains up to 23.27 wt percent Ag (Table 1). In the lowermost part of sulfide lenses, chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite are commonly the dominant sulfide minerals and these minerals replace sphalerite, galena, and tetrahedrite (Fig. 6F). Chalcopyrite is rare within the upper portions of the massive sulfide lenses.

Semimassive sulfides:


In the end,seeking self-esteem may cause distress in many areas and consequently affect one’s physical and mental health in harmful ways. Interestingly, one “cure” for questing for self-esteem is to turn from self-directedness to other-directedness: seeking goals that are beneficial to others as much as or more than to the self (Crocker & Knight,2005). Another solution may be to seek a self-directed or self-determined life. Seeking self-created standards rather than pursuing self-esteem reduces defensiveness and other negative consequences associated with striving for self-esteem . in the end, such self-determined standards of value become thoroughly integrated with one’s core sense of self (Pyszczynski & Cox,2004

最后,追求自负或自大可能会在很多方面引起痛苦或烦恼,因而可能会以有害的方式进而影响到人们的身心健康。有趣的是,一种探索自负或自大的“治疗方案”就是(人们应该)从自我定向向他人的定向进行转变:即,(尽量) 追求对别人有益处的那些目标----其追求的程度就好像对自己有益处的那种程度一样或(甚至)超过了对待自己有益处的那种程度。(参见Crocker & Knight,2005年) 。另外还有一种探索自负或自大的“治疗方案”就是追求自我控制的或自我确定的生活。要向自我创造的标准进行追求而不是追逐自负或自大,这样(对别人的)防御性就会减少,也就减少了自己为争取自负或自大而关联到别人的那些“负面后果”。 这样上述的自我确定的价值标准最终会完全与自我核心意义融为一体合二为一(Pyszczynski & Cox,2004).。

【我就是牛人团队的,我是“好caxio” 。






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