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In informationization highly developed the 21st century, electronic commerce occupies more and more important status in the global economic. In recent years, was becoming the commercialization development gradually based on network electronic commerce the important content. Electronic commerce by the region time limit, the cost is not been low, efficiency high, fast, convenient and so on superiority, receives more and more enterprises and user's welcome, around the world is maintaining fast, the sustained development situation. As one kind of brand-new commercial operation pattern, electronic commerce has become the new century economic growth by its unique superiority the engine, receives world many countries the values. But, while electronic commerce high speed development's, we should also sober saw that electronic commerce's development also has such as the network infrastructure to be weak, physical distribution lag, online payment security, credit flaw and so on many questions, the credit question is especially prominent. This article through to our country electronic commerce credit question present situation's analysis, has found some substantive questions, proposed that must take the electronic commerce credit system's importance fully, and put forward certain proposals on the construction or the consummation electronic commerce's credit system question.

At present, the "Old Man and the Sea" a lot of research, the author of this article that the novel as an art. Originated in life, the life-on the basis of life must also be constantly aware of the understanding of crystallization. "Old Man and the Sea "As a summing up of Hemingway's works, including the interpretation by the spirit of resistance is the author of the long-term exploration of life in the past, through the analysis of the old Fisherman's Sandinista Diego formation so that we can more clearly understand the" Old Man and the Sea "The spirit of resistance, and its practical significance. This paper will combine the personal experience of Hemingway's works and its relationship between the undertaking and" Old Man and the Sea "works itself, the Sandinista Diego this figure to study the formation, further analysis of its The spirit of resistance and, ultimately, prove its practical significance.


Steel industry is our country was most anti-dumping investigation, at the same time, the industry in Shanxi Province in recent years, the European Union and steel industry lawsuits filed in an increasing number of anti-dumping number. In the current and volatile international economic environment, global trade protectionism anti-dumping is used in most of non-tariff barriers, and has become the focus problem today one of international trade. Hebei iron &steel industry in the process of expanding exports, the eu have constantly to implement anti-dumping charges in steel products, increase anti-dumping duties, the province of steel industry to export caused very big obstacle in our province, certainly will seriously affect the development of economic and export trade. In anti-dumping pressures, hebei iron &steel enterprise how to effectively deal with the eu anti-dumping become a worthy of our soul-searching question. Especially in today's some new trade rules, we want to use the new concepts, new thinking and development perspective to deal with anti-dumping charges. This paper introduces eu steel enterprises in Shanxi Province of jilin enterprise anti-dumping status and when in coping with anti-dumping of problems existing in the province, and puts forward the strategies and steel enterprise to anti-dumping and recommendations.


Keywords: steel enterprises, anti-dumping, problems, countermeasures

The steel industry in China is the largest industry of anti-dumping investigations, while in recent years, the EU steel industry, the province brought the number of anti-dumping lawsuits increasing. In the current volatile international economic environment, anti-dumping is the world's largest trade protectionism in the use of non-tariff barriers, and has become the focus of today's international trade problems. Iron and steel industry in Hebei Province during the expansion of foreign exports, the EU continued to implement the province of anti-dumping allegations of steel products to increase the anti-dumping duties, which gives the province's exports iron and steel industry has posed a great obstacle, it will seriously affect the province's economy and exports trade. Under the pressure of anti-dumping, iron and steel enterprises in Hebei Province to effectively respond to EU anti-dumping as a problem worth pondering. Especially in today's new trade rules, we use new ideas, new thinking and vision to deal with the development of anti-dumping allegations. This article describes the EU anti-dumping iron and steel enterprises in our province and the status of enterprises in our province in response to anti-dumping and other outstanding problems, and proposed iron and steel enterprises in our province to deal with anti-dumping policies and proposals. Key words: iron and steel enterprises, anti-dumping, problems, solutions


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