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~   俗话说:“不到长城非好汉”,来北京一回,当然要好好的领略一下这句话的意思了。

  As the saying goes, "a man is not a hero until he arrives at the Great Wall". When he comes to Beijing, he should certainly appreciate the meaning of this sentence.


  Its winter, Summer Palace, Jingshan Park There is nothing to see. The flowers and plants in each park are dead, so we have to go to the Badaling Great Wall. How solemn the place is! Its not a waste of time. Many smart people can build such a strong wall. Ancient people are really smart.

  我们开始爬长城,台阶 一开始很平,像游戏里的第一关,简单且平淡,一开始不累,后来就是越来越累了,我走到中途只好停下来休息一下,回头一看,把妈妈和二姨她们远远的甩在后面了,中途的长城有点像游戏的第二关,有些难,但不太难,别看我是一个十岁的小女孩,但我比妈妈爬的还远呢!我又开始爬了,爬到一大半的时候像游戏的第三关,非常难,但转念一想,都已经快过来了,在坚持一下吧。就这样,我爬到了长城的最高处,此时的我有一种特殊的感觉,后来我们拍了几张照片,就恋恋不舍的下了长城。

  We started to climb the Great Wall, the steps At first, it was very flat, like the first level in the game, simple and plain, not tired at first, but more and more tired later. I had to stop to have a rest in the middle of the game, and looked back, leaving my mother and my second aunt far behind. The Great Wall in the middle of the game was a bit like the second level in the game, some difficult, but not too difficult. Although I was a 10-year-old girl, I was more than my mother Its a long climb! I started to climb again. When I climbed to the third level of the game, it was very difficult. But I think its almost over. Ill stick to it. In this way, I climbed to the top of the Great Wall. At this time, I had a special feeling. Later, we took a few photos and reluctantly went down the Great Wall.


  Im not a hero until I get to the Great Wall!


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