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Michael Jordan, was born on February 17, 1963 in Brooklyn, New York, the famous American basketball player, Secretary shooting guard, in the history of the greatest basketball player.The 1984 NBA draft, Jordan overall by the Chicago bulls selected in the first round of third.1986-87 Jordan season, averaging 37.1 points, scoring the title for the first time. 1990-91 season, Jordan won the MVP regular season and finals MVP title, led the Chicago bulls won the NBA Championship for the first time. 1997-98 season, Jordan personal occupation careertenth in scoring, and led the team won the championship sixth times. In September 11, 2009,Jordan officially named the NBA Hall of fame.


Michael Jordan was born on February 17, 1963 in brooklyn, New York.

(迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan),1963年2月17日生于美国纽约布鲁克林。)

Former us professional basketball player, point guard, nicknamed "Air Jordan".

(前美国职业篮球运动员,司职得分后卫,绰号“飞人”(Air Jordan)。)

Michael Jordan was drafted by the Chicago bulls with the 3rd pick in the first round of the 1984 NBA draft.


He played for the Chicago bulls and Washington wizards and was named NBA rookie of the year in his rookie year.


In 1986-87, Jordan averaged 37.1 points per game to become the first NBA scoring champion.










  Michael Jordan
  “空中飞人”迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)"Fly-by-night" Michael Jordan (Michael Jordan)
  项目:篮球 身高:1.98米 星座:水瓶座Item : basketball Height : 1.98 meters Constellation : Shuipingzuo
  出生:1963年2月17号 体重:98公斤 Born : February 17, 1963 Weight : 98 kg
  位置:得分后卫 毕业学校:北卡罗莱纳大学(North Carolina)84年毕业.Location : shooting guard graduate schools : the University of North Carolina (North Carolina) 84 graduation.
  1984年NBA选秀第一轮第三顺位被芝加哥公牛选中1993年10月6日一度宣布退出NBA,95年3月18日重新回<br /> 到NBA,99年1月13日宣布退役。1984 23:45 with the first round of the third place was the Chicago Bulls selected on October 6, 1993 announced its withdrawal from the NBA once, March 18, 95 to reconsider "br> NBA,99 year to January 13 announced retirement. 2001年10月31日,在新赛季NBA揭幕战中,乔丹第二次正式复出。October 31, 2001, the new season in the opening match of the NBA, Jordan came back a second official. 在奇才队比赛两个赛季.之后宣布退役,不再回来.Wizards in competition two season. After the announced retirement, and not come back.
  在美国人的十大“文化偶像”中,篮球皇帝——飞人乔丹名列第六……Americans in the top 10 "cultural icons", basketball emperor -- Jordan ranked sixth night ...
  美国人的10个文化偶像<br /> 不管喜欢还是憎恨,只要提到他的名字,人们就会联想到美国——美国《男人》、《传记》等媒体联合评选出了美国文化的十大偶像。Americans 10 cultural icons "br> whether you like or hate, when you mention his name, people will think of the United States -- the United States, "men", "Biography" and other media selected by the joint American culture Ten idol. 据称,他们的评选标准是:只要提到他或她的名字,人们就会联想到美国;不管人们喜欢还是憎恨,在别国人的眼里,他们都代表着美国;只有真实的人有资格当选,文艺作品中的人物则无当选资格;当选者必须是“正宗”美国人,卓别林、施瓦辛格虽然对美国的影响很大,但他们都被排除在候选人之外。It is said that their selection criteria is : as long as he or she mentioned the name, people will think of the United States; Whether people like or hate in the eyes of other people, they are representatives of the United States; Only real people are eligible to be elected to literary and artistic works, which no figures for the election; elected to be "authentic" Americans, Charlie Chaplin, Shiwaxinge Although the United States is a great, but they are excluded from the candidates. 按照这些标准,最后的评选结果如下:In accordance with these criteria, the final selection was as follows :
  10罗纳德·里根(Ronald Reagan)9海明威(Ernest Hemingway)8弗兰克·西纳特拉(Frank Sinatra)7詹姆斯·迪恩(James Dean)10 Ronald Reagan (Ronald Reagan) 9 Hemingway (Ernest Hemingway) 8 Frank Xinatela (Frank Sinatra) 7, James Dean (James Dean)
  6迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)6 Michael Jordan (Michael Jordan)
  飞人”乔丹——一个集优雅、力量、艺术、即兴能力于一身的卓越运动员,他重新定义了NBA超级明星的含义,他是公认的全世界最棒的篮球运动员,不仅仅在他所处的那个时代、在整个NBA历史上乔丹都是最棒的。Fast Runner "Jordan -- a set elegance, power, art, the ability to improvise an outstanding athletes, He redefined the NBA superstar meaning, he is recognized by the world's best basketball players. he lived not only in the times, the entire NBA Lishishang Jordan the very best.
  成为迈克尔·乔丹式的人物,是所有美国人的梦想。Become the Michael Jordan-type figure, is the dream of all Americans. 迈克尔·乔丹来自纽约的布鲁克林区,后来进入北卡罗莱纳大学学习,在那里,他的篮球天赋开始显现。Michael Jordan from New York in Brooklyn, and later entered the University of North Carolina, where His basketball talents are becoming apparent. 加盟芝加哥公牛队后,乔丹率队6次获得NBA总冠军,5次赢得最有价值球员(MVP)的称号。Joining Chicago Bulls, Jordan was 6th im NBA champion, won five most valuable player (MVP ) title. 两度宣布退役,又两度宣布复出,最终于2003年从华盛顿奇才队退役。Announced retirement twice, twice declared over, which culminated in 2003 from the Washington Wizards retired. 据估计,截止2002年,飞人乔丹的财产总数为4亿200万美元。It is estimated that by 2002, the Fast Runner Jordan's property to 400 million the total number of two million U.S. dollars. 乔丹是美国最伟大的篮球运动员。Jordan is the greatest basketball player.
  名言:“我可以接受失败,但无法接受放弃。”Saying : "I can accept failure, but could not accept to give up. "
  5马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King)4约翰·韦恩(John Wayne)3埃尔维斯·普莱斯利(Elvis Presley)2玛丽莲·梦露(Marilyn Monroe)5 Martin Luther King (Martin Luther King) 4 John Wayne (John Way ne) 3 Elvis Presley (Elvis Hey) 2 Marilyn Monroe (Maril yn Monroe)
  1约翰·肯尼迪(John Fitzgerald Kennedy)A John F. Kennedy (John Fitzgerald Kennedy)
  乔丹NBA生涯重要奖项 <br /> NBA总冠军6次 1991,1992,1993,1996,1997,1998Jordan NBA career major awards "br> NBA championship six times 1991, 1992, 1993,1996,1997,1998
  NBA常规赛最有价值球员(MVP)5次 1988,1991,1992,1996,1998NBA regular season most valuable player (MVP) five times 1988,1991,1992,1996, 1998
  NBA季后赛最有价值球员(MVP)6次 1991,1992,1993,1996,1997,1998NBA playoffs most valuable player (MVP) 6th 1991,1992,1993,1996. 1997, 1998
  NBA年度NBA进攻一队10次 87,88,89,90,91,92,93,96,97,98NBA annual NBA teams offensive a 10 87,88,89,90,91,92,93,96,97,98
  NBA年度NBA防守一队8次 88,89,90,91,92,93,97,98NBA a year NBA defensive team eight times 88,89,90,91,92,93,97,98
  NBA年度最佳新秀 1985NBA annual Best New Horizons 1985
  NBA扣篮比赛冠军 1987,1988NBA smash the bail forcefully winner of the competition 1987,1988
  主要技术统计Main technical statistics
  NBA职业生涯总得分:29,277列NBA第4位NBA career scoring total : 29,277 out the first four NBA
  NBA职业生涯28次拿到三双<br /> 单场得分纪录:69分(1990年3月28日对骑士队)NBA 28th career double to get three "p> scoring single market record : 69 pm (March 28, 1990 on the Knights)
  主要战绩Major feat
  6次获得NBA总冠军:(1990-91, 1991-92, 1992-93, 1995-96, 1996-97 和1997-98)6th NBA championship were : (1990-91, 1991-92, 1992-93, 1995-96, 1996-97 and 1997-98)
  2次夺得奥运会冠军:1984年、1992年<br /> 荣誉2 won four Olympic Champion : 1984, 1992 "honor br>
  1985年获NBA年度最佳新人奖1985 was the best year NBA newcomers Award
  6次当选NBA总决赛最有价值球员:(1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998)6th elected NBA Finals most valuable player : (1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998)
  5次当选NBA最有价值球员:(1988, 1991, 1992, 1996, 1998)Elected five times NBA Most Valuable Player Award : (1988, 1991, 1992, 1996, 1998)
  3次当选NBA全明星赛最有价值球员:(1988, 1996, 1998)3rd Inquiry on All-star tournament was elected NBA most valuable player : (1988, 1996, 1998)
  NBA1996年当选“NBA历史上最伟大的50位球员”之一NBA1996 elected, "Lishishang NBA's greatest 50 players," one

  个人简介:Personal Profile :
  1984年NBA选秀第一轮有芝加哥公牛选中1993年10月6日一度宣布退出NBA,95年3月18日重新回到NBA,99年1月13日正式宣布退役。1984 23:45 first round of the Chicago Bulls selected on October 6, 1993 announced its withdrawal from the NBA once , March 18, 95, returned to NBA,99 January 13 officially announced retirement.

  小档案:Fact File :
  星座:水瓶座 <br /> 身高:6尺6寸 198cmConstellation : Shuipingzuo "br> Height : 6 feet 6 inches Height
  体重:216磅 98kgWeight : 216 pounds 98kg
  场上位置:后卫 <br /> 所上大学:北卡罗兰那大学 84届 <br /> 婚姻状况:已婚 <br /> 难忘的事情:nba总冠军 <br /> 讨厌的地方:需要游泳的地方 <br /> 常到的地方:篮球场,赌场 <br /> 最喜欢的运动:棒球,篮球,橄榄球 <br /> 最喜欢的乐器:钢琴(弹的很难听)Market position : guard "br> by the university : the University of North Carolan then 84-second" br> Marital status : Married "br> memorable things : nba championship" br> nasty places : need to swim the "br> places frequented by : basketball courts, a casino" br> favorite sports : baseball, basketball, football. "br> favorite instruments : piano (very difficult to listen to the bullets)
  最喜欢的颜色:红(公牛的缘故吧)Favorite color : red (owes something Bulls)
  最喜爱的国家:USAFavorite Country : USA
  嗜好:赌博,抽烟 <br /> 最喜欢的电影作品:《空中大灌篮》Hobby : gambling, smoking "br> favorite films :" expecting big air "

  其他记录Other records
  1.职业生涯场均30.123分 历史第一(张伯伦以30.06委列第二)1. Career field is the first history - 30.123 (30.06 appointed Chamberlain to second)

  2.个人10次得分王 历史第一 2. 10 individual scores first historic Wang

  3.平了张伯伦连续七次得分王纪录(1987——1993)3. Leveling the Chamberlain scored seven consecutive record Wang (1987--1993)

  4.连续866场比赛得分超过两位数,历史第一4. 866 consecutive games over the two-digit scores, the first history

  5.保持单节罚球命中NBA最高记录14次(注:有两次,一次是1989年11月15日,对犹他爵士队,单节罚中14球,另一次是1993年对热火)5. Maintained single-Free Throws NBA record of 14 (Note : There are two, one was November 15, 1989, the Utah Jazz, single penalty section 14 balls, The other was in 1993 on hot)
  6.保持着单节罚球次数最高16次(1992年12月30日对热火的第4节,乔丹全场24罚球)6. Maintained single highest number of kicks section 16 (December 30, 1992 on the hot 4, Jordan audience of 24 kicks)

  7.NBA历史最多的10个赛季的投篮次数和投中次数均列NBA历史第一位7.NBA history most of the 10 shooting season number and frequency of which were cast out a history of the NBA

  8.1987年对亚特兰大老鹰队一战创下连续得23分的NBA记录(就是投篮罚球全部命中,并且在这期间本队无任何其他球员得分),单场连续得分排行榜前四均为乔丹:23分(1987),22分(2002),19分(1996),18分(1987)8.1987, the Atlanta Hawks set for a battle in the 1123 NBA records (Free Throw Shooting is all hit, and in this period the team without any other players scoring), the market for the top four scores were Jordan : 1123 (1987), 22 hours (2,002), 19 hours (1,996), 18 hours (1,987)

  9.1992年12月30日,对迈阿密热队,半场获得23次罚球机会9.1992, December 30, the Miami Heat, the second half was 23 free-throw opportunities

  10.并且罚球中20个,均创NBA记录10. China kicks and 20, have reached the NBA record

  11.带领公牛拿到72胜10负的常规赛记录,历史绝无仅有11. Lead the Bulls win 10 of 72 to get negative regular season record, history unique

  12.唯一在一只球队一场比赛中出现2人三双,和皮蓬共享的第1荣誉 12. The only team in a game of the day there were three pairs of two, and the sharing PIPPEN an honor
  【保持此项记录直至2007年才被Net队Kidd和Carter打破】【Maintain the record until 2007 Net team was only Kidd and Carter break --

  13.唯一40岁拿40+分球员13. Only 40-year-old players with 40 + hours

  14.第一个在40岁还能平均每场得20分以上得球员14. One of the 40-year-old can each have an average of more than 20 minutes in the players

  15.保持38岁以上球员单场得分最高记录:51分 15. Maintain more than 38-year-old single-market players score highest on record : 51 pm

  16.保持39岁以上球员单场得分最高记录:45分 16. Maintain more than 39-year-old single-market players score highest on record : 45 pm

  17.保持40岁以上球员单场得分最高记录:43分17. Maintain more than 40-year-old single-market players score highest on record : 43 pm

  18.88年兼得得分王和防守王,历史上只有这一个人18.88, the closest scoring defense and Wang Wang, there was only this one

  19.10次入选NBA"最佳阵容" (1986-87至1992-93赛季, 1995-96至1997-98赛季) NBA 19.10 on selected "best lineup" (1986-87 to 1992-93 season, 1995-96 to 1997-98 season)

  20.87-88赛季封盖达到131次,是后卫的盖帽记录(单场最高6次,职业生涯有8场比赛单场盖冒5次以上)20.87-88 season sealed reach 131 is the top fullback record (the highest single-market 6th, Career eight matches single market Gaim five times more)

  21.保持着后卫职业生涯893次盖冒的最高记录21. Guards maintained a career Gaim 893 times the highest on record

  22.1988-1989赛季公牛主力组织后卫受伤,乔丹代替打组织后卫,结果总共11场比赛,乔丹获得了10场3双,其中连续7场3双,列NBA连续3双次数的第二名(第一名是老张的连续9次),但保持保持历史三双最高频率22.1988-1989 main organizations season Bulls fullback injured, Jordan instead playing fullback organizations, Results A total of 11 games, Jordan was 10 - 3, with seven consecutive rounds of three pairs, out three consecutive NBA's second-frequency (Lao Zhang is the first of nine consecutive), But the three-history and the highest frequency

  23.在职业生涯的第二季打了三场以后便受伤,缺席了64场后回归,在剩余的比赛中,顺利将球队带入季候赛,30胜52负是NBA史上进入季后赛的最差战绩23. Career in the second quarter hit the market after the three injured, the absence of the 64 after the reunification, in the remaining matches, the team smoothly into Jihousai. 30 52 victory is a negative history of the NBA playoffs to the worst performing

  24.1989年在对波士顿的比赛,全场拿下52分和9次抢断,其中上半场8次抢断创造了nba历史半场断球记录(和多人分享这一记录,他职业生涯最高为10次,有10场比赛单场断球在8次以上)24.1989, in the Boston race, the whole 52 minutes and won the 9th interception. 8th fouls which created the interception halftime ball hawks nba history records (and many people share that record, his career up to 10 times that of 10 matches single ball hawks in the market more than 8 times)

  25.抢断王最多3次(也是历史记录和几个人分享),25. Wang interception of up to three times (also historical records and several people sharing),
  分别是1988年3.16次,1990年2.77次,1993年2.83次They are 3.16 times in 1988, 2.77 times in 1990, 283 times in 1993

  26.保持nba入选最佳防守阵容第一队最多记录9次 26. Nba selected to maintain the best defensive first team lineup 9th largest record

  27.保持职业生涯最高球员效率(Player Efficiency Rating)27.9 27. Career maintain maximum efficiency of the players (Player Efficiency Rating) 2 7.9

  28.保持职业生涯nba单赛季平均得分30+次数最多8次(张伯伦以7次位列第二)28. Nba maintain career single-season scoring average the highest number of 30 + 8 (Chamberlain to the second highest 7th)

  29.职业生涯每个赛季平均得分都超过20分的球员29. Career scoring average each season over 0820 players

  30.保持nba赛季投篮王和投中王次数最多9次和10次30. Shooting maintain nba season for Wang and Wang highest number of 9th and 10th

  31.保持职业生涯历史最高Usage rate数值33.1,和最多Usage rate数值之王9次31. Career history to maintain the highest numerical 33.1 Usage rate, Usage rate and the largest numerical King 9th

  32.保持着最多的得分超过2000分的塞机次数11次32. Maintain maximum score more than 2,000 hours of Cypriot plane number 11

  33.历史上唯一一个两次同时拿到200个抢断和100个盖帽的后卫.33. The only one in history twice won 200 interception and 100 top rearguard.

  34.1993对奇才,乔丹拿下57分和10次助攻,是nba历史上拿下10次助攻的同时得分最高的。34.1993 pair of Genius, Jordan scored 57 points and 10 assists. nba is Lishishang won 10 assists while scoring the highest.

  35.1989年对76人的比赛,乔丹拿下52分,全场29投24中,罚球4罚4中,是nba历史上拿下50分罚球最少(今年纽约的克劳复得得到52分,罚球四次,平了这一记录)和命中率最高(82.8%)35.1989 76 years of the competition, Jordan won the 52 hours, the audience voted 24 to 29, four penalty kicks, 4 nba is Lishishang kicks won at least 50 hours (New York this year, Klaus was restored 52 hours, four kicks, This equaled the record) and the highest hit rate (82.8%)
  36.罚球命中次数1463,联盟历史第一36. Free Throws number 1463, the first history of Union

  37.季后赛平均每场得分33.4分,历史第一37. Career playoff scoring average every 33.4 minutes, the first history

  38.季后赛职业生涯总得分5987,历史第一38. Playoffs career total score 8389, the first history

  39.单赛季平均最高43.7分39. The maximum single-season average 43.7 hours
  1986年,乔丹在面对当年67胜(主场40胜1)败的总冠军波士顿的三场季候赛,分别拿下49分,63分,19分,场均43.7分是单赛季季候赛场均最高记录,历史上只有两个人在季候赛场均40分以上,另一位是杰里·韦斯特(场均40.6分)In 1986, Jordan was in the face of 67-sheng (Arena 40 wins and 1) the overall championship defeat Boston three Jihousai. separately won 49 hours, 63 hours, 19 hours, 43.7 hours, the market will be single-season Jihousai field were the highest on record, there was only two people in the market are Jihousai 40 and above, the other one is Jerry West (Field were 40.6)

  40.季后赛当场得分63分 历史第一40. Playoffs spot scoring the first 63 hours of history

  41.季后赛唯一一个拿过背靠背50分的球员41. He holds the playoffs only one back-to-back 50 hours, the players
  1988年季候赛,乔丹在对克里夫兰的比赛中,第一场50分,第二场55分,连续两场拿下50分,历史还有谁能连续2场在季候赛超过50?Jihousai 1988, Jordan in the Cleveland game, the first 50 minutes and the second 55 minutes. The two won 50 consecutive hours of history who could field two in a row over 50? Jihousai
  答案是:只有乔丹The answer is : Only Jordan

  42.季后赛唯一一个拿过连续3场45分42. The only one who has the playoffs for three 45 minutes
  1990年在对76人的半决赛中,乔丹5场比赛场均拿下43.0分,其中在第二到第4场比赛中,分别得到45分,49分,45分 <br /> 连续三场比赛超过45+,历史上谁还能在季候赛做到?In 1990 to 76 in the finals, Jordan five games were won 43.0 hours which in the second to the first four matches, respectively, 45 hours, 49 hours 45 pm "br> consecutive matches over three MEDICAL history in Jihousai Who can do that?
  答案是:只有乔丹 <br /> (乔丹还有次连续得到44分,50分和44分,艾佛森曾经连续得到46分,44分和48分,都只差一点)The answer is : Only Jordan "br> (Jordan have been 44 consecutive hours, 50 hours and 44 minutes, Aibisen had been 46 consecutive hours, 44 hours and 48 minutes, almost only)

  43.季后赛5场系列最高场均45.2分 <br /> 乔丹在1988年对骑士的比赛中,分别得到50分,55分,38分,44分,39分,创造季候赛5场系列比赛场均和总得分最高记录43. Series playoffs five top markets recorded 45.2 hours, "br> Jordan in the 1988 Knights of the game, respectively 50 hours, 55 hours, 38 hours, 44 hours, 39 minutes, Jihousai create a series of five games and were ranked the highest on record

  44.5场系列进球最多记录86球 <br /> 同时,在这5场比赛中,乔丹投进86球 ,创造5场系列进球最多记录44.5 Field Goal Series record 86 balls up "br> At the same time, these five matches, Jordan dropped into 86 balls, creating a series of scoring five largest record

  45.单场比赛最多进24球 45. Single match up into 24 balls
  在这个系列的第二场得55分的比赛中,乔丹全场投进24球,是nba单场进球记录(和张伯伦和哈夫利切克分享这一记录)In this series of the second 55 minutes of the game, Jordan audience dropped into 24 balls, nba single market is scoring record (Chamberlain and Havli ček share in the records)

  46.半场比赛投篮最多25次 46. Shooting Competition halftime up 25
  另外,在这个系列的第二场得55分的比赛中,乔丹半场投出25次,也是nba半场出手投篮记录。In addition, the series of the second 55 minutes of the game, Jordan halftime cast 25, nba is shooting halftime sell records.

  47.季后赛三场系列场均最高45分 <br /> 乔丹在1992年对热火的季候赛中,分别得到46分,33分,和56分,创造季候赛三场系列比赛场均和总得分最高记录。47. Three series of the playoffs was the highest field 45 minutes "br> Jordan in 1992 on the hot Jihousai, respectively 46 minutes, 33 hours and 56 minutes, creating Jihousai three Series games and were ranked highest on record.

  48.3场系列进53球 48.3 field 53 balls into series
  在这三场比赛中,乔丹投进53球,同样创造3场系列进球最多记录。In three matches, Jordan dropped into 53 balls, creating the same market recorded the largest series of scoring.

  49.三节54分,季候赛三节比赛最多得分 49. 3 54 hours Jihousai three competitions up scores
  在这个系列的第三场比赛,乔丹三节54分,全场56分(30投20中)In this series of the third match, Jordan 3 54 minutes, the whole 56 minutes (30 to 20)

  50.季后赛40分次数最多38次 <br /> 乔丹在其179场季候赛中,38次得到40分以上,这其中23场达到45+,8次达到50+,1次60+50. Playoffs 40 hours the highest number of 38 "br> Jordan in its field Jihousai 179, 38 times over 40 hours, 23 of which reached the market 45+,8 time to time 725 50+,1

  51.季后赛50分最多8次 <br /> 乔丹在季候赛得到过8次50分,是nba季候赛

I don't know


  • 18791572992用英文介绍乔丹
    鬱琦钟是的,Joseph Jones、Bryan Davis、Chinemelu Elonu以及今年乐透大热门德安德鲁-乔丹(DeAndre Jordan)组成的内线太恐怖了,一个个都是五大三粗非常能够在内线拚杀的那种。而且他们命中率奇高无比,上半场他们得到的29分里面居然有26分是油漆区得分!而UCLA的这个数字是对方的个位数——6分! 图片:可爱的小神兽DeAndre...

  • 18791572992求迈克尔乔丹英文简介。
    鬱琦钟迈克尔乔丹英文简介:Michael Jordan, was born on February 17, 1963 in Brooklyn, New York, the famous American basketball player, Secretary shooting guard, in the history of the greatest basketball player.The 1984 NBA draft, Jordan overall by the Chicago bulls selected in the first rou...

  • 18791572992篮球明星乔丹的资料
    鬱琦钟1、迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan),1963年2月17日生于纽约布鲁克林,美国著名篮球运动员,司职得分后卫,历史上最伟大的篮球运动员。2、1984年的NBA选秀大会,乔丹在首轮第3顺位被芝加哥公牛队选中。1986-87赛季,乔丹场均得到37.1分,首次获得分王称号。1990-91赛季,乔丹连夺常规赛MVP和总决赛MVP称号...

  • 18791572992乔丹简介(英文版)
    鬱琦钟Michael Jordan, born on February 17, 1963, in Brooklyn, New York, is a former American professional basketball player. Known by his nickname "Air Jordan," he played as a shooting guard and is widely regarded as one of the greatest players in NBA history.(迈克尔·乔丹,1963年2...

  • 18791572992乔丹英文简介
    鬱琦钟Jeffrey Michael and Marcus James, and one daughter, Jasmine Michael 迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan) 男 身高:1.98米 体重:98 公斤 出生日期:1963-2-17 个人简介: 迈克尔乔丹 Michael Jordan 出生地:纽约布鲁克林 位 置:后卫 高中:北卡罗莱纳州威尔明顿兰尼高中 大学:北卡罗莱纳大学 选秀:19...

  • 18791572992乔丹简介(英文版)
    鬱琦钟Michael Jordan was born on February 17, 1963 in brooklyn, New York.(迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan),1963年2月17日生于美国纽约布鲁克林。)Former us professional basketball player, point guard, nicknamed "Air Jordan".(前美国职业篮球运动员,司职得分后卫,绰号“飞人”(Air Jordan)。)...

  • 18791572992迈克尔·乔丹的个人简介 要英文的
    鬱琦钟Michael Jeffrey Jordan was born on February 17, 1963, in Brooklyn, New York, but his family decided to move to Wilmington, North Carolina when he was still a toddler. Jordan is the fourth of five children, having two older brothers and an older and younger sister. Michael's ...

  • 18791572992乔丹简历 全一点的
    鬱琦钟乔丹 一、简介 全名:迈克尔·乔丹 英文名:Michael Jordan 性别:男 国籍:美国 身高:1.98米 体重:98 公斤 百米成绩:10.7s 垂直弹跳:43inch 跳远成绩:7.5m以上 出生日期:1963-2-17 星座:水瓶座 出生地:纽约市布鲁克林区 高中:北卡罗莱纳州威尔明顿兰尼高中 大学:北卡罗莱纳大学 选秀:1984年首轮第3位 场上位置:...

  • 18791572992乔丹获得的荣誉
    鬱琦钟Michael Jordan 个人简介: 姓名:迈克尔-乔丹(Michael Jordan)位置:后卫生日:02\/17\/63 高度:1.98M体重:98.1kg 球员生涯和荣誉: 5次荣获NBA“最有价值球员”称号(1987-88赛季、1990-91赛季、1991-92赛季、1995-96赛季、1997-98赛季) 10次入选NBA“最佳阵容”(1986-87至1992-93赛季、1995-96至1997-98赛季) “...

  • 18791572992寻求迈克尔乔丹的中英文资料简介
    鬱琦钟中文名: 迈克尔·乔丹 外文名: Michael·Jordan 别名: 米高·佐敦、“空中飞人”国籍: 美国 出生地: 纽约市布鲁克林区 出生日期: 1963年2月17日 毕业院校: 北卡罗莱纳大学 身高: 198cm 体重: 98.1kg 运动项目: 篮球 专业特点: 得分、防守、领导力超强 主要奖项: 6次NBA总冠军 2次奥运...

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