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能不能帮我写片关于家用电器的英语作文,像洗衣机和冰箱。两个都要写。 谢谢了!~~


we can't live without computer. Because computer is very useful.The computer can help us a lot. We can use it to learn more knowledge. And we can use it to do a lot of work quickly. But in the other hand,some of the students are fall into the computer games. It's not only infulence their school work but also infulence their healthy. Maybe in the future wo can make the best use of the computer

这是一篇介绍冰箱的 To maintain a constant low temperature refrigeration equipment. Is also a food or other items that maintain a constant cold temperature of civilian products. Cabinets with compressor, ice maker for the ice cabinet or box; storage box with a refrigeration unit. Volume of household refrigerators are usually 20 to 500 liters. 1910 world's first compression refrigeration refrigerators in the United States came home. In 1925 the Swedish company has developed a home Lido absorption refrigerator. 1927 General Electric Company developed the fully enclosed refrigerator. 1930 using different heating air cooling continuous diffusion absorption refrigerator market. In 1931, the successful development of new refrigerant Freon 12.50's the latter half of the production of household refrigerators heat. China began production of refrigerators from the 1950s.


  • 18338804566重分急求一篇描述家用电器的200字英语作文,洗衣机电冰箱等
    羿之枯ice maker for the ice cabinet or box; storage box with a refrigeration unit. Volume of household refrigerators are usually 20 to 500 liters. 1910 world's first compression refrigeration

  • 18338804566急求家用电热器的原理,使用面和优缺点

  • 18338804566200分急求一篇关于旅游胜地的英语文章,不用太长
    羿之枯圣彼得堡特 Spotlight on St.Petersburg St.Petersburg.The very name brings to mind some of Russia's greatest poets,writers and composers:Pushkin,Dostoevsky,Tchaikovsky.The 19th century was a golden age for St.Petersburg's wealthy classes.It was a world of ballets and balls,of art and...

  • 18338804566为什么家用电器设为220V?

  • 18338804566急求6个家用电器上的铭牌
    羿之枯冷冻室容积 86L 冷藏室容积 120L 额定电压 220V 额定频率 50Hz 输入总功率 125W 耗电量 0.55kw·h\/24h

  • 18338804566急求!!!毫高斯是什么单位?应该怎么计算?
    羿之枯瑞士标准要求在电器2公尺范围外是2毫高斯以内为安全。人体只能承受2毫高斯辐射影响,但据说各类家用电器:手机200毫高斯 电脑20~40毫高斯 复印机40毫高斯 微波炉200毫高斯 吹风机100毫高斯 电视20~40毫高斯 冰箱20~40毫高斯;研究表明 受到2毫高斯以上电磁辐射的长期影响,患白血病的机会增长2.1倍 ...

  • 18338804566急求一份大功率电器检讨书2000字左右,多深刻检讨的,复制的不要!
    羿之枯寝室使用大功率电器检讨书 尊敬的老师:首先感谢各位老师对我们学生宿舍用电安全的关心。由于我宿舍一个大约400w的电热杯被宿管突击检查没收。感谢您能发现并指正我们的错误,避免了更严重的错误的发生。学校与老师再三声明了严禁使用电锅、电热棒等大功率电器,这是为了学生的人生安全着想。可是我们为了贪图...

  • 18338804566急求3月5日学习雷锋活动的作文!!!

  • 18338804566家庭用电调查报告咋写?急求
    羿之枯家庭家用电器用电量从低到高依次为:1. 电饭锅——三餐的必用电器,四季常用;2. 电冰箱——用于冷藏食品,防止食品变质(常用于夏季);3. 照明设备——虽常常使用,但功率较低;4. 电视机——大家都在看的娱乐设备;5. 电 脑——已经逐渐普及开来,也逐渐成为家庭用电第5必备电器 下面是...

  • 18338804566急求大师
    羿之枯家用电器经常使用。铺红地毯,尤其在卧室或书房。冬天用暖风机、红色的电褥子。洗手间不要漏水,也不可潮湿,要经常打开抽风机,在洗手间摆放盆栽也不错。如有可能,家具用虎皮装饰、虎皮地毯等。属火的颜色有: 红色、黄色、紫色、暖色系列。属火的行业有:

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