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High power rectifier power of current research, through application of high power rectifier power than the technical characteristics of the circuit topology, and other advantages in application, this paper put forward the suitable high power rectifier power solutions. This design is the application of digital signal processor (DSP) control, it has high signal processing and digital control function integration and convenience and high accuracy, good stability, etc. Using PWM control of rectifying power supply power factor of 1, high efficiency and saving energy to power without pollution.

In order to better extend the shelf life of functional ji songrong, yogurt, add this study kyi tricholoma matsutake mycelium fermentation mixture into milk, with streptococcus thermophilus and lactobacillus Bulgaria as a starter for mixed fermentation, the making craft of using common yogurt ji songrong, yogurts. Through the sour milk whey precipitation amount determination, explore the best stabilizer extend the shelf life of ji songrong, yogurt, best stabilizer adding amount and balance salts. By the orthogonal experiment results show that 0.15% gelatin, CaCl20.04 %, KH2PO40. 04%, by 70 ℃ heat sterilization x 20 min, and then put in 4 ℃ refrigerator 8 h, could produce a kyi tricholoma matsutake taste fragrance, sweet and delicious, curd even, colour and lustre is milky white, and long shelf life of frozen type of tricholoma matsutake yogurt products. Through to add stabilizers and balance salt ji songrong yogurt on a regular basis to determine the viscosity and acidity, pH value, the results show that as the lengthen of fermentation time, ji songrong yoghurt viscosity lowering, acidity increases gradually, the pH value decreased gradually. The results of this study can be used to evaluate product quality changes in the sales process, to develop the appropriate storage and sales conditions and determine the commodity shelf life to provide important reference basis.

In recent years, a new type of hotel has sprung up in China's major cities: economic hotel. It provides clean rooms, delicious nutritious breakfast, convenient traffic in prosperous lots as well as well-known brand chain operations ... Such hotel has become a very popular accommodation facilities. However, the government has not fully prepared for the development of this new industry, and the concept of economic hotel in academia is still in its infancy. The lag in study and absence in business management led to some ideas of the confusion and misunderstanding of the operation in economic hotel industries. This paper is based on the development of foreign economic hotel, categorizes features of the Chinese economy-hotel, analyses the demand of the economic hotel development in China's market, and puts forward the trend of future development of the industry.

In recent years, a new type of hotel named economy hotel has sprung up in China's big cities,which provides not only clean and tidy rooms, but also delicious and nutritious breakfast.It usually lies in traffic joint and has many famous exclusive agencies.Such hotel has become a very popular accommodation facilities. However, the government has not fully prepared for the development of this new industry, and likewise the concept of economic hotel in academia is still in its infancy. The lag in study and absence in business management led to some ideas of the confusion and misunderstanding of the operation in economic hotel industries. This paper is based on the development of foreign economic hotel, categorizes features of the Chinese economy-hotel, analyses the demand of the economic hotel development in China's market, and puts forward the trend of future development of the industry.


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