
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

the first
the second
the third
the fourth
the fifth
the sixth
the seventh
the eighth
the nineth
the tenth
the eleventh
the twelveth
the thirteen
ththe fourteenth
the fifteenth
the sixteenth
the seventeenth
the eighteenth
the nineteenth
the twentieth
the twenty-first
the twenty-second
the twenty-third
the twenty-fourth
the twenty-fifth
the twenty-sixth
the twenty-seventh
the twenty-eighth
the twenty-nineth
the thirtieth
the thirty-first

1日: first (1st)
2日: second (2nd)
3日: third (3rd)
4日: fourth (4th)
5日: fifth (5th)
6日: sixth (6th)
7日: seventh (7th)
8日: eighth (8th)
9日: ninth (9th)
10日: tenth (10th)
11日: eleventh (11th)
12日: twelfth (12th)
13日: thirteenth (13th)
14日: fourteenth (14th)
15日: fifteenth (15th)
16日: sixteenth (16th)
17日: seventeenth (17th)
18日: eighteenth (18th)
19日: nineteenth (19th)
20日: twentieth (20th)
21日: twenty-first (21st)
22日: twenty-second (22nd)
23日: twenty-third (23rd)
24日: twenty-fourth (24th)
25日: twenty-fifth (25th)
26日 twenty-sixth (26th)
27日: twenty-seventh (27th)
28日: twenty-eighth (28th)
29日: twenty-ninth (29th)
30日: thirtieth (30th)
31日: thirty-first (31st)


一号到三十一号, 数数目 :
1. Number one, 2. Number two, 3. Number three, 4. Number four, 5. Number five,
6. Number six, 7. Number seven, 8. Number eight, 9. Number nine, 10. Number ten,
11. Number eleven, 12. Number twelve, 13. Number thirteen, 14. Number fourteen,
15. Number fifteen, 16. Number sixteen, 17. Number seventeen, 18. Number eighteen,
19. Number nineteen, 20. Number twenty, 21. Number twenty-one, 22. Number twenty-two,
23. Number twenty-three, 24. Number twenty-four, 25. Number twenty-five,
26. Number twenty-six, 27. Number twenty-seven, 28. Number twenty-eight,
29. Number twenty-nine, 30. Number thirty, 31. Number thirty-one.

一号到三十一号, 日期
1. the first, 2. the second, 3. the third, 4. fourth, 5. fifth, 6. sixth, 7. seventh, 8. eighth,
9. ninth, 10. tenth, 11. eleventh, 12. twelfth, 13. thirteenth, 14. fourteenth, 15. fifteenth,
16. sixteenth, 17. seventeenth, 18. eighteenth, 19. nineteenth, 20. twentieth,
21. twenty-first, 22. twenty-second, 23. twenty-third, 24. twenty-fourth, 25. twenty-fifth,
26. twenty-sixth, 27. twenty-seventh, 28. twenty-eighth, 29. twenty-ninth, 30. thirtieth,
31. thirty-first.


from the first day of this month to the last

the first

the thirty-first


  • 15591214525一个月的英语单词
    裴帜贡thirtieth 第三十 thirty-first 第三十一 fortieth 第四十 fiftieth 第五十 sixtieth 第六十 seventieth 第七十 eightieth 第八十 ninetieth 第九十 (one)hundredth 第一百 (one)hundred and first 第一百零一 hundred and thirty-fourth 第一百三十四 two-hundredth 第二百 three-hundredth 第三百 four-...

  • 15591214525英语月份的缩写是什么?
    裴帜贡二十号27th,二十八号28th,二十九号29th,三十号30th,三十一号31st。例如:七月一号缩写是Jul. 1st, 七月二号缩写Jul. 2nd,七月三号缩写Jul. 3rd, 七月四号缩写Jul. 4th 再往后的都是Jul.+日期。八月也是一样八月月份缩写+日期(中间加一点),九月也是九月月份缩写+日期(中间加一点)。

  • 15591214525三十一用英语怎么说
    裴帜贡Eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one,.问题五:一号到三十一号用英语怎么说呀 the first the second the third the fourth the fifth the sixth the seventh...

  • 15591214525英语书上numbers1-30是什么意思?
    裴帜贡意思是“一至三十号”。人或事物编序号是常见的事,Number1是“一号”,一般简写为“No. 1”,二号自然就是“No. 2”,以此类推。Number1—30说的是一个区间,也可以简写为“No. 1—30”。

  • 15591214525怎样写一个月里每一天的英文日期?
    裴帜贡19th一月二十日 - January 20th一月二十一日 - January 21st一月二十二日 - January 22nd一月二十三日 - January 23rd一月二十四日 - January 24th一月二十五日 - January 25th一月二十六日 - January 26th一月二十七日 - January 27th一月二十八日 - January 28th一月二十九日 - January 29th一月三十日 ...

  • 15591214525“第一、第二、第三、第四、第五”的英文缩写是什么?
    裴帜贡第一:1st,第二:2nd,第三: 3rd,第四: 4th,第五: 5th 第一:first 第二: second 第三:third 第四:fourth 第五:fifth 第一:我们期望她获得第一名。We anticipated her winning first prize 第二:他获胜进入第二轮比赛。He advanced into the second round.第三:跑到第三圈,他...

  • 15591214525从一号到三十一号英语怎么读的完整

  • 1559121452510月6日用英语怎么说
    裴帜贡一到十二月的英文 一月: January (Jan.)二月:February (Feb.)三月:March (Mar.)四月:April (Apr.)五月:May (May)六月:June (Jun.)七月:July (Jul.)八月:August (Aug.)九月:September (Sep.)十月:October (Oct.)十一月:November (Nov.)十二月:December (Dec.)每月的一号,二号...

  • 15591214525请问英语日期的表示方法
    裴帜贡11th,月份;21st,月份;31st,月份 或者月份,11th;月份。 21st;月份, 31st

  • 15591214525我八月一号出发,八月三十一号回的翻译是:什么意思
    裴帜贡ShangHai daily August 1st, two thousand and twelve or: ShangHai daily August 1st, 2012

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