
来自:IT大全    更新日期:早些时候

Urbanization makes the city greening available area is decreasing, roof greening has become a new developing urban green space, one of the important ways to improve the urban environment, so the study of roof garden is very important. First of all, the definition of roof garden, history, value and classification are briefly discussed. Through the elaboration of roof garden economic, ecological and social value and so on, this paper expounds the importance of the current development of roof garden. Induction and summarizes the basic characteristics of all kinds of roof garden, and puts forward all kinds of roof garden should be paid attention to in the process of design and construction, the key problems to take appropriate design techniques. In the roof garden design elements in this part, mainly from the roof garden of limiting factors and design elements, further study the roof design and construction of general principles, methods, materials, technology, etc. For some common problems in the process of roof garden design and construction were discussed, and put forward the feasible method of appropriate technology .method.

Some network advertisers that allow consumers to take control legislation may result in the online data network media economic collapse. But I believe that through legislation, consumer data and transactions can be structured to be protected, and enterprises can get prosperous network market. However, the privacy policy is not perfect does not protect the public interest would result. Recently the University of California, Berkeley School of Information did a survey online privacy. Privacy policy is very difficult to understand, leading consumers to mistakenly believe that their privacy is protected, there is not much difference between policies, so that consumers have no other choice. FTC (Federal Trade Commission) has been unable to ensure that the U.S. Internet privacy is protected, its staff struggling to control more problems, but discipline is still a major U.S. network management approach. FTC still need a lot of data for reference, to avoid the financial and health data consumer harm. However, uncertainty harm consumers' privacy and other hazards will continue to undermine consumer confidence in online advertising. A new regulatory regime to protect privacy, allowing entrepreneurs to develop new forms of marketing services at the same time, be able to collect and analyze data openly and respect the consumer.


1. The magician transformed the rabbit into a man.

2. Water can transform a desert into a garden.


The magician transforms the rabbit into a man.
Water may well transform a desert into a garden.


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    钭农码1. The magician transformed the rabbit into a man.2. Water can transform a desert into a garden.有问题请追问。O(∩_∩)O~

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