
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

我很高兴能缺课。按妈说,如果在我的肚子继续痛,我要缺课好几天。 我乐透了,但只能装作不开心和闷闷不乐。母亲相信我的戏。专业男女演员的戏都不能演得比我更好。
我的胃没有问题。 我是不能去上学,去面对大个子德里克。德里克比我高两班,比我高两英尺。 有一次他无意中听到我说他长了不少肌肉,但他妈忘了给他脑袋。他的脑袋和肌肉比我想象的更多,因为他全明白我说的,并能力把我在房间里摔来摔去。这成了他的日常活动。他会在学校找我和伤害我。如果我见到他而不迅速采取行动,并躲起来,大槪也没命告诉你关于我的问题。


I was happy to be absent from school. According to Mother, if the ache in my stomach worsens, l'll miss a few more days of school. I couldn't be happier but I had to act as if I was sad and upset. Mother believed my act. An actual actor or actress couldn't have achieved the level of acting I just did.
I actually didn't have a problem with my stomach. I couldn't go to school and face Big Derek. Derek was two grades above me and stood about two feet over me. It was an accident when he heard me say he had a lot of muscle but his mother forgot to give him brains. He had more brains and muscles than I thought because he had the ability to understand and throw me across the room. It became his daily activity. He would find me about school and hurt me. If I didn't act fast and hide when he came, I wouldn’t be able to tell you about my problems.
l was active in solving my problems. But I achieved nothing and gained more problem. I hired Biff who was much larger to give Derek a lesson. When Biff came to school yesterday, I discovered Biff and Big Derek were cousins. Together, Biff and Big Derek wrote across the playground, "Charlie will die tomorrow." Because of what happened above, I can never go back to school. I have accepted the idea of moving abroad to America.







维森特 比勒佛尔
特瑞丝 哈肯特斯
肯纳斯 马克括
布莱恩 奥尔兰德
阿米塔 斯娜
梅丽莎 德里 若撒若
澳萨 凯日
马瑟 格洛斯曼
米歇尔 霍夫曼
约翰娜 杰姆斯
罗娜 雷昂那多
杰 米歇尔 罗格比尔
威廉姆 马龙
布兰顿 库尔斯
安德如 斯达尔
拉摩特 图尔库特
詹姆斯 厄尔本
彼得 瓦利森泰
格瑞格里 瓦伦特


文森beliafiore 特伦斯harkntess ·麦考恩 布瑞恩福音 无量光制版 丽莎·rosaro allsionkyring 格罗斯曼马太 米迦勒霍夫曼 约翰娜杰姆斯 洛伦纳德 米迦勒loganbill 威廉马隆 布兰登奎尔 安得烈stahr 拉蒙特科特 杰姆斯城市v alicenti 彼得格雷戈瑞walenter 网上翻译的


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