1、六爻全不变(没有出现三正、三反的情况),以本卦卦辞占; 2、一爻变,以本卦变爻辞占; 3、二爻变,以

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saw a very old fell to the ground injured, he parked the car, get off the old man propped up. This Nantong Automotive Group, flying crane driver Yan Hongbin Airbus is fast, but is a common good move. And it was such a good thing so he was very depressed, because the old woman propped up after their hit people mistakenly believe that the perpetrators,nike heels for women, but also alerted police. Fortunately, there is surveillance video inside the car, his record down the whole rescue process, but also his own innocence. Things after the disclosure by the China Central Television has caused widespread concern,女车主状告车管部门捆绑年检 cheap nike heels, after the truth of the elderly family feel guilty. Yesterday, still in bed and recuperate the old woman not only for their own moment of weakness apologize, but let his son came to the hearts of drivers and crew sent a banner to thank. It is reported, has been introduced to Yan Hongbin Rugao Nantong declared

26 1 o'clock, Rugao City Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Brigade stone village Squadron received a report, said a bus in Stone Town,air jordan heels, the territory of the overpass on yellow sheets, the elderly will be hit by a car after Dengsanlun escape. Alarm person is lying on the ground injured old woman's son. Police rushed to the scene and investigations,cheap nike dunk heels, the old man's son,asics running shoes, said he was not at the scene, but a neighbor called to tell his mother hit by a bus of. The bus left the old man propped up after. While in the hospital for treatment of old woman, 81-year-old Danmou, also Nantong TV

but in the starting at Nantong city. 12:34, the bus he was driving on a car not far from the departure station overpass Zhang Huang. Found under the bridge in front of a three-wheeler cross the road, is a close look after the elderly is under pressure in the car, so he pulled over, he immediately ran down and the crew Yuwei Zhen, the stone old lady arm up. Due to the hurry, Yan Hongbin the old woman handed over here just a passing acquaintance of the villagers and the old lady, but the car accident that the bus is stopped by the villagers to shift Yan Hongbin He hit the man. Finally, let each other down his license plate number,nike dunk heels for women, Yan Hongbin was re driving down the road. It is understood that the train trip is fast passenger flying crane Nantong Automotive Group Company and the Stone Town and from the city between the bus,cheap Mexico 66, license plate number is Su-F29171, driver Yan Hongbin has 19 years of driving experience.

bus driver in the end is a hit and run or courageous? Each side moment. According to the police request,asics shoes sale, the same day at 3 pm, Yan Hongbin drove to Stone Village Patrol squadron under investigation. Police investigation found Nantong Feihe Quicker bus companies have installed the vehicle monitoring system that can record real-time front of the vehicle and the internal situation, what happened on the overpass,cheap jordans heels, the monitoring system must have recorded. Yan Hongbin said that is because of this monitoring system,tiger shoes, he felt that the police will be able to have their own names.

through access to surveillance video, police found,asics shoes, as described in Yan Hongbin, train at 12:34 or so yellow overpass onto the sheets, when the vehicle is started under the bridge, the road ahead there is a black point, with the vehicle slowly around, you can see is a tricycle lying on the road among the elderly fell faint to see a leg. Yan Hongbin said he pulled over, the passengers in the car,air jordan high heels, he and two crew were off to help suppress the old tricycle. Subsequently, the reporter was removed links to a passenger in the car at the time,women air max 2012, he also confirmed Yan Hongbin is off to save lives. The same crew on board Yu Weizhen reflect arm from the old man, the elderly but also thank them for doing a good thing.

surveillance video also his innocence, so Yan Hongbin sigh of relief. Patrol Squadron Shizhuang police said, after a visit and investigation, and did not find traces of the bus has hit, The stone was taken to hospital after doctors diagnosed old woman, was not seriously injured, but the elbow, shoulder, face and head with minor abrasions, after treatment in hospital for one day to go home to convalesce.

Yesterday afternoon, reporters in Stone Town, Rugao City, found a stone house old woman, old man lying in bed groaning to see the reporters kept coming, kept saying too,air jordan high heels, told reporters that day, she Dengzhe tricycle to the fields to pesticide use. The next bridge, I suddenly felt a bit hit by a car, and that they fell to the ground,nike dunk heels, was also pressed in the following tricycle, crazy to, a blank, just know that shouting At this time,air Jordan Heels 6 Rings, it was propped themselves, looking at a bus stop on the road, they mistakenly think they are the bus driver knocked down.

to uncover the truth. These days, the old woman herself and the family stone both guilt and grievances. Day alarm is stone old lady who's son Hau, who runs a local Automobile Factory. On the day he was overseas. He told reporters that day the family received a call that his mother was hit by a bus, the bus ran, this alarm call. His own specific circumstances of the accident is not clear.



1 卦中的六个爻都不变,就用本卦的卦辞(见易经每个卦后面的断卦之词)占卜所问事情的吉凶。
2 如果第一爻变了,就用本卦所变动的爻的爻辞断所问事情的吉凶。
3 如果第二个爻变了,就用本卦所变动的爻的爻辞断所问事情的吉凶。而且参考上面的爻的卦辞为主。
4 这一个较难,等一下查查资料再答。


1、六爻全不变(没有出现三正、三反的情况),以本卦卦辞占; 2、一爻变,以本卦变爻辞占; 3、二爻变,以视频

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    云行冠六爻起卦法 一、摇卦法 方法简介: 请准备三枚铜钱进行摇卦,乾隆币最佳(如实在没有,请依此理取其它类似钱币)。无字的一面叫做“背”,你需要记下每次摇卦出现几个“背”,共摇6次成卦。此法有辅助程序帮助起卦。 具体操作步骤: 1、三枚铜钱放于手心,双手合扣,意念集中于所测之事(比如想一分钟左右)。

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