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尼采的名言 要英文的~

The vain.-- We are like shop windows in which we are continually arranging, concealing or illuminating the supposed qualities other ascribe to us - in order to deceive ourselves.

from Nietzsche's Daybreak

Will and willingness.-- Someone took a youth to a sage and said: "Look, he is being corrupted by women." The sage shook his head and smiled. "It is men," said he, "that corrupt women; and all the failings of women should be atoned by and improved in men. For it is man who creates for himself the image of woman, and woman forms herself according to this image."
"You are too kind-hearted about women," said one of those present; "you do not know them." The sage replied: "Will is the manner of men; willingness that of women. That is the law of the sexes - truly, a hard law for women. All of humanity is innocent of its existence; but women are doubly innocent. Who could have oil and kindness enough for them?"
"Damn oil! Damn kindness!" someone shouted out of the crowd; "Women need to be educated better!" - "Men need to be educated better," said the sage and beckoned to the youth to follow him. - The youth, however, did not follow him.

from Nietzsche's The Gay Science

Anti-theses.-- The most senile thing ever thought about man is contained in the celebrated saying 'the ego is always hateful'; the most childish is the even more celebrated 'love thy neighbor as thyself'. -- In the former, knowledge of human nature has ceased, in the latter it has not yet even begun.

from Nietzsche's Assorted Opinions and Maxims

In the stream.-- Mighty waters draw much stone and rubble along with them; mighty spirits many stupid and bewildered heads.

from Nietzsche's Human, all too Human

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) was a German philosopher of the late 19th century who challenged the foundations of Christianity and traditional morality. He was interested in the enhancement of individual and cultural health, and believed in life, creativity, power, and the realities of the world we live in, rather than those situated in a world beyond. Central to his philosophy is the idea of “life-affirmation,” which involves an honest questioning of all doctrines that drain life's expansive energies, however socially prevalent those views might be. Often referred to as one of the first existentialist philosophers along with Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855), Nietzsche's revitalizing philosophy has inspired leading figures in all walks of cultural life, including dancers, poets, novelists, painters, psychologists, philosophers, sociologists and social revolutionaries.

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (October 15, 1844 – August 25, 1900) was a 19th-century German philosopher, poet, composer and classical philologist. He wrote critical texts on religion, morality, contemporary culture, philosophy and science, displaying a fondness for metaphor, irony and aphorism. Nietzsche's influence remains substantial within and beyond philosophy, notably in existentialism, nihilism, and postmodernism.


Nietzsche began his career as a classical philologist before turning to philosophy. At the age of 24 he was appointed to the Chair of Classical Philology at the University of Basel (the youngest individual to have held this position), but resigned in 1879 due to health problems that plagued him most of his life. In 1889 he became mentally ill, possibly due to atypical general paralysis attributed to tertiary syphilis. He lived his remaining years in the care of his mother until her death in 1897, then under the care of his sister until his death in 1900.


  Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (15 October 1844 – 25 August 1900) was a German philosopher, whose critiques of contemporary culture, religion, and philosophy centered on a basic question regarding the foundation of values and morality.
  Ursprünglich preußischer Staatsbürger, war er seit seiner Übersiedlung nach Basel 1869 staatenlos.
  Im Alter von 24 Jahren wurde Nietzsche unmittelbar im Anschluss an sein Studium Professor für klassische Philologie in Basel. Bereits zehn Jahre später legte er 1879 aus gesundheitlichen Gründen die Professur nieder. Von nun an bereiste er – auf der Suche nach Orten, deren Klima sich günstig auf seine Migräne und Magenleiden auswirken sollte – Frankreich, Italien, Deutschland und die Schweiz. Ab seinem 45. Lebensjahr (1889) litt er unter einer schweren psychischen Krankheit, die ihn arbeits- und geschäftsunfähig machte. Seinen Anfang der 1890er Jahre rasch einsetzenden Ruhm hat er deshalb nicht mehr bewusst erlebt. Er verbrachte den Rest seines Lebens als Pflegefall in der Obhut zunächst seiner Mutter, dann seiner Schwester, und starb 1900 im Alter von 55 Jahren.
  Den jungen Nietzsche beeindruckte besonders die Philosophie Schopenhauers. Später wandte er sich von dessen Pessimismus ab und stellte eine radikale Lebensbejahung in den Mittelpunkt seiner Philosophie. Sein Werk enthält scharfe Kritiken an Moral, Religion, Philosophie, Wissenschaft und Formen der Kunst. Die zeitgenössische Kultur war in seinen Augen lebensschwächer als die des antiken Griechenlands. Wiederkehrendes Ziel von Nietzsches Angriffen ist vor allem die christliche Moral sowie die christliche und platonistische Metaphysik. Er stellte den Wert der Wahrheit überhaupt in Frage und wurde damit Wegbereiter postmoderner philosophischer Ansätze. Auch Nietzsches Konzepte des „Übermenschen“, des „Willens zur Macht“ oder der „ewigen Wiederkunft“ geben bis heute Anlass zu Deutungen und Diskussionen.
  Nietzsches Denken hat weit über die Philosophie hinaus gewirkt und ist bis heute unterschiedlichsten Deutungen und Bewertungen unterworfen. Nietzsche schuf keine systematische Philosophie. Oft wählte er den Aphorismus als Ausdrucksform seiner Gedanken. Seine Prosa, seine Gedichte und der pathetisch-lyrische Stil von Also sprach Zarathustra verschafften ihm auch Anerkennung als Schriftsteller.


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