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急!高分!!帮忙把自我介绍翻译成日语 要中文音译 不要翻译器翻译 拜托大家了 后天就面试了~

中文音译:Dear every leader you are good:
I'm from college department of, I WuJiaQi zero flight attendant hospitable and natural, cheerful, friendly, talk to work full of confidence, decisive, it can work with contentment, calm in life, study for a serious effort DuoCi won the teacher praise.
I think your company is I realize the ideal start, if you're lucky enough to be hired, I will go all out, conscientious, hard honors to your company!
Finally I wish your esteemed company progresses day by day!
thank you

존경하는 영도여러분 안녕하세요:
저는 전문부 10승무과의 왕쇼단입니다. 저는 열정적이고 활발하고 언어구사를 잘하며 친절하고 업무에 자신감이 넘칩니다. 그리고 업무진행시 결단성이 있고 문제발생시 냉철하게 처리합니다. 일상생활,공부에서 열심히 노력하여 여러번 선생님의 칭찬을 받았습니다.
저는 귀사가 저의 포부를 실현할수 있는 시작이라고 생각합니다. 만약 입사가 되면 최선을 다하여 책임지고 노력하여 귀사에 명예를 돌리겠습니다.
마지막으로 귀사가 더욱 발전하기를 기원합니다!


Dear every leader, guys:
I'm from college department of, I WangXiaoDan zero flight attendant hospitable and natural, cheerful, friendly, talk to work full of confidence, decisive, it can work with calm, on weekdays, and strict requirements on his cell phone, DuoCi during a flag-raising ceremony of success as speakers, under the national flag speech, by teachers and students of praise, in studying and working encounter difficulties don't give up, because I always believe that success will persist, read must have a return.
I think your company is I realize the ideal start, if you're lucky enough to be hired, I will go all out, conscientious, hard honors to your company!
Finally I wish your esteemed company progresses day by day!

Distinguished leaders, are you:
I am from the college department of Wang Xiaodan ten flight attendants, and I warm and generous, cheerful good to talk, others friendly to work with confidence, and act decisively, failing to calmly deal with the daily demands of his strict, exclusive mobile phone, several times in the the ceremony as a speaker, a successful speech under the flag, get teachers and students alike in learning and work difficulties do not give up, because I have always believed that persist will be successful, there will be read out return.
I think your company is to achieve the ideal start, if lucky enough to be hired, I will go all out, due diligence, to add luster to your company!
Finally, Zhu Guigong Division thriving!

Glad to meet you,sir(If man)/madam(if woman).
I am Xiaodan Wang from .....(I really can't translate where you are from). I am enthusiastic, optimistic and friendly to everyone. I have strong confidence on my work and can deal with everything with calmness. I also acts decisive on several other stages. During the past days,I forced myself to do better and better, I followed rules (of my school and my past companies). I made several speeches successfully on the national flag raising ceremony and received good consensus of my teachers and classmates. I seldom gave up when I met something challenging, for I always believe that consistence will result in success and the famous old saying:NO pain no gain.
I consider your company will be the start of my dream. If I have the honor to be a member of this team, I will and must will do my best, using all my effort, to improve your company,
At last, I wish your company will be better and better!
PS:I don't think this will be so impressive for a interview.

Respect fellow leaders, you good:

I am from the tertiary department a flight attendant Wang Xiaodan, my warm and generous, cheerful and talkative, friendly, the work is full of self-confidence, act decisively, they can be calm, usually strict requirements on their own, the distinguished mobile phone, many times in the flag-raising ceremony as the speaker, success in the national flag speech, by teachers and students of consistent praise, in learning and work difficulties not easily give up, because I always believe that to be successful, read will return.

I think your company is my ideal, if lucky enough to be employed, I will go to all lengths, due diligence, and strive for your Zengguang luster!

Finally, wish your company be on the upgrade!


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