
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

Thank you very much for your patience and forgiveness. If it is possible, can I book a visit to your company at 2:00, Tuesday afternoon? There is a piece of further information I want to know about. Is the job opportunity an occupation in your company or in another one?


"My partner and I have discussed, if you give me less than 20 per cent, I think that we can't continue to go on, if you cooperate with me, at least, money, or you fail to make a dime, but we are now considering opening third store, then I think we can continue to earn"


After November 1st,our restaurant will cancel the promotion “paying two for one more free”,but there is a new “32% off ” promotion。Welcome。


From November 1 on, no more "Pay One And Get Two Meat Dishes" in this restaurant, but you can enjoy 32% discount. Thank you for coming.

Promotion for meats (buying two with one free) is finishedd from Nov. 1st. New promotion is 32% off. Welcome.

Since November 1 our restaurant will stop the activity of rewarding one by buying two kinds of meat,but all the consumers will get the discount of six or eight then, welcome for your coming!

The Hotel from November 1, the abolition of meat to buy two get one free activity, but consumer hit% off, thank you for your visit

This hotel since November 1, cancel buy 2 a donated meat of activities, but consumer play 68 fold, thank you for your coming


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    皮固映纯人工翻译:After November 1st,our restaurant will cancel the promotion “paying two for one more free”,but there is a new “32% off ” promotion。Welcome。希望我的回答能对你有帮助 如果还有问题,可以问我,^_^

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