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at this moment,i've told you every single word that represents love .maybe you won't feel this beating just like past when you're reading my heart.but the emotion still there .
unable to go into hiding inside of me .wish that you will follow your heart ,being my side.

I apologize for the improper words i said to you.

I may have told you this, but I do not remember now.

I may have told you this, but I do not remember now。


Maybe i have told you about this,but i can't remember it now.

I might have said this to you,but now I can not remember it。

maybe i have told you this,but i forget now.我的翻译才最好!


  • 13119695636紧急求助》英文翻译:我可能对你说过这件事,但我现在不记得了
    汪帖尚I may have told you this, but I do not remember now.

  • 13119695636紧急求助,两个英语单词的翻译
    汪帖尚紧急求助,两个英语单词的翻译是:Emergency help,见下图百度翻译

  • 13119695636紧急求助英文翻译
    汪帖尚at first ,I may say sorry to you case I went to home very late after a long day work.So I really don't have time to check my email.I go to a Japanese restaurant after school everyday .That's the reason why I come home vary too late.I'm very happy and excieted t...

  • 13119695636紧急求助,翻译成英文

  • 13119695636SOS啥意思?
    汪帖尚我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 sos是紧急求救信号,紧急求助或寻人呼叫,这是一种当我们遇到紧急事件时,可以寻求帮助的信号。例如,当一艘渔船突然触礁,快要沉船了,这时你就需要呼叫sos,寻求救援。 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 懂梗菌 高粉答主 2019-11-13 · 说的都是干...

  • 13119695636紧急求助!翻译

  • 13119695636紧急求助 翻译成英文 谢谢
    汪帖尚and Gaiwaidianzi able to shake off the shackles of nuclei transferred to another object, so that the negative charge Gaiwaidianzi with the number change. When the loss of electronic objects, its electronic band negative charge of the nucleus than the total number of positive charge ...

  • 13119695636紧急求助 收到一封英文信,说什么我可能是基金受益人?
    汪帖尚不要担心,不是犯罪,你看看我给你的翻译.This letter is from The IMF Committee on Fund Management And Payment newly inaugurated by the World Financial Services Authority of The United Nations.This committee was set up to discover all outstanding unpaid\/unclaimed fund being owned by ...

  • 13119695636紧急求助 中文翻译英文
    汪帖尚Thanks:The paper in the trash can be reversed by LOGO.There is a crack in the vase.Network cable is not good The bed is not the most updated brochure.TV set is not right Thank you

  • 13119695636英语主持人台词,紧急求助!!!
    汪帖尚your reward is too little!you know to finish your lecture need at least one hour.It is a hard work!

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