
来自:IT    更新日期:早些时候

My school has drastically changed over the past ten years. Ten years ago, my school was a small school with only three hundred students and less than fifty teachers. It was only a normal school in my city. However, my school becomes the best school in my city now. There are over one thousand students and more than one hundred teachers. It has a conducive environment for students to study. Teachers are helpful and enthusiastic. Students also study hard to achieve excellent academic results. In addition, my school also has a great improvement in its facilities. There is a large school stadium which can contain thousands of students and teachers. Computers and projectors are also facilitated in every classroom. Such modern technology only provides convenience for teachers, but also creates a enjoyable learning environment for students. All in all, I believe that my school will improve a lot and become the ideal school for every student in the future.

  Listening to my father said, in their era, almost all rural areas with thatched roofs, rain come down at night, people can not sleep, have been holding a pot, then place water leaks.

  Be different now with the economic development, rural people from living in thatched cottages, turned to stone room, and from the (living) room to live in the stone tile, relatively wealthy wealthy rural people to open and constructing First, the two-story brick house, and the city is now the same people who have their own high-rise villas. Let me say right food to eat. In the past, the Chinese New Year to eat a bowl of rice white Sang Sang has even very good. Most often usually have to eat the last meal, there is no next meal, and can only eat sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes. Pounds of meat a few years but now say there is not an occasional thing. If run into old birthday party, or "child Hundred Days" or Which bride, and if stress is also a banquet to celebrate the feast.

  If OK, then I will be familiar. I remember three years old, I went to the countryside, the road is bumpy, accidentally stepped on pit where it will fall. But now is different, built a cement rural road, the traffic is very convenient benefit. Also did not like that kind of thing happened before.

  As the saying goes, "a new three-year, three years old, sewing for another three years," is a true portrayal of wear. Previously had three children from poor families, only one coat, wearing new boss first three years, the second child of three years old they wear, the third place and then went to mend tattered wear three years. Rural people can now also pay attention to fashion, and then not as rustic as before, rustic dress, dress, and city people no area).

  Yes ah, reform and opening up, and social progress! Today, washing machine, color TV ...... has entered every household, upstairs, downstairs lights phones are no more a rarity. Just a few years time, the rich spring breeze of reform and opening up every household, so that rural revive put on a new look, all this is a symbol of his hometown of progress, hopefully hometown a better tomorrow!

Once, I was a young child, but today a sensible intelligent students; once I was in the tower of ivory lollipops, fantasy grew up to like, today has become a mature young; I still do all things blindly, but today to put these things into the blind something useful. Yesterday, I still calculate 1+1 equals 2, today I can count on the Olympic mathematics problem; yesterday I was back" electro house, hear birds singing everywhere." Today it is back on the hard to understand the ancient prose, poetry; yesterday I was back in ABCDEFG, today is learning how to understand words; yesterday, I was still wearing slippers full wall kicked, but today I am holding the brush in the brush shoes ... If ever give me a piece of paper, I will think about examination paper the answer to steal it, now I will think about how to do, that my own strength; if gave me a glass ball, I will be thinking of how to play to have fun, and I would think of glass ball is made of how ... I'm not who I was, I had the revolutionary capital, there is the upward force, with confidence and determination to meet future challenges!


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