
来自:    更新日期:早些时候


短语: set out ..出发,动身.
wake up..醒来..
欣赏句子:On arriving at the shore, the girl stuggled up the cliff towards the light she had seen.
解析:on +动名词..相当于as soon as引导的时间状语从句..意思是;"一...就....".
最重要的介词: towards evening 中的 "towards"..向着,接近,朝着 的意思... "临近夜晚的时候".

during that time...中的"during".."在...的期间; 在...的时候"之意..


Lesson 33 Out of the darkness

The girl set out from the coast one afternoon and was caught in a storm.Her boat struck a rock,so she jumped into the sea.She swam eight miles that night.She reached the shore early next morning.She had seen a light high up on the cilffs and she cllimbed up.She found herself in hospital a day later. (61 words)

【New words and expressions】 生词和短语

★darkness n.
in the darkness:在没有光线的情况下

★explain v.
explanation n.
Could you give me an explanation?

★coast n.
seashore,seaside 旁边是沙滩,可以进行日光浴的感觉

★storm n.
rain heavily
The rain is pouring.
It's raining cats and dogs.

★towards prep.
强调nearer and nearer

★rock n.
rock:huge stone

★shore n.

★light n.

★ahead adv.
asleep awake alight
pretty flowers
light ahead
2.ahead of
He went ahead of me.
3.go ahead 朝前走,请随便
Would you mind my using your phone?
-Can I use your telephone?
…OK,go ahead.

★cliff n.

★struggle v.

★hospital n.
go to hospital
I am in the hospital.
in hospital:住医院
in the hospital:在医院
go to the hospital
自己肚子痛 go to hospital

First listen and then answer the question.
Why was the girl in hospital?

Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened to her. One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a storm. Towards evening, the boat struck a rock and the girl jumped into the sea. Then she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water. During that time she covered a distance of eight miles. Early next morning, she saw a light ahead. She knew she was near the shore because the light was high up on the cliffs. On arriving at the shore, the girl struggled up the cliff towards the light she had seen. That was all she remembered. When she woke up a day later, she found herself in hospital.



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in the darkness
happen:不及物 sth.happen to sb.
What happened to...
nearly:将近 nearly a week: 快到一个星期了
Sometime later...
Three days later,my mother returned. 强调某人做某事
。。。passed and then...
Three days passed and then my mother returned.
比列句 即强调某人在某事,又强调时间有多久
Three days passed before my mother came back. 强调这么久的时间
be able to 强调有能力还强调成功
can 强调有能力
I can swim across the river.
I was able to swim across the river.
set out:set off
be caught in + 灾难
I was caught in a rain.
As soon as he left,it began to rain.
He was caught in a rain when he left.
遇上人-meet 遇上灾难-be caught in
struck往往强调的是猛烈的撞击 struck hard
to: 强调朝那个方向(目标)去,但没有强调越来越近
towards: 表面也翻译为朝那个方向(目标)去,距离越来越近
spend sometime+地点
The Red army covered a distance of 2,5000...
high up
on doing=as soon as=the moment
as soon as,the moment:后面都要加从句
That's all.
That was all I wanted to say.
I can do nothing else for you. That was all I can do for you.
find+宾语+宾补 find the books tidy
I found the books in order.
When I woke up,I found myself in bed.

time passed before
。。。a day later...
time passed and then
was caught in a storm
cover the distance of
介词后面+ing after doing on doing
ahead hospital

【Key structures】

和时间相连的介词 in,at,on,from...to...,until,after,before
和地点相连的介词 from...to...
into: 进、入 Tell him to go into my house
只强调到那去,不一定强调到里面去;go to
out of:从。。。出来 away from
leave for :动身去某地
Yesterday my father left for Tianjin.
head for/to 前往
leave for 强调leave head for强调去
set out for
towards: 强调越来越近
at:含有一种瞄准的概念 aim at fire at
threw to the bank threw at

【Special difficulties】

1.意思上的区别 2.词性的区别 3.细节上的区别
pass: 只有动词的概念,余下的词性都用past


have done

march:行军 long march
I pass the garden.
I go past the garden.
I go and pass the garden.

next day the other day: few days ago 几天前
the other day 一旦出现一定是过去时
next day :有可能是过去时有可能是将来时
1.the other day

【Multiple choice questions】

5.How far away ...?
What's the distance ...?

6.not any more/longer/further

12. remind:提醒
recollect:回忆 √

4. 只有谓语动词才有时态
when+doing:1.主语要跟主句的相同;2.谓语动词含有be doing结构

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§ Lesson 33 Out of the darkness 冲出黑暗

【New words and expressions】 生词和短语
★darkness n 黑暗
in the darkness 在黑暗中(在没有光线的情况下)

★explain v 解释, 叙述
explanation [] n 解释 注意与 “explain []” 的读音不同
Could you give me an explanation能给我一个解释吗?
Interpret [] v 解释, (强调翻译)语言之间的解释
interpreter [] n.解释程序, 解释者, 口译人员, 翻译员, 讲解员, 注释器
interpretation [] n.解释, 阐明, 口译, 通译
interpretress [] n.女翻译员

★coast n 海岸
bank 河岸, (两边比水面高), 坝, 堤
coast 地理意义上的海岸, 海岸线等, 感觉旁边是岩石, 很陡峭
seashore 海岸, (跟游玩有关系, 为了游玩的)
seaside : 海边
seashore/ seaside 给人的感觉--旁边是沙滩, 可以进行日光浴的感觉

★storm n 暴风雨 (只解释为 “风暴” )
snowstorm 暴风雪
thunderstorm [] n.[气]雷暴
rain heavily 表示雨下得很大
pour [] v.灌注, 倾泻, 涌入, 流, 倾盆大雨
the rain is pouring. 倾盆大雨
It's raining cats and dogs. 滂沱大雨

★towards prep 向, 朝, 接近
towards 强调nearer and nearer 强调越来越近

★rock n 岩石, 礁石
rock 表示huge stone
huge [] adj 巨大的, 极大的, 无限的

★shore n 海岸
★light n 灯光
★ahead adv 在前面
asleep, awake, alive, ahead...... a开头的往往是表语形容词, 不管是作表语形容词(如 : alight 点着的, 电亮的), 还是副词, 都放在名词的后面, 一般形容词放在名词的前面
pretty flowers / light ahead 前方的灯光
ahead 的用法 :
1、放在被修饰词的后面作定语, 定语后置
2、ahead of在什么前面 : he went ahead of me. 他走在我前面
3、go ahead ①朝前走 ②请随便(回答请求时用)
--Would you mind my using your telephone? or Can I use your telephone?
--Ok,go ahead.
--Can I smoke here?
--go ahead.
--sorry+一个原因(可能是事实, 可能是个借口), 不让别人做(哪怕是一个借口)

★cliff n 悬崖, 峭壁
★struggle v 挣扎
★hospital v 医院
类似于 school
1、前面不加the, 和它的功能有关系 go to hospital 看病
2、一旦+the, 只表示地点
I am in the hospital.
in hospital 住院 / in the hospital在医院
如要去医院看老师 go to the hospital / 自己肚子疼go to hospital (看病)

Lesson 33 Out of the darkness 冲出黑暗
First listen and then answer the question.听录音, 然后回答以下问题.
Why was the girl in hospital?

Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened to her. One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a storm. Towards evening, the boat struck a rock and the girl jumped into the sea. Then she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water.During that time she covered a distance of eight miles.Early next morning, she saw a light ahead.She knew she was near the shore because the light was high up on the cliffs. On arriving at the shore, the girl struggled up the cliff towards the light she had seen. That was all she remembered. When she woke up a day later, she found herself in hospital.

几乎过了一个星期, 那姑娘才能讲述自己的遭遇. 一天下午, 她乘小船从海岸出发, 遇上了风暴. 天将黑时, 小船撞在了一块礁石上, 姑娘跳进了海里. 她在海里游了整整一夜才游到岸边. 在那段时间里, 她游了8英里. 第二天凌晨, 她看到前方有灯光, 知道自己已经接近岸边了, 因为那灯光是在高高的峭壁上. 到达岸边后, 姑娘朝着她看到的灯光方向挣扎着往峭壁上爬去. 她所记得的就是这些. 第二天她醒来时, 发现自己躺在医院里.

happen:不及物 sth. happen to sb
What happened to
nearly 将近 nearly a week 快一个星期了
句型 : ① sometime later...
Three days later, my mother returned强调某人做某事(简单句)
② ...passed and then...
Three days passed and then my mother returned. (came back) 并列句, 既强调某人做某事, 又强调时间(有多久)
③ Three days passed before my mother returned强调时间(这么久的时间, 时间状语从句, 后面是从句)
be able to强调有能力, 且能够成功(还强调成功)
can 只表示能力
I can swim across the river我能游过这条河, (但没有游过, 不知道能不能成功)
I was able to swim across the river.
.....explain what..... what引导的宾语从句
set out : set off = begin a journey
be caught in+灾难
I was caught in a rain我遇上了一场雨
As soon as he left, it began to rain
he was caught in a rain when he left他刚一离开, 就下雨了
遇上人用meet, 遇上灾难用be caught in a earthquake (earthquake [] n 地震)
towards evening 天越来越晚
struck强调的往往是猛烈的撞击 struck hard
to : 强调朝那个方向去, 但没有强调越来越近
towards : 表面也翻为朝那个方向去, 但强调距离越来越近
spend sometime +地点
cover a distance of ......
the red army covered a distance of 25000... 两万五千里长征
light ahead 前方的灯光 ahead 放在被修饰词的后面
high up on the cliff adv+adv+介词短语
on doing=as soon as=the moment
as soon as=the moment后面要加句子
on 后面一定要加动词ing, 承认动词是由主句主语做的
......up the cliff towards the ......用两个介词起到动词的作用 up : 往上(prep)
that's all she remembered. all作为先行词, she remember 修饰 all 作定语从句, 省略 that
That was all I wanted to say那就是我想说的全部
That was all I can do for you=I can do nothing else for you
find +宾语+宾补 : find the books tidy 发现书摆放得整齐, found the room clean
I found the books in order. / when I woke up, I found myself in bed.
总结 :
① time passed before
...a day later...
time passed and then
② was caught in a storm (习惯用被动)
③ cover the distance of
④ 介词后面+ing , after doing, on ding
重点单词 : ahead; hospital

【Key structures】 关键句型
和时间相连的介词 : in, at, on, from...to...,until,after,before
和地点相连的介词 : from...to...

into : 进、入 tell him go into my house (离房子近用 “in” , 离房子远用 “into” )
只强调到哪里, 不一定强调到里面去, go to
out of : 从...出来, 离开away from

leave for : 动身到某地, yesterday my father left for Tianjin
head for/to : 前往
leave for 强调leave, head for 强调去
set out for动身到某地

at : 含有一种瞄准的概念, aim at, fire at(瞄准开火), throw at ; threw to the bank
to 强调目标; towards 强调越来越近 the ball was coming towards me.; at 瞄准, 方向性

【Special difficulties】难点
pass / past 词性的区别
词与词的区别 : 1、意思上的区别2、词性上的区别3、细节上的区别
pass只有动词的概念, 其他由past承担(余下的词性都用past)
I pass the garden. / I go past the garden. / I go and pass the garden

Next / other
next day 第二天; the other day = few days ago (几天前)
the other day 出现一定是过去时
next day有可能是过去式, 有可能是将来式

Exercise 练习
Choose the correct expressions in the following:选择正确的表达方式 :
1 I tried to telephone you(the other day)(the next day). You must have been out.
2 Have you(past)(passed)your driving test?
3 On the first day all went well. But on the(next) (other)day there was a storm.
4 The crowd cheered as the soldiers marched(past)(passed).

1. the other day 2. passed (have done)
3. next on the first day all went well, 第一天都不错 4. past (march:行军;long march:长征)

【Multiple choice questions】多项选择题
5 How ______ was the shore? Eight miles.
a.away far b.far from c.far away d.long
far from +(必须)地点
how far away...? (away可省略)
what's the distance...?

6 That was all she remembered. She couldn't remember ______.
a.some more b.anymore c.no more d.none more
not any more = not any longer = not any further 不再
no ; none 不会和 more 连用, some不会出现在否定句中

12 That was all she remembered. She couldn't ______ very much
a.remind b.memorise c.recollect d.mindSentence
remind 提醒 / memorise [] 记住 / recollect [] 回忆 / mind介意

4 She swam to the shore______ the night in the water.
a.having spent b.having spending c.when spending d.had spent
句子中如果没有连词, 但有两个动词, 要把其中一个动词变成非谓语动词
从语法上讲 a, c 都对
when 是连词的标志
when +doing : 1、主语要跟主句的相同, 2、谓语动词含有be doing 结构 (两个条件必须满足)
when standing there I found the book very interesting.
when standing there.......(省略了I was)
She swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water.


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