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英语作文 我最喜爱的一项传统技能~

有悬赏的吗??One of my favorite traditional skills
It is nearly the time when our calendar flips over to another year. The days are filled with people frantically trying to tie up loose ends and preparing to look to the future. It's also a time when many people are looking back to see exactly what it was they accomplished. As editor of the Web development zone on developerWorks, I took a little time to look back at everything we have shared with you this year. Some of it was designed to let you get your hands dirty and start working with code immediately. Some of it was designed to get you thinking about the big picture and how the changing landscape of development will shape the future of your applications.

We all get so busy getting the work done, that there isn't always time to see everything that we should. I'm here to be your "ghost of developerWorks past," to point out some items that we had this year that I hope you didn't miss. It's a very subjective list, based on my own personal opinion. However, if someone was asking me for a list of what he or she should have read this year, this would be the one. I hope you enjoy it and that you will continue to find developerWorks to be a useful resource as we enter into 2010.

It is nearly the time when our calendar flips over to another year. The days are filled with people frantically trying to tie up loose ends and preparing to look to the future. It's also a time when many people are looking back to see exactly what it was they accomplished. As editor of the Web development zone on developerWorks, I took a little time to look back at everything we have shared with you this year. Some of it was designed to let you get your hands dirty and start working with code immediately. Some of it was designed to get you thinking about the big picture and how the changing landscape of development will shape the future of your applications.

We all get so busy getting the work done, that there isn't always time to see everything that we should. I'm here to be your "ghost of developerWorks past," to point out some items that we had this year that I hope you didn't miss. It's a very subjective list, based on my own personal opinion. However, if someone was asking me for a list of what he or she should have read this year, this would be the one. I hope you enjoy it and that you will continue to find developerWorks to be a useful resource as we enter into 2010.



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    顾泉鱼It is nearly the time when our calendar flips over to another year. The days are filled with people frantically trying to tie up loose ends and preparing to look to the future. It's also a time when many people are looking back to see exactly what it was they accomplished. ...

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