
来自:游玩旅游    更新日期:早些时候

1、1:first、2:second、3:third、4: forth、5:fifth、6:sixth, 7:seventh, 8:eighth, 9:ninth, 10:tenth,
2、11:eleventh、12:twelfth、13:thirteenth、14:forteenth、15: fifteenth16:sixteenth、17:seventeenth、18:eighteenth、19:nineteenth、20:twentieth

adv. first
一号坦克 Panzer ; Panzerkampfwagen ; PZKPFW
天宫一号 Tiangong ; Temple One ; Temple on the first ; Amamiya No
南海一号 Nanhai One
EDF在声明中继续说道, 在火灾发生时, 核电站的一号反应堆并没有在工作, “为了年度维修而处于暂时关闭的状态”。
EDF added that the plant's number one reactor was not in operation at the time of the fire, having been "closed for its annual maintenance".
There was an overwhelming consensus that my number one priority should be to reduce the deficit, even if it meant less of a middle-class tax cut, or giving up on one altogether.
At lunch today, the waiter told us that all the food on the menu was produced here on Island One. Do you import any food from Earth?
n. second
中新二号 ST
二号坦克 Panzer II
台塑二号 Matiz
But if you don't actually do anything with it, -- it simply disappears, and, therefore, it's -- well done, classmate Number Two.
At the nuclear power plant on Wednesday, workers entered the number two reactor building for the first time since an explosion on March 15.
num. Third
misc. No.3
苏丹三号 Sudan III
嫦娥三号 Chang'e
神舟三号 Shenzhou
The No.3 expressway has been resurfaced recently.
Ferrer, as runner-up in Group A, will meet third seed and five-time champion Roger Federerduring the afternoon session.
With Andrés Iniesta, nominally Barcelona's third striker, accompanying Xavi and Seydou Keita in the middle, Barcelona were completely in control.
adj. Fourth
misc. No.4
苏丹四号 Sudan IV
嫦娥四号 Chang'e
四号种子 fourth-seeded
在一场家庭争吵以后 她20岁的儿子克里夫顿.詹尼斯以自残威胁她 致使警方开着汽车冲过市中心然后闯进第四号街桥。
After a family squabble, her son, Clifton Jenes Jr., 20, threatened to harm himself, led police on a car chase through downtown and then jumped from the Fourth Street bridge.
Radiation is streaming into the atmosphere from the used uranium rods at reactor number four, after a 45ft-deep storage pool designed to keep them stable boiled dry in a fire.
the fifth
fifth day of a month
轰隆五号 Short Circuit
五号电池 AA battery in PRC ; SIZE AA BATTERIES ; AA ; AA battery
五号松 Time New Rome
The first, communiqué number five, addressed the question of the government.
A case in point is the successful launching of "Shenzhou V Spacecraft" which sets china in a highposition of aviation and space flight.
But there’s one future booster that could —when built —steal the “World’s Largest” title from thegranddaddy rocket of them all, NASA’s mighty Saturn V.

一号到三十一号, 数数目 :
1. Number one, 2. Number two, 3. Number three, 4. Number four, 5. Number five,
6. Number six, 7. Number seven, 8. Number eight, 9. Number nine, 10. Number ten,
11. Number eleven, 12. Number twelve, 13. Number thirteen, 14. Number fourteen,
15. Number fifteen, 16. Number sixteen, 17. Number seventeen, 18. Number eighteen,
19. Number nineteen, 20. Number twenty, 21. Number twenty-one, 22. Number twenty-two,
23. Number twenty-three, 24. Number twenty-four, 25. Number twenty-five,
26. Number twenty-six, 27. Number twenty-seven, 28. Number twenty-eight,
29. Number twenty-nine, 30. Number thirty, 31. Number thirty-one.

一号到三十一号, 日期
1. the first, 2. the second, 3. the third, 4. fourth, 5. fifth, 6. sixth, 7. seventh, 8. eighth,
9. ninth, 10. tenth, 11. eleventh, 12. twelfth, 13. thirteenth, 14. fourteenth, 15. fifteenth,
16. sixteenth, 17. seventeenth, 18. eighteenth, 19. nineteenth, 20. twentieth,
21. twenty-first, 22. twenty-second, 23. twenty-third, 24. twenty-fourth, 25. twenty-fifth,
26. twenty-sixth, 27. twenty-seventh, 28. twenty-eighth, 29. twenty-ninth, 30. thirtieth,
31. thirty-first.



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