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Has become a thing of the past history, I started from the new! Other things I do not think again! Since then my life only you! 过去的事已经成为历史,现在我要从新开始!其他的事我不会再去多想!从此我的生活只有你!

1、Satellites make long-distant transmission of broadcast television possible. 2、The ship is small, but very strong. 3、Only a few people can see the material of all the facts concerning this case. 4、She hid the money to which her husband couldn't find it. 5、The man who is responsible for luggage has posted a tag on each piece of luggage . 6、This research project will enhance my career. 7、I'll check the dictionary to find the definition. 8、The book will have great value to his research. 9、The child let his mother help solve difficulties in his homework. 10、Through a year's hard work, Mr Thomson's Chinese language level has reached the degree of sense. 11、He thinks that going abroad on holiday is a waste of money. 12、A novel is usually divided into several chapters. 满意请采纳。

在中国 朋友是非常重要的
Friends are very important in China.
很多时候 朋友甚至比亲人还重要
On many occasions, friends are even more important than one's relatives.
有的时候亲人不在身边 朋友就显得尤其重要了
Sometimes if your relatives are not by your side, friends are especially important.
如果你想在中国交到好朋友 需要注意以下几点:
If you want to make good friends with someone in China, pleases pay attention to the following points:
First: Sincerity
I believe this is the most important.
对待别人要真诚 不要弄虚作假
Treat other sincerely. Don't play the false.
用真心去对待朋友 别人才能用真心回报你
If you treat others sincerely, you will be rewarded with sincerity.

Second, trust.
Trust between friends is very important.
You should believe what you friends say.

Third, care and help.
You should often care for your friend by your side and help him in time when he is in any difficulty.
Care doesn't mean you should always stay by your frien's side.
It means you should care more for the feelings of your friend.

Fourth, affinity
There will be some affinity between good friends. Sometimes one will even konw in advance what his friend is thinking about.
这就需要多了解你的朋友 他的爱好 习惯 性格 经历等等
That means you should know more about your friend, such as his hobby, his habit, his character and his experience, etc.
互相了解 才能有默契
Only when you know each other can you have affinity between you.

In China, friend is very important.
Sometimes,friends are more important than the relative.
Sometimes,friends are even important when the relative is not around you.
If you want make friend in china, you shuold pay attention to the following points:
I think this is the most important
We should treat friends sincere and do not deceive.
You treat your friends wholehearted, they will requite.

2. Trust
Mutual trust between friends is very important
you should believe what your friends said.

3.care and help
always take care of you friends, you should assist(help) your friends when they are in trouble
care not means always around them
it means pay attention your friends feeling

4.Tacit understanding
The good friend's will have tacit understanding, sometimes they even can know each others idea.
This means that you need to know more about your friend, his bobbies, habits, personality and experiences etc.
If you know each other a lot, then you'll have tacit understanding

Is count for much at the Chinese friend
A lot of time friends even return importance than the close relatives
Sometime close relatives not at nearby the friend seemed to be particularly important
If you want in China to hand over a good friend to need to notice the following what time:
I thought this to is the most important
Treating the other people's wanting sincerity don't make to forge falsely
Using to treat a friend other people sincerely then can use to requite you sincerely

The friend's mutual trust is very important
Want to believe the words that the friend says

3.Concern with help
Friend, who often concern nearby, the friend has difficult of the time want to help him in time
Concern, not that must accompany every moment at the friend nearby
But is the feeling which notices friend more

4.Tacit understanding
The good friend's have tacit understanding, the sometime even can know the viewpoint of the other party mental state in advance
This friend who needs to understand you more his love habit personality to experience an etc.
The mutual understanding then can include tacit understanding

China is a very important friend
Very often friends or even more important than the relatives
Sometimes relatives are not close friends are particularly important
If you want delivered good friends in China need to pay attention to the following points:
1: sincere
I think this is the most important
We should sincerely do not treat others fraud
With sincere friend to treat other people can really use your return

2. Trust
Mutual trust between friends is very important
We must believe that the remarks made by friends

3. With the help of concern
Always concerned about close friends, and friends are often difficult to timely help him
Concern is not to say that we must always accompany the side of friends
But paying more attention to the feelings of friends

4. Tacit
There is a tacit understanding between good friends, sometimes even to know each other ahead of psychological ideas
This need to know more about your friends his experience and so on character-loving habits
Can there be a tacit mutual understanding

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