翻译几句句子,翻译成英文,不要有语法错误喔! 谢谢(英语)

来自:    更新日期:早些时候

1 他相当粗心,他把同桌的书拿回家。
He is quite careless--he took his deskmate's book home.
复杂点的:He is quite careless, so much so tht he took home the book that belonged to the classmate who shared the same desk with him.

2 女孩们都怕蛇。
All girls are afraid of snakes.

3 明天下午将有一场重要会议。
There will be an important meeting tomorrow afternoon.

4 下午有阵雨是吗?
There was a shower in the afternoon, wasn't there? (指已发生了的)
There will be a shower in the afternoon, won't there? (指尚未发生的)

5 这种天气让你感觉如何?
How does this weather make you feel?

I finished my exam today and will continue to play this game tomorrow. 此句表示我现在已经考完试了。
I will finish my exam today and continue to play this game tomorrow.此句表示我今天要考试,但还没开始考。


1. Protection of the bad environment is everyone's responsibility, we should start small, from now on.
2. I believe that someday, our city will be getting better and better!
3. I believe that through our efforts will succeed!
4. We how to keep healthy?
5. Good or bad environment to make our lives better!
6. To maintain a healthy allows us to have a happy heart day!
7. To help others make their own people very happy very happy!
8. And more to do something for others, this world better!
10. I think the kids are very cute, I'd like them to get along.
11. Kindergarten teacher. Businessman.
12. While this career can not make me rich, but I like
13. I like a full life
14. I not only want to study or training and to travel.
15. This is my dream trip, I will through their own efforts to practice.
16. I think it will only enrich the lives of rich and colorful.
17. In the future, one day my dream will be realized

1. Protect our environment is everyone's responsibility, we should start small and start from now.

2. I believe in one day in the future, our city certainly can be more beautiful!

3. I believe that through the efforts will be successful.

4. We how to keep healthy?

5. Good our environment can make our life more beautiful!

6. Keep healthy can make us feel happy every day!

7. Helping others can make others happy myself also very happy!

8. For others to do a bit more, the world will be more beautiful!

9. I think it is a waste of time

10. I think kids are very cute, I would like to get along with them.

11. A kindergarten teacher. Businessman.

12. Although this profession can't make me rich, but I like it very much

13. I like full life

14. I not only want to learn or exercise and to travel.

15. This is my dream, I'll travel through their own efforts to practice.

16. I think only enrich life will colorful.

17. In one day, my dream will come true.

1. Protection of the bad environment is everyone's responsibility, we should start small, from now on.
2. I believe that someday, our city will be getting better and better!
3. I believe that through our efforts will succeed!
4. We how to keep healthy?
5. Good or bad environment to make our lives better!
6. To maintain a healthy allows us to have a happy heart day!
7. To help others make their own people very happy very happy!
8. And more to do something for others, this world better!
9. I think that this is not a waste of time
10. I think the kids are very cute, I'd like them to get along.
11. Kindergarten teacher. Businessman.
12. While this career can not make me rich, but I like
13. I like a full life
14. I not only want to study or training and to travel.
15. This is my dream trip, I will through their own efforts to practice.
16. I think it will only enrich the lives of rich and colorful.
17. In the future, one day my dream will be realized.

1.Bad environmental protection is everyone's responsibility, we should start small, from now on.
2.. I believe that someday, our city will be getting better and better!
3.I believe that through our efforts will succeed!
4.We how to keep healthy?
5.Good or bad environment can make our lives better!
6.Allows us to maintain a healthy heart happy every day!
7.Others are happy to help others make yourself happy!
8.To do something more for others, this world better!
9.I think that this is not a waste of time
10.I think the kids are very cute, I'd like them to get along.
11.Kindergarten teacher. Businessman
12.. While this career can not make me rich, but I like
13.I like a full life
14. I not only want to learn and to travel or exercise
15.This is my dream trip, I will through their own efforts to practice.
16.. I think that will only enrich the lives of rich and colorful
17.One day in the future, my dream will be realized.

Protection of the bad environment is everyone's responsibility, we should start small, from now on.
I believe that someday, our city will be getting better aI believe that through our efforts will succeed!
4. We how to keep healthy?
5. Good or bad environment to make our lives better!
6. To maintain a healthy allows us to have a happy heart day!
7. To help others make their own people very happy very happy!
8. And more to do something for others, this world better!
9. I think that this is not a waste of time
10. I think the kids are very cute, I'd like them to get along.
11. Kindergarten teacher. Businessman.
12. While this career can not make me rich, but I like
13. I like a full life
14. I not only want to study or training and to travel.
15. This is my dream trip, I will through their own efforts to practice.
16. I think it will only enrich the lives of rich and colorful.
17. In the future, one day my dream will be realized.

1. Protection of the environment is everyone's responsibility, we should start from evry thing, from now on.
2. I believe that someday, our city will be getting better and better!
3. I believe that through our efforts will succeed!
4. We how to keep healthy?
5. Good or bad environment to make our lives better!
6. To maintain a healthy allows us to have a happy heart day!
7. To help others make their own people very happy very happy!
8. And more to do something for others, this world better!
9. I think that this is not a waste of time
10. I think the kids are very cute, I'd like them to get along.
11. Kindergarten teacher. Businessman.
12. While this career can not make me rich, but I like
13. I like a full life
14. I not only want to study or training and to travel.
15. This is my dream trip, I will through their own efforts to practice.
16. I think it will only enrich the lives of rich and colorful.
17. In the future, one day my dream will be realized.

翻译几句句子,翻译成英文,不要有语法错误喔! 谢谢(英语)视频

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