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我的中文名字叫。 My Chinese name is ~
我的英文名字叫。 My English name is~
我来自福建。 I am from Fujian province
我15岁 I am fifteen years old
我在七年级三班。 I am at seventh grade third class in the school
我的电话号码。 My telephone number is……

My Chinese name is……
My English name is……
I come from Fujian province.
I am fifteen years old.
I am in Class3,Grade7.
My telephone number is……

My chinese name is ``
My english name is
I'm from Fujian province
I'm fifteen years old
I am at seventh grade third class in the school fifteen years old`
My telephone number is ```

my Chinese name is
my english name is
i came from Fujian
i am 15 years old
i am in the 3rd class of year 7
my phone number is


  • 13873949285请大家帮忙把这些中文翻译为英文,谢谢大家!!!
    尤垂枫1、守着两个人的回忆,一个人过:Keep two personal recollections, a person lead.2、我爱你,那只是曾经;但我却逃避不了喜欢你的这个事实:I love you, it only once, But I cannot be evaded by like your this fact.3、半场人生,一场梦:Half life, a dream 希望能够帮到你哦~~~...

  • 13873949285请帮我把中文词语翻译成英文
    尤垂枫1.熏衣草 lavender 2.勿忘我 myosotis 3.风信子 hyacinth 4.彼岸花(曼珠沙华)manjusaka 5.矢车菊 cornflower 6.欧石楠 Calluna 7.日本樱花 Japanese cherry 8.扶桑 Hibiscus 9.杜鹃 Rhododendron 10.满天星 Gypsophila 11.月季 Rosa chinensis 12.蔷薇 Rosa multiflora 13.接骨木 erberry 14....

  • 13873949285英文好的来,帮我把这些中文翻译成英文。。
    尤垂枫Today, the wine so sweet, why be so sweet?I just still do not want to believe you now become fact.I am deeply immersed in endless grief, like a child lost his way Fuck it the dawn shit..Customary to call you by Jiu Jin, I'm still heart, because your voice.You do ...

  • 13873949285请帮我将这些中文翻译为英文,谢谢(请不要用线上翻译)
    尤垂枫Dear Mr Abc Please accept my apology for contacting you through ways other than ebay. I understand what you are looking for. I don't know how will it turn out but I have an idea which you may find satisfaction. I hope you will accept it. I will offer you another player ...

  • 13873949285大家帮我把这些中文翻译成英文
    尤垂枫哈,楼主先看看楼上这几位的翻译:1.Bazhou City Zhaoyi Mental Products ,<--- 精神病产品 哈哈,我想知道世界上有哪个国家生产这种产品的?___下面才是我给楼主的翻译:1.霸州市兆亿金属制品有限公司 Bazhou city Zhaoyi Metalwork Corporation.2.经理 Manager 3.销售总监 Sales Director 4.业务 ...

  • 13873949285帮忙把这些中文翻成英文
    尤垂枫风信子,hyacinth 悲伤 sadness 萱草, day lily 遗忘的爱 oblivious love 桔梗,balloonflower 不变的爱 changeless love 蓝色妖姬,The Blue Dream 相守是一种承诺,相遇是一种宿命,你是我最深的爱恋 guardianship is an acceptance, meet is a destiny, you are my most deep beloved.我们的爱,糖...

  • 13873949285谁能帮我把这几句中文句子翻译成英文句子?
    尤垂枫Where will you go?I will go to school.3、你经常去看电影吗?不,不是很经常。Do you often go to cinema?No, I dont.4、Jan每天早上六点起床。Jan gets up at 6 every day.5、地板很脏,我要去打扫一下。The floor is dirty, I need to turn it out.下面的是把英文翻译成中文 6...

  • 13873949285英语好的人帮我把这几句中文翻译成英文
    尤垂枫UFO落在一片草坪上。一个貌似人类的东西从UFO走出来并向他们走来.4 you humans wading get along. Nice to meet you. When I was a tour guide, can leave me a happy journey of earth、4 你们人类好容易相处。很高兴认识你们。可以当我是导游,给我留下个快乐的地球之旅 ...

  • 13873949285帮我翻译一下这些中文 翻成英文
    尤垂枫3.关心与帮助 Third, care and help.时常关心身边的朋友,朋友有难的时候要及时地帮助他 You should often care for your friend by your side and help him in time when he is in any difficulty.关心,并不是说一定要时时刻刻陪在朋友的身边 Care doesn't mean you should always stay by ...

  • 13873949285可以帮我把这两个中文名字翻译成英文么
    尤垂枫1)、李未末 LeeWaeMou 2)、李辛末 LeeSinMou

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