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2000c entertainment presenters in-game adjustments skills
- with "day day up" as an example of brother presided over every day

【 abstract 】 in-game adjustments ability is a qualified host must have one of the quality. This paper mainly introduces the source of host in-game adjustments ability and must have the psychological quality, and by "day day up" host group as an example, this paper discusses the brother every day of the day day up program of strain field by every brother technique to deal with all kinds of incidents happened or embarrassing scenes.

【 keywords 】 entertainment show host in-game adjustments day day up


In recent years, in order to improve the ability of college students, ERP Simulation Game is introduced in many colleges and universities. ERP Simulation Game is an experiential teaching method which builds a simulation of the enterprise platform for the student. However, due to the constraints of the university faculty, equipment, etc.; the teaching of ERP Simulation Game cannot achieve very good results. This paper researches the ERP Simulation Game in Xinhua College, analyzes the existed problems, and proposes the solutions, in order to take more advantage of ERP Simulation Game and benefit students in Xinhua College.

Keywords: ERP Simulation Game; ERP Simulation Game courses; Current situation of teaching; Confronted problems.

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The 21st century is the era, with a informatization of computer information technology and network technology, makes the rapid development of computer network system has been more and more attention from all walks of life to the traditional teaching methods, cause a great deal of reform.本文主要介绍了基于Web的课程作业管理系统开发的全过程。
This paper mainly introduces the course assignments based on Web of management system development process.

Through the requirement analysis, system design, system realization and testing etc. Work, implements a function more perfect small operation management system.

This system can release the homework, correct students' papers, statistical work, download assignments, upload assignments, online assignments, view of homework, account information maintenance etc. Function.

Full-text seven chapters: the first chapter preface, analyzes the subject topics basis.

The second chapter related technologies to realize this system, introduces the related technologies needed.

Chapter 3 system requirements analysis, feasibility study and introduce see the feasibility study and demand analysis.

The fourth chapter system design, this paper introduces the overall function, database system, the design of the flow chart and UI.

The realization of the fifth chapter system, introduces the main functions of the system implementation.

The sixth chapter system, this paper introduces the test using test software the system tests.

Chapter 7 summarized, the whole design and implementation process of the paper briefly summarized.

The 21st century is the informatization era, with a informatization of computer information technology and network technology, makes the rapid development of computer network system has been more and more attention from all walks of life to the traditional teaching methods, cause a great deal of reform.
This paper mainly introduces the course assignments based on Web of management system development process. Through the requirement analysis, system design, system realization and testing etc. Work, implements a function more perfect small operation management system. This system can release the homework, correct students' papers, statistical work, download assignments, upload assignments, online assignments, view of homework, account information maintenance etc. Function.
Full-text seven chapters: the first chapter preface, analyzes the subject topics basis. The second chapter related technologies to realize this system, introduces the related technologies needed. Chapter 3 system requirements analysis, feasibility study and introduce see the feasibility study and demand analysis. The fourth chapter system design, this paper introduces the overall function, database system, the design of the flow chart and UI. The realization of the fifth chapter system, introduces the main functions of the system implementation. The sixth chapter system, this paper introduces the test using test software the system tests. Chapter 7 summarized, the whole design and implementation process of the paper briefly summarized.


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