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The agricultural informationization is now the world economics and the social development general trend, is also the Chinese industrial production promotes and realizes the industrialization, the modernized key. However, the agricultural informationization has not received the enough value in China, therefore, should further strengthen the Chinese agriculture informationization developmental strategy research, strengthens the Chinese agriculture using the informationization with China's agricultural superiority in the international market competitive power. This article according to the domestic and foreign agricultural informationization situation makes the comparison. Elaborates the Chinese agriculture informationization development present situation and the insufficiency. Pointed out that China nowadays speeds up the develop agriculture informationization the necessity and the pressing. Key elaborated China the agricultural development should follow in the coming years tendency.

“什么...是的感觉[即经验得到承认后] ?在实验中得到承认后是不同的报告作为一个光辉的温暖,一种主人翁感,亲密的感觉,一种是在家里,感觉轻松,舒适的感觉。这是一个愉快的感觉情感质量, diffusively有机的感官性质。

"十一五" the time, the school comprehensive implementation and
realization science development view, further enhances the school the
independent innovation ability and according to the government by law
school level, positively advances the internationalization, the
integrated school, the development attacks the engineering course and
the application,Overlapping the discipline, the prominent teacher
educates the specialty, specialized enables the undergraduate course
to achieve 55, master selects achieved above 10, ordinary lives in the
school achieved above 28,000 people (undergraduate student achieved
about 20,000 people), continuing education each kind of student
achieved above 20,000 people, the foreign student achieved about 100
people, the campus area achieved about 1.4 million square meters, the school building floor space amounts to about 800,000 square meters; Persists humanist, according to the government by law school, the scale is moderate, the quality first, the struggle creates the characteristic, the brand management, road of the harmonious development, argues vigorously the school completes a province to be in the universities to have the bigger scale benefit, the obvious school superiority and the school characteristic multi-disciplinary
coordinated development teaching high quality pedagogical colleges and universities.

School Development Program : "11th Five-Year Plan" period, a comprehensive school and implement the scientific development concept, further enhance the school's capability of independent innovation and to manage the school level, and actively promote the international, integrated schools, development of offensive and Applied Engineering, crossing disciplines, prominent professional education teachers, we are expected to reach 55. Master's reached more than 10, In ordinary school students achieve more than 28,000 people (including 20,000 undergraduates reach around), Continuing Education student reach 20,000 or more, students achieved 100% Campus area of 1.4 million square meters, the structure of the building area of over 800,000 square meters; adhere to the people-centered, manage the school an appropriate size, quality, priorities and create features, brand management and harmonious development of the road try to build a school where provincial universities have larger scale, Obviously sponsoring school characteristics and advantages of the multidisciplinary coordinated development of the teaching-quality teachers colleges.


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