
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

One makes money for his sense of achievement and a better life.It's not worthwhile to earn bread regardless of his health.Then what sense does it make to earn lots of money?

Just a stranger on the road gave me the envelope, which would you guess what these things?
If there are a check nice ah!
The sky will not fall out of things to happen? Not necessarily, a young man, is one such lucky, he got a check for a million pounds. In the end is how the case? Let us have a look.

I solemnly declare: I have submitted a thesis and research results, is himself under the guidance of instructor, independent research the results achieved.
Best of my knowledge, unless the reference has been specified content, and the results of this thesis does not contain any content which is copyrighted by others.
Papers and research results of this study involved contribute to the work of other individual and collective, have to clear in the text indicates, and to express my heartfelt thanks.

I solemnly declare: I have been turning and its research achievements of graduation thesis in guiding teacher, is himself under the guidance of study, independent achievements made.
As far as I know, in addition to the content of the paper has the quote, this graduation thesis and the research does not contain any others enjoy copyright content.
This paper and its research achievements of research work involved contribution of the other individual and collective, have been in this paper in order to make clear, and in this way marked heartfelt thanks.



I solemnly declare: I have submitted a thesis and research results, is himself under the guidance of instructor, independent research the results achieved. Best of my knowledge,.unless the reference has been specified content, and the results of this thesis does not contain any content which is copyrighted by others. Papers and research results of this study involved contribute to

I solemnly declare: I submitted the thesis and research results, is himself under the guidance of the teacher, the outcome of the independent research.
Best of my knowledge, except where the context already in the annotated references of content, this thesis and research results do not contain any of the others have copyright of the content.
On this paper and its research involved studies to contribute to the work of other individual and collective, are already in the text, with clearly marked, and would like to express my heartfelt thanks.


  • 17565134773帮我把下面这几句话翻译成英语,谢谢!!!
    季李厚答:回答和翻译如下:1.过马路闯红灯是一种很危险的行为。2. 其实,无论做什么事情,我们都应该遵守相关的规则。遵守规则不仅能体现一个人的素养,还能得到别人的尊重。3. 吸毒会影响一个人的身心健康,我们应该远离毒品。Crossing the red light is a very dangerous behavior.2. In fact, no matter...

  • 17565134773求翻译:帮忙把下面的话译成英语,谢谢!!
    季李厚答:Hope to make friends with you! !

  • 17565134773帮忙把下面的话翻译成英语,谢谢。
    季李厚答:I solemnly declare: I have submitted a thesis and research results, is himself under the guidance of instructor, independent research the results achieved.Best of my knowledge, unless the reference has been specified content, and the results of this thesis does not contain any content ...

  • 17565134773帮忙把下面的话翻译成英语
    季李厚答:people's consciousness is constantly improving as well. Accordlingly, while emphasizing the importance of life quality, people attach more and more importances to healthcare and appearance of their eyes. The glass is a well-known commodity containing science and technology, ...

  • 17565134773请大家帮我把下面的话翻译成英语,谢谢了
    季李厚答:一颗隐藏着的星宿,会在第一时间出现在众人面前,并且在群星中发出闪烁的光芒。A star that hide in the darkness, will be the first time to show up in front of the human eyes, also, to distribute the shines to all the stars.

  • 17565134773帮忙把下面的话用英语翻译一下
    季李厚答:Beijing is a city of long history, there are also many places of historic interest and science beauty such as the Grate Wall, Forbidden City, Summer Palace and so on. Courtyards of Beijing is a place which deserve to go, I believe it that you will surely like the layout. ...

  • 17565134773帮忙把下面几句翻译成英语 ,谢谢
    季李厚答:5.It seems that he knows everything.6.China is getting more and more formidable with the development of the science and technology.7.The book you borrowed should be returned to the library according to our record.8.Basically, the results are satisfactory.9.This dictionary can make...

  • 17565134773帮我把下面几句话翻译成英语,谢谢!
    季李厚答:Today I will go to prep to teach.Today I will go to two different place to teach.Today I will go to two school teach.Today I have 6 periods of class.

  • 17565134773请大家帮帮忙,帮我把下面那段话翻译成英语一下吧。谢谢!!~
    季李厚答:Honey, we get married.Henceforth, we will happy together and slowly old.We hold the wedding chapel, it is a sacred place, we should hand in front of the Lord make our commitment to each other.Maybe, some unusual wedding.I hope that appear in front of you is a perfect bride...

  • 17565134773请把下面的话翻译成英语,谢谢
    季李厚答:具有大局意识和团队精神.有较强的求知欲望,对环境适应能力好,办事有效率.I honest, cheerful, dedicated, progressive, serious and responsible work can laboring amid hardship;A sense of the overall situation and team spirit. A strong desire to seek knowledge, the ability to adapt well to ...

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