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1、曼城 MCI
全称Manchester City F.C.,绰号“蓝月亮”,位于英国的曼彻斯特,前身为成立于1880年的“圣马可堂”,1887年改名为阿德维克,1894年更为现名。
2、曼联 MUN
全称Manchester United Football Club,位于英国英格兰西北区曼彻斯特郡曼彻斯特市,其前身“牛顿·希斯”于1878年由兰开夏郡和约克郡铁路公司的工人在牛顿希斯工地上成立。1902年球队改组并改名曼联。
3、桑德兰 SUN
英语:Sunderland Association Football Club,于1879年成立,主场位于英格兰东北部桑德兰市威尔河(River Wear)畔新建的光明球场。
4、纽卡斯尔 NEW
英语:Newcastle United F.C.,成立于1881年,主场位于泰恩河畔纽卡斯尔(Newcastle upon Tyne)的圣詹姆斯公园球场。
5、切尔西 CHE
英语:Chelsea Football Club,绰号蓝军。俱乐部成立于1905年3月14日,主场位于伦敦哈默史密斯·富勒姆区邻近泰晤士河的斯坦福桥球场。
6、莱斯特城 LEI
Leicester City Football Club,前身莱斯特福斯由维杰斯顿学校的一群旧生团体于1884年创立,1890年加入英格兰足球协会。1919年一战结束后球队更为现名。
7、热刺 TOT
Tottenham Hotspur Football Club,。成立于1882年,主场位于伦敦北部托特纳姆的白鹿巷球场。
8、阿森纳 ARS
Arsenal Football Club,成立于1886年,是英格兰顶级联赛英格兰超级联赛二十个足球俱乐部球队之一,俱乐部基地位于伦敦荷洛。
9、水晶宫 CRY
Crystal Palace F.C.,成立於1905年,在2005-06赛季庆祝成立百年纪念。主场为塞尔赫斯特公园球场。
10、伯恩利 BUR
Burnley Football Club,成立于1882年,是英格兰足球联赛创始成员,主场为特夫摩尔球场(Turf Moor)。

11、西汉姆联 WHU
West Ham United Football Club,英格兰超级联赛球队之一,位于外伦敦东部纽汉区,成立于1895年,球队主场是厄普顿公园球场。
12、西布朗 WBA
West Bromwich Albion Football Club,于1878年创立,是足球联盟创始成员。主场为山楂球场。2016年8月,中国商人赖国传全资收购西布朗。
13、南安普顿 SOU
Southampton Football Club,原名圣玛丽,绰号“圣徒”,成立于1885年11月,主场球场小谷球场,使用超过100年后在2001年搬迁到圣玛丽球场。
14、女王公园巡游者 QPR
Queens Park Rangers Football Club,简称QPR或Rangers,成立于1882年,主场为洛夫图斯路球场(Loftus Road),队服为蓝白横向条纹衫。
15、斯托克城 STO
Stoke City F.C.,成立于1863年,1925年前名为斯托克足球俱乐部,主场为不列颠尼亚球场。
16、胡尔城 HUL
Hull City Association Football Club,成立于1904年。主场为金士顿通讯运动场。由于穿着黄黑直间球衣,故被称为“老虎 ”。
17、埃弗顿 EVE
Everton F.C.,于1878年成立,俱乐部历史悠久,比同市宿敌利物浦成立早了14年。
18、利物浦 LIV
Liverpool Football Club,球队位于英格兰西北默西赛德郡港口城市利物浦,于1892年成立,是英格兰足球超级联赛的球队之一。
19、阿斯顿维拉 AVI
Aston Villa Football Club,于1874年创立,是1888年甲组联赛(英格兰第一个足球联赛)及1992年英格兰足球超级联赛首届赛事球队,其主场位于伯明翰市的维拉公园球场。
20、斯旺西 SWA
Swansea City AFC,是位于威尔士斯旺西的职业足球俱乐部,2010/11获得英格兰足球冠军联赛第三名,附加赛后战胜雷丁后升级到英格兰足球超级联赛比赛。

曼联(Manchester United Football Club)主场:老特拉福德球场(Old Trafford)\x0d\x0a曼城(Manchester City Football Club)主场:伊蒂哈德球场又称曼切斯特城市球场\x0d\x0a (City of Manchester Stadium)\x0d\x0a利物浦(Liverpool Football Club)主场:安菲尔德球场(Anfield Stadium)\x0d\x0a阿森纳(Arsenal Football Club)主场:酋长球场(Emirates Stadium)\x0d\x0a切尔西(Chelsea Football Club)主场:斯塔福桥球场(Stanford Bridge Stadium)\x0d\x0a热刺(Tottenham Hotspur F.C)主场:白鹿巷球场(White Hart Lane)\x0d\x0a纽卡斯尔联(Newcastle United Football Club)主场:圣詹姆斯公园球场(St James' Park)\x0d\x0a埃弗顿(Everton Football Club)主场:古迪逊花园球场(Goodison Park)\x0d\x0a富勒姆(Fulham Football Club)主场:克拉文农场球场(Craven Cottage)\x0d\x0a西布朗姆维奇(West Bromwich Albion Football Club)主场:山楂球场(The Hawthorns)\x0d\x0a斯旺西(Swansea City)主场:维施·菲尔德球场(Wisch Field Stadium)\x0d\x0a诺维奇(Norwich City Football Club)主场:卡罗路球场(Carrow Road)\x0d\x0a桑德兰(Sunderland)主场:光明球场(Stadium of Light)\x0d\x0a斯托克城(Stoke City Football Club)主场:(Britannia Building Society)\x0d\x0a维甘(Wigan)主场:(JJB Stadium)\x0d\x0a阿斯顿维拉(Aston Villa Football Club)主场:维拉公园球场(Villa Park)\x0d\x0a女王公园巡游者(Queens Park Rangers Football Club)主场:洛夫图斯路球场(Loftus Road)\x0d\x0a博尔顿(Bolton Wanderers Football Club)主场:锐步球场 (Reebok Stadium)\x0d\x0a布莱克本(Blackburn Rovers Football Club),主场:埃伍德公园球场(Ewood Park)\x0d\x0a狼队(Wolverhampton Wanderers)主场:莫利纽克斯球场(Molly Molyneux Stadium)


自己去看吧`` 都是英文的一、活在埃弗顿的阴影下


由于埃弗顿的存在,利物浦一开始的生存是艰难的。约翰-麦肯纳(John McKenna)成为了俱乐部历史上第一位主教练。在此之前,很多球员离开安菲尔德去了埃弗顿,麦肯纳不得不到苏格兰去寻找球员。在那里,他一口气招募了12名队员,但是也正因为这样,利物浦的受关注程度远不及埃弗顿,因为当地人不愿意去观看一支由苏格兰人组成的球队比赛。






1959年12月,在前任主帅泰勒辞职后,利物浦做出了一个后来被载入史册的决定,任命霍斯菲尔德队的教练比尔-香克利(Bill Shankly)为新主帅,结果这位传奇般的人物在5年里将一支在乙级中挣扎的球队变成了英格兰甲级联赛冠军,并且就此奠定了利物浦的霸主地位。



1959年12月19日,香克利输掉了第一场正式比赛,利物浦0比4惨败给卡蒂夫。但在他的执教和影响下,红军开始了明显的上升势头,60年代初,利物浦不但升回甲级,而且逐渐成为了一支劲旅,在香克利执教期间,大批天才球员来到利物浦。凯文-基冈(Kevin Keegan)、托沙克(John Toshack)等人,构建起一支令人畏惧的队伍。1963-64赛季,香克利第一次率队夺取了联赛冠军,红军霸业初成。1965年,利物浦第一次夺取了足总杯冠军,之后的一年又称雄联赛。1973年,香克利再度夺取联赛冠军,同年还拿到了欧洲联盟杯,1974年的足总杯冠军则是他送给利物浦的最后荣誉。



香克利辞职后,继任者的合适人选只有一个人,鲍勃-派斯利(Bob Paisley)。派斯利是利物浦球员出身,此前长期辅佐香克利,熟悉球队情况。不过一开始,派斯利并不愿意接手,香克利留下的成绩太辉煌了,任何继任者都要面对巨大压力,最终,利物浦董事会花费很大努力说服了他,派斯利正式上任。



1978年,利物浦蝉联了欧洲冠军杯,并于1981年再度捧杯,派斯利将红军带上了最高峰。对于这位神奇的主教练,爱将达格利什(Kenny Dalglish)有这样的回忆。“他是所有人中最伟大的,他对于足球的认识令人惊叹,有时候他看着球员走上两步,就知道是否受伤了或者伤在哪里。不会再有像派斯利这样的教练了。”

1977年,当基冈离开后,派斯利将达格利什签下作为替代者,结果后者成为了利物浦历史上的传奇巨星。同时被派斯利签下的还有索内斯(Graeme Souness)和汉森(Alan Hansen),他们构建了新利物浦的骨架。

1982-83赛季后,派斯利辞去了利物浦主帅,法甘(Joe Fagan)成为了他的继任者。1996年,派斯利去世,利物浦在安菲尔德球场修建了派斯利门,向这位传奇致敬。










希尔斯堡惨案带给了利物浦又一个沉重的打击。1989年4月15日,超过2万5千名利物浦球迷南下希尔斯堡体育场,去观看利物浦与诺丁汉森林的足总杯半决赛。他们之中有96人走上了不归之路。当天阳光明媚,本应是双方俱乐部和球迷的节日,但最终却发生了英格兰足球历史上最恐怖的灾难。在希尔斯堡惨案中,Leppings Lane看台发生骚乱和踩踏,96名利物浦球迷丧生。

巴恩斯在回忆这次悲剧时说:“希尔斯堡惨案使我弄清了人生的重要意义。在那之前,我总是要让一切都充满希望。但发生在Leppings Lane看台的悲剧使我不禁认真思考自己的人生。足球失去了它的意义,足球并不是生命的全部,也不应该是生命的结局。当96名球迷在一场比赛中丧命,孩子们失去父亲或者父亲失去了儿子时,足球还能是什么呢!香克利说过‘足球不仅是事关生死的事,而且重于生死。’在那一刻似乎不再正确。足球只不过是一场比赛,一场游戏,或许值得追求,但又岂能与生命本身相比?”



1991年,达格利什不堪重压辞去了利物浦帅位,后由索内斯继任,但这却是俱乐部一个糟糕的决定,索内斯没有带来成就,离开时却留下了不少的问题。1995年,罗伊-埃文斯(Roy Evans)出任利物浦主帅,第一个赛季就率队夺取了联赛杯,在他的手下,利物浦着重年轻化,建立起一支富有激情的队伍。

在那个时期,一批优秀的年轻人进入了人们的视线。福勒(Robbie Fowler)、欧文(Michael Owen)、麦克马纳曼(Steve McManaman)、雷德克纳普(Jamie Redknapp)……但在埃文斯的手下,这支球队却没有赢得过任何重大赛事的奖杯,在球迷的呼声下,法国人霍利尔(Gerard Houllier)进入教练组,和埃文斯联合执教,并在几个月后成为主教练。在他的带领下,利物浦在2001年取得了新的辉煌,他们获得了足总杯、联赛杯和欧洲联盟杯的三冠王,既而又称雄欧洲超级杯,成为了当之无愧的杯赛之王。

不过,联赛中的糟糕成绩,还是让霍利尔付出了代价,2004年夏天,利物浦迎来了主教练的更迭。西班牙人贝尼特斯(Rafael Benitez)走马上任,这标志着一个全新时代的开始。在他执教的头两个赛季里,拿到了两项重要赛事的冠军。2004-05赛季,利物浦在冠军杯决赛0比3落后的情况下神奇逆转AC米兰,登上了欧洲之巅,贝尼特斯也成为继切尔西主帅穆里尼奥后,第二个在两个赛季里接连夺取联盟杯和冠军杯的现役教头。2006年,利物浦再次上演神奇逆转,击败西汉姆夺取了足总杯冠军。




由于埃弗顿的存在,利物浦一开始的生存是艰难的。约翰-麦肯纳(John McKenna)成为了俱乐部历史上第一位主教练。在此之前,很多球员离开安菲尔德去了埃弗顿,麦肯纳不得不到苏格兰去寻找球员。在那里,他一口气招募了12名队员,但是也正因为这样,利物浦的受关注程度远不及埃弗顿,因为当地人不愿意去观看一支由苏格兰人组成的球队比赛。






1959年12月,在前任主帅泰勒辞职后,利物浦做出了一个后来被载入史册的决定,任命霍斯菲尔德队的教练比尔-香克利(Bill Shankly)为新主帅,结果这位传奇般的人物在5年里将一支在乙级中挣扎的球队变成了英格兰甲级联赛冠军,并且就此奠定了利物浦的霸主地位。



1959年12月19日,香克利输掉了第一场正式比赛,利物浦0比4惨败给卡蒂夫。但在他的执教和影响下,红军开始了明显的上升势头,60年代初,利物浦不但升回甲级,而且逐渐成为了一支劲旅,在香克利执教期间,大批天才球员来到利物浦。凯文-基冈(Kevin Keegan)、托沙克(John Toshack)等人,构建起一支令人畏惧的队伍。1963-64赛季,香克利第一次率队夺取了联赛冠军,红军霸业初成。1965年,利物浦第一次夺取了足总杯冠军,之后的一年又称雄联赛。1973年,香克利再度夺取联赛冠军,同年还拿到了欧洲联盟杯,1974年的足总杯冠军则是他送给利物浦的最后荣誉。



香克利辞职后,继任者的合适人选只有一个人,鲍勃-派斯利(Bob Paisley)。派斯利是利物浦球员出身,此前长期辅佐香克利,熟悉球队情况。不过一开始,派斯利并不愿意接手,香克利留下的成绩太辉煌了,任何继任者都要面对巨大压力,最终,利物浦董事会花费很大努力说服了他,派斯利正式上任。



1978年,利物浦蝉联了欧洲冠军杯,并于1981年再度捧杯,派斯利将红军带上了最高峰。对于这位神奇的主教练,爱将达格利什(Kenny Dalglish)有这样的回忆。“他是所有人中最伟大的,他对于足球的认识令人惊叹,有时候他看着球员走上两步,就知道是否受伤了或者伤在哪里。不会再有像派斯利这样的教练了。”

1977年,当基冈离开后,派斯利将达格利什签下作为替代者,结果后者成为了利物浦历史上的传奇巨星。同时被派斯利签下的还有索内斯(Graeme Souness)和汉森(Alan Hansen),他们构建了新利物浦的骨架。

1982-83赛季后,派斯利辞去了利物浦主帅,法甘(Joe Fagan)成为了他的继任者。1996年,派斯利去世,利物浦在安菲尔德球场修建了派斯利门,向这位传奇致敬。










希尔斯堡惨案带给了利物浦又一个沉重的打击。1989年4月15日,超过2万5千名利物浦球迷南下希尔斯堡体育场,去观看利物浦与诺丁汉森林的足总杯半决赛。他们之中有96人走上了不归之路。当天阳光明媚,本应是双方俱乐部和球迷的节日,但最终却发生了英格兰足球历史上最恐怖的灾难。在希尔斯堡惨案中,Leppings Lane看台发生骚乱和踩踏,96名利物浦球迷丧生。

巴恩斯在回忆这次悲剧时说:“希尔斯堡惨案使我弄清了人生的重要意义。在那之前,我总是要让一切都充满希望。但发生在Leppings Lane看台的悲剧使我不禁认真思考自己的人生。足球失去了它的意义,足球并不是生命的全部,也不应该是生命的结局。当96名球迷在一场比赛中丧命,孩子们失去父亲或者父亲失去了儿子时,足球还能是什么呢!香克利说过‘足球不仅是事关生死的事,而且重于生死。’在那一刻似乎不再正确。足球只不过是一场比赛,一场游戏,或许值得追求,但又岂能与生命本身相比?”



1991年,达格利什不堪重压辞去了利物浦帅位,后由索内斯继任,但这却是俱乐部一个糟糕的决定,索内斯没有带来成就,离开时却留下了不少的问题。1995年,罗伊-埃文斯(Roy Evans)出任利物浦主帅,第一个赛季就率队夺取了联赛杯,在他的手下,利物浦着重年轻化,建立起一支富有激情的队伍。

在那个时期,一批优秀的年轻人进入了人们的视线。福勒(Robbie Fowler)、欧文(Michael Owen)、麦克马纳曼(Steve McManaman)、雷德克纳普(Jamie Redknapp)……但在埃文斯的手下,这支球队却没有赢得过任何重大赛事的奖杯,在球迷的呼声下,法国人霍利尔(Gerard Houllier)进入教练组,和埃文斯联合执教,并在几个月后成为主教练。在他的带领下,利物浦在2001年取得了新的辉煌,他们获得了足总杯、联赛杯和欧洲联盟杯的三冠王,既而又称雄欧洲超级杯,成为了当之无愧的杯赛之王。

不过,联赛中的糟糕成绩,还是让霍利尔付出了代价,2004年夏天,利物浦迎来了主教练的更迭。西班牙人贝尼特斯(Rafael Benitez)走马上任,这标志着一个全新时代的开始。在他执教的头两个赛季里,拿到了两项重要赛事的冠军。2004-05赛季,利物浦在冠军杯决赛0比3落后的情况下神奇逆转AC米兰,登上了欧洲之巅,贝尼特斯也成为继切尔西主帅穆里尼奥后,第二个在两个赛季里接连夺取联盟杯和冠军杯的现役教头。2006年,利物浦再次上演神奇逆转,击败西汉姆夺取了足总杯冠军。


The Manchester unites a brigade(Manchester Utd.)
The main place is in the city:England Manchester(68174 people)
Main gymnasium:Old pull the blessing virtuous ground especially
Join foot total time:January 1, 1878
The incumbent bishop practice:Li gram Si.The Fu space Sen jazz
Official Web address:http://www.manutd.com/
The home team take:Red blouse, white shorts.
Pet name:Red and evil
The Manchester allied brigade is a British foot altar of on paying old-brand crack troop establish in 1878, at that time from England openned the peace treaty gram of summer the worker of the railroad company to constitute for summer of an amateur ball team, called Newton He Si a brigade.

Turn into an occupation brigade in 1885, join a British football alliance in 1892, change name to the Manchester allied brigade in 1902.The Manchester allied brigade establishes more than a centuries and experienced numerous victories and failure and also experienced 1 to make the people of this world shocked disaster.

Manchester United brigade the first big time appear in 20 centuries initial stage, four years in 1908-1911 years period, the Manchester United brigade is at the bishop practice to check under the lead of Pu Man win a two league match champion with a cup champion with total foot.Become at that time the British foot altar was welcome by people most of a ball team, took for the red because of the ball team brigade, the fans took a nickname for Manchester United brigade and call it is"British foot altar of red and evil". But in the next day, the Manchester United brigade performance is more and more bad, end unexpectedly decline a set to the row or column of second grade brigade, fell into a low valley.

In mid 50's, the Manchester United brigade compares at coach Ba Si of adjust to teach under, face come for the second time high peak period.Occupation football of European all countries continuously developped at that time, a great deal of funds flowed out into football game and made ball team in all countries more and more think greatly of a league match in of win.The Manchester United brigade is no exception, they spend a heavy gold to buy or kept fertile Lei especially, Taylor, Wei orchid, check an Er excellent ball star with an etc., and in 1956 and 1957 two degrees are in the league match Duo hat.Get into half finals in 1956~1957 the match the quarter with 1957~1958 the match the quarter two European champion cup the game, lose for the first time to Royal Madrid brigade.

When they pounded at an European champion cup for the second time, a crash of unprecedented in history, make Manchester United brigade once more with the champion lose it hand over arm, that is February 6, 1958, a capacity load Manchester United the airplane of the member of team, in the Munich airport lost support crash, 8 athletes, 3 officials of the on board Manchester United brigade and 8 reporters die, coach Ba Si compare also the body suffered from severely wounded, Manchester United the crash of the brigade caused world a foot altar of shocked, social public, from England bank arrive fan in succession donated money to charity help each other, in the short period rebuilt a Manchester allied brigade, luckily survive with lately become number of the player constitute of Manchester United brigade, in the half the finals main field 2:1 defeat come a challenge of Italian AC Milan brigade, but at guest field with 0:4 defeat, end Manchester United brigade again with champion no chance.

In mid 60's, the Manchester United brigade faced to come it up to the present the most glorious period.The Manchester United brigade that is at this time owns a Bo ratio ·check an Er, George ·shell Si especially with Dennis ·the Lao be three world class ball stars, there is 6 player in the main appearance more than 300,000 pounds of prestige.Under the conductor that Ba Si compare, ball team finally on May 29, 1968, in London with 4:1 win a Portugal originally thin card brigade, for British won an European champion cup for the very first time, check the Er teammates which also finally carried out him to die in an accident in the misery of before the last home deliver of asseveration.Although the Manchester United in 70's owns Ji virtuous, cloth Sen, hello Si etc. famous general, because of the whole club Shu at the management, policy very confusion, hasn't been can get an outstanding score again.

On November 5, 1986, inside gram Si ·Fu space the Sen arrive at to England teach a Manchester United brigade and he brought Manchester United brigade for another springs.The Fu space Sen faces huge pressure, nowise shrink back and he adjusted the military tactics of troops to beat a method and dissolved to go into more technique compositions for his troops, but no longer persistently kicked traditional British football.

With patience conduct at him under, the Manchester United brigade acquired the foot total cup champion in 1990, acquired European championship cup and European super bowl champion in 1991 and ended British ball team is as long as 23 years and Europes the three greatest cups champion no chance history.The Manchester United brigade dint Duo league match cup in 1992 champion and league match second prize, 1993~1994 match quarter Manchester United brigade's winning league match and cup match be two champions and become the top of the British foot altar the 6th win two ball teams of big match champions in a match quarter, Fu space Sen drive also England 《football world 》review for"the best coach" of that year, this also is the first time British coach member acquire this unusual honor.

Being compare to by football experts is the Frenchman whom the Pu pulls Di Ni in 90's hole the Na be the member of team(1990~1991 match quarter represent Marseilles to get a French league match champion, 1991~1992 match quarter represent benefit the allied brigade get England league match champion, 1992~1993 match quarter, 1993~1994 match quarter represent a Manchester United brigade to get England league match champion) who all acquire a league match champion in the Manchester United brigade for unique four match quarters with continuous one, 1994, he is still review for"England football Sir" and this is the first foreign player is England getting this unusual honor.He has become the symbol of Manchester United brigade, as long as have a fascinating absolute the game condition that he take place, the fan is also very eager.

1995~1996 match quarter with 1996~1997 match quarter, lead at him under, the Manchester United brigade twice contends for a league match champion in a row.1996~1997 match after quarter end, he declares to back service, this is a graveness to Manchester United loss.From 1992~1993 the match quarter league match reform, the Manchester United brigade has been ising continue her glorious history, in addition to cloth Lai gram origin with the Sen Na is each in the in the interval once won a champion, the Manchester United contracted for all league match champions.In 1999, Manchester United is also create three hat king(the total cup, European champion league match of the league match, foot) of miracle.

In new first decade of millennium new century, the Manchester United is first a world again, they go to Brazil attended an all new football game:The international foot unites club championship(the World Championship of the FIFA Club) in the world.For this, they gave up to win the opportunity of the foot total cup.

January goes on expedition South America, the Manchester United have no fulfill a wish hold to return to trophy, after all under the sultry weather condition, think at Brazil ball team of family's winning them too Jian be toohuge.But the Manchester United is under the sunlight of South America, got a very and precious rest.They vigorously throw in a league match after returning to England, and lead opponent all the way, April acquired a league match trophy in advance.But the Manchester United face of new problem BE, the top of the position of wicketkeeper has been can not find a suitable candidate after Shi Mei2 sliced Er to leave.

1999/2000 match quarter, include Bo Si Ni strange(Mark Bosnich) at inside of a few doors will can not sit steady position in the Manchester United.Hence, July, 2000, method ratio Anne ·Ba especially(Fabien Barthez) can become number of a Manchester United after the French brigade connect the glorious match champion of the Duo world cup, Europe no wonder.

Ba especially this French brigade is choose a door to be perverse the personality but remarkable artistic skill, his help Manchester United at 2000/2001 match quarter acquire a league match three connect a hat, England the history be only last for count not much a few clubs can get this unusual honor.Recent of once three connect the winner of hat is the Liverpudlian brigade for 1982-1984 years, but Liverpool is to achieve under lead of two coaches three connect hat Wei an industry, these two coach is the fee root(Joe Fagan) of Ba Si Li4(Bob Paisley) and Joe respectively.

But Manchester United of three connect hat back, the Fu space Sen takes the credit to the Wei and he becomes England football the top of the history the first ball team coach which completes a hat-trick .After taking over the third league match trophy in a row, the Fu space Sen resigns from a bishop to practice one job after declare will at 2001/2002 the match the quarter the be over.At the same time, the his assistant, Michael, Lai Lun(Steve McClaren) also declares that he will go to the rice virtuous Er Si fortress brigade to take over cloth to depend on boon the cloth Sen hold the post of ball team a bishop to practice.

For filling up Michael Lai Lun to leave of empty lack, Fu space Sen will once the Ji Mu of effect depended on Anne(Jim Ryan) to promote specially to practice for the assistant bishop with exceed a gram of fee Lun(Mike Phelan) respectively in the Manchester United brigade with the Manchester United a group of coacheses.But the Jue Ye be repairing Que for coach actors of one troupe and adding to leak in the ball team.He turned the rearguard main Si tower Mu(Jaap Stam) to pull together Ao brigade.This decision let all get a shock, connect Si tower Mu oneself to also feel keenly accident.

Ba especially the teammate in French brigade, the cloth orchid section(Laurent Blanc) which once attends 1998 world cups' turn will arrive a Manchester United, he took over Si tower the position of the Mu in the brigade, with him what to cooperate be Wei Si Brown(Wes Brown) and add in inside Wei Er or Ni John Sen(Ronny Johnsen).

Many people after think the Fu space the Sen previously spend big price buying Fan Nice Lu Yi(the Nistelrooy of the Ruud van) especially with shell Long(Veron) after, cloth orchid section would be he practices position at the bishop up buy into of the last ball star.But Jue Ye in January, 2002, again once the big pen flick and the label descended forward Fu orchid(Forlan) in Uruguay in independent brigade effect.

But the Fu orchid is in the position in the brigade can hardly work out, because Fan Nice especially the Lu Yi has already set 8 continuous records which enter ball in the league match.Here in eight games, the Manchester Uniteds all obtained victory.Eight connect a Manchester United after win afresh ten times win the confidence of league match champion, however 2001/02 match quarter end of time, the ball team has never can re-appear in the past on riding elegant appearance of leaving no track, guiding the group of heroes, foot the top of the total cup be eliminate by the rice Er virtuous Si fortress, the champion cup halts at the half finals, and the English super league match in also only acquire in the third place, declare to continue to continue in office for this old and handsome Fu space Sen, decision at 2002/03 match quarter guide a Manchester United again create brilliancy.

2002/03 ball quarter, the Manchester United caught up in the league match under the sistuation that once fell behind for 11 centses Sen Na, the end more heavy Duo league match champion.

The Manchester United altogether wins league match trophy 15 times and compare with Liverpool of still differ 3 times 18 times.It includes 8 super league match trophies(1992 since) and 7 Group A champions(1992 year agos) in 15 trophies.

When a Manchester United be still a Niu rare man age, once applied for to join football league match in 1890, however be subjected to brush-off.At 1892 the club finally applies for success, that year they with placings placard end, finally would not° until in the additional match defeat small rare man( at present of the elder brother of one's father clear Han) avoid declining a class.

The ball team declines a class in 1894, an until just return to a league match in 1907.In the middle have already changed name to a Manchester United in 1902 club. 1908 and 1911 club win a league match champion more.But afterward would not° until till the empress of the World War II again acquire the taste of league match champion.

Manchester United in 1947-1949 years, and all have to league match second prize in 1951, and 1952 is also "Ba Si ratio kid" after taste a league match champion again birth of age. In 1956 and in 1957 again Duo hat, however after ball team run into Munich crash, 21 people die a tragic death and include 8 Manchester United players among them.

Afterward the few year Manchester United continues to taste the taste of champion, include in 1965 and 1967 Duo hat.The inside of 26 years that is after, Manchester United can acquire 4 league match second prizes, an until 1993, the Manchester United wins a super league match champion, after more male Ba the whole 90's, respectively in 1994, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2003 win super allied champion.

The UEFA champion cup is the tallest honor in the European football altar.The Manchester United is at 1968 and 1999 two degrees Duo hat ever, but won at most the club of this trophy be a Spanish Royal Madrid, totally once won 8 times.

Manchester United for the very first time participate hat cup game in Europe is in 1957.England the league match once worries that participating this game will influence the quality vegetable of native league match, but fact the certificate on the contrary will promote England the level of the league match.

Manchester United head hat cup game in field Europe, the opponent is Belgian champion Anne be virtuous and strong to cure, result with 10:0 greatest few opponents.The Manchester United all beats into a semi-finals in the 1956/57 and 1957/58 two quarterseses, however 1957/58 ball quarter, ran into Munich crash tragic incident, had unfortunate 8 Manchester United players to die a tragic death at that time.

Tragic incident later on, Ba Si compares jazz Zhao to construct new ball team. 1965/66 years they again beat into a semi-finals, 1967/68 check an Er plum to open two degrees with the Bo ratio more, George shell Si especially and the white depend on Ren, the hero goes into ball especially and defeat in the finals Portuguese of this thin card brigade praise a first time hat cup in Europe.

However, the ball team would not° until wait 26 years again participate this game after.Start from 1994, the Manchester United more each quarterlies can participate hat cup in Europe, afterward again beat into a semi-finals in 1997, and hold a cup at 1999 second time.

The finals takes at Spanish Ba Sai Long2 in 1999 of the Lu camp ground hold, the ball team is open the match soon has already fall behind, three minutes while finishing see a field to repair, the ball team returns a soul to lack a Shu moment, thank Lin2 Han4 Mu3 and the Suo Er Si gram second while repair stage of 2 go into ball to praise trophy the Manchester United comeback win, and the leader of a group Fu space Sen's achievement of the jazz also surmounted Ba Si to compare jazz.

England the foot total cup is the most long national cup match in world history.The foot total cup holds in 1871 for for the first time, but precursor for Niu the Manchester United which hope man then participate in 1890 is a game.The Manchester United once made 10 degrees Duo hat of record and beat into finals 15 times and being also one only club can beat into finals in post-war each decades.

Manchester United when 1890 participate the foot total cup, with 1:6 is bowl out by the league match champion Pu thunder Si Nian in that year.In fact, the Niu rare man wants to wait until 1902, then change name to a Manchester United of then can break the third game at the same year.

Club's the first victory in the foot total cup wants to count till 1909, with 1:0 eliminate a private in the cloth to give city.As for beat into finals, then want till 1948, at that time they with 4:2 defeat black pond.Afterward kill more in a row for two years into the finals in 1957 and 1958.

The Manchester United again wins the foot total cup in 1963 after, go into of Danny private Lao the ball help the ball team defeat Lai to slice Si city especially 3:1.End segment in 1970's, ball team within four years three degrees beat into finals, negative then defeat Liverpool in 1977 at the south of Anne Pu in 1976, but in 1979 negative in Sen Na.That battle can be regarded as classic one battle, Manchester United the whole game with 0:2 fall behind, over field the first 5 minute the Manchester United connect to make track for two balls to pull into draw, however end Sen Na at over go into ball successful before the field, defeat a Manchester United to hold a cup.

In 80's, the Manchester United defeats cloth to work properly in 1983, and defeats love Hua in 1985.The Manchester United rearguard Mo orchid becomes more first at cup match the finals be punished the player whom the red card appear.

Step into the 90's, the ball team five times beats into finals and won four among those times. Ball team in 1990 at heavy match with 1:0 defeat the crystal temple, 1994 and 1996 years, the Manchester United successively defeats car road private and Liverpool and all obtain "the double anticipate a champion" for two years. 1999, Manchester United at finals with 2:0 lightly take a Niu card vegetable, obtain unprecedented in history of three hat king.

At 1999/2000 ball quarter, the Manchester United goes to because of want to Brazil attend a world champion club cup, can't win the foot total cup champion in that year.

2003/2004 ball quarter, Manchester United at semi-finals with 1:0 defeat redoubtable enemy Sen Na, finally at finals the rice Er fertile Er which fight Group A, with 3:0 defeat opponent, again Duo hat.

England league match cup the head be next to hold in 1961 and Liverpool once 6 times won this champion.The Manchester United once got a champion just in 1992, at that time with 1:0 defeated the promise D Han forest a brigade.

The Manchester United fan may hope forget ball team the first league match cup game:At November 2, 1960, ball team with 1:2 take to Group C ball team Ba La's Ford.The ball team would not° until 1983 beat into finals for the very first time and the opponent is Liverpool.Young White fill virtuous open a record first for the ball team, however match for Liverpool to add comeback win.

Allow of no a denial, the club comes from the beginning of 90's in the best performance of this game.Manchester United within four years three degrees beat into finals. In 1991, Manchester United once in the ground great victory of Gao Bei4 Li4 fairy Nu 6:2, however they were negative in the finals to especially the gold Sen lead of tin Wednesday.

Afterward the quarterly Manchester United again beats into finals, and go into ball to defeat the promise D Han forest a brigade with the unique of Michael Lai Er. They beat in finals again in 1994, as long as obtain victor





英格兰足球超级联赛(FA Premier League),2004年巴克莱银行(Barclays Bank)成为英超的赞助商,冠名为巴克莱超级足球联赛(Barclays English Premier League),通常简称“英超”,是英格兰足总属下的职业足球联赛。由超级联盟负责具体运作。英格兰超级联赛成立于1992年2月20日,其前身是英格兰甲级联赛,是英格兰联赛系统的最高等级联赛。现时英超联赛已经成为世界上最受欢迎的体育赛事之一。




















(Arsenal F.C.) 上届成绩:亚军 所在城市:伦敦北部


(Aston Villa F.C.) 上届成绩:第十名 所在城市:伯明翰市


(Birmingham City F.C.) 上届成绩:第十二名 所在城市:伯明翰市


(Blackburn Rovers F.C.) 上届成绩:第十五名 所在城市:布莱克本市


(Bolton Wanderers F.C.) 上届成绩:第六名 所在城市:博尔顿市


(Charlton Athletic F.C.) 上届成绩:第十一名 所在城市:伦敦东南部


(Chelsea F.C.) 上届成绩:冠军 所在城市:伦敦西南部


(Everton F.C.) 上届成绩:第四名 所在城市:利物浦


(Fulham F.C.) 上届成绩:第十三名 所在城市:伦敦西南部


(Liverpool F.C.) 上届成绩:第五名 所在城市:利物浦


(Manchester City F.C.) 上届成绩:第八名 所在城市:曼彻斯特


(Manchester United F.C.) 上届成绩:第三名 所在城市:曼彻斯特


(Middlesbrough F.C.) 上届成绩:第七名 所在城市:米德尔斯堡


(Newcastle F.C.) 上届成绩:第十四名 所在城市:纽卡斯尔


(Portsmouth F.C.) 上届成绩:第十六名 所在城市:朴茨茅斯


(Sunderland F.C.) 上届成绩:英冠冠军 所在城市:桑德兰


(Tottenham Hotspur F.C.) 上届成绩:第九名 所在城市:伦敦北部


(West Bromwich Albion F.C.) 上届成绩:第十七名 所在城市:西布罗姆维奇


(West Ham United F.C.) 上届成绩:英冠第六名 所在城市:伦敦东部


(Wigan Athletic F.C.) 上届成绩:英冠亚军 所在城市:维甘


球季 冠军 夺冠次数1 备注 场数 胜 和 负 入球 失球 球差 积分

1992/93 曼彻斯特联队 1(8) 首届英超冠军 42 24 12 6 67 31 +36 84

1993/94 曼彻斯特联队 2(9) 同年夺得足总杯冠军 42 27 11 4 80 38 +42 92

1994/95 布莱克本 1(3) 自1914年后首次夺得,顶级联赛冠军 42 27 8 7 80 39 +41 89

1995/96 曼彻斯特联队 3(10) 同年夺得足总杯冠军 38 25 7 6 73 35 +38 82

1996/97 曼彻斯特联队 4(11) 第二次连续两届夺得英超冠军 38 21 12 5 76 44 +32 75

1997/98 阿森纳 1(11) 同年夺得足总杯冠军 38 23 9 6 68 33 +35 78

1998/99 曼彻斯特联队 5(12) 同年夺得足总杯及欧联冠军, 合称三冠王 38 22 13 3 80 37 +43 79

1999/00 曼彻斯特联队 6(13) 第三次连续两届夺得英超冠军 38 28 7 3 97 45 +52 91

2000/01 曼彻斯特联队 7(14) 连续三届夺得冠军 38 24 8 6 79 31 +48 80

2001/02 阿森纳 2(12) 同年夺得足总杯冠军 38 26 9 3 79 36 +43 87

2002/03 曼彻斯特联队 8(15) 与连续夺得英格兰,顶级联赛冠军次数 38 25 8 5 74 34 +40 83

2003/04 阿森纳 3(13) 以不败成绩完成联赛 38 26 12 0 73 26 +47 90

2004/05 切尔西 1(2) 同年夺得联赛杯冠军,50年后再次夺得顶级联赛冠军38 29 8 1 72 15 +57 95



球 季 球 员 球 会 入 球 球队最后成绩

1992/93* 谢林汉姆 热刺 22球 第8名

1993/94* 安迪·科尔 纽卡斯尔 34球 第3名

1994/95* 希勒 布莱克本流浪 34球 冠军

1995/96 希勒 布莱克本流浪 31球 第7名

1996/97 希勒 纽卡斯尔 25球 亚军

1997/98 瑟顿 布莱克本流浪 18球 第6名

杜布连 高云地利 18球 第11名

奥云 利物浦 18球 第3名

1998/99 哈索宾基 列斯联 18球 第4名

迈克尔·欧文 利物浦 18球 第7名

约基 列斯联 曼彻斯特联队 18球 冠军

1999/00 菲腊斯 桑德兰 30球 第7名

2000/01 哈索宾基 切尔西 23球 第6名

2001/02 亨利 阿森纳 24球 冠军

2002/03 云尼斯杜莱 曼彻斯特联队 25球 冠军

2003/04 亨利 阿森纳 30球 冠军

2004/05 亨利 阿森纳 25球 亚军

* 头3季英超联共有22支球队进行42场赛事,其后改为20支球队进行38场赛事。



奖 项

英超十年最佳球员 阿兰·希勒

英超十年最佳外援 艾利克·坎通纳 (法国)

英超十年最佳本土球员 阿兰·希勒

英超十年最佳比赛 1996年4月3日 利物浦 4-3 纽卡斯尔联

英超十年最佳主教练 弗格森爵士

英超杰出贡献球员 阿兰·希勒

保持清白之身数最多门将 希曼

英超第一万球 2001年12月15日 托特纳姆热刺 4-0 富勒姆 的第一球 费迪南德

英超十年最佳入球 1996年8月17日 温布顿 0-3 曼彻斯特联队 贝克汉姆

英超十年最佳扑救 1997年12月21日 纽卡斯尔联 0-1 曼彻斯特联队 舒梅切尔

英超十年金句 "I would love it if we beat them. Love it!" “我喜欢能够打败对手。我喜欢!” 基冈

英超社区贡献奖 拉德贝

英超上阵次数最多球员 斯皮德

英超十年最佳评述员 马丁泰勒

比赛场数最多领队 弗格森爵士

英超十年最佳射手 希勒


守门: 希曼


中场: 贝克汉姆、因斯、斯科尔斯、吉格斯

前锋: 希勒、迈克尔·欧文










Forty years too long for England

The first nation of football and the global distributor of the game, England are long on passion but short on actual prizes with their 1966 FIFA World Cup™ success on home soil still their only major tournament triumph.
Summer 2006 will mark the passing of four decades since Bobby Moore lifted the Jules Rimet trophy but England will travel to Germany among the favourites despite a qualifying campaign that, while largely comfortable, did provide a bump or two towards the end. After opening with a 2-2 draw in Austria, Sven-Goran Eriksson’s side won six games in succession before suffering an embarrassing 1-0 loss to Northern Ireland on 7 September 2005.

Add a 4-1 friendly defeat in Denmark a month earlier and England’s credentials were suddenly open to question yet Eriksson’s team responded with home victories over Austria and Poland that secured them first place in Group 6 with a record of eight victories and just one defeat in ten matches.

England have made eleven previous FIFA World Cup™ finals appearances, starting with their debut at Brazil 1950. Since the glory of 1966, however, the furthest they have travelled in the competition was to the semi-finals in 1990, where they lost on penalties to West Germany. Four years ago in Korea/Japan, they were losing quarter-finalists for the fifth time, going down 2-1 to Brazil having taken the lead through a Michael Owen goal.

Two years later they fell at the same hurdle at the UEFA European Championship in Portugal, beaten on penalties by the hosts, but found some consolation in the explosive form of the then 18-year-old Wayne Rooney. Now 20, this prodigiously gifted forward is already established as the player the national team look to for inspiration.

Rooney is not the only world-class talent in a side that also boasts striker Owen and the midfield trio of David Beckham, Steven Gerrard and Frank Lampard. In defence too England are strong with John Terry emerging as a genuine contender for a central role alongside Rio Ferdinand or Sol Campbell.

Swedish coach Eriksson has been in charge since 2000 and has not enjoyed a finer hour than England’s 5-1 win in Germany in a FIFA World Cup qualifier in September 2001. The question is whether he can rekindle that magic when they return there next summer.

Founded 1863
Affiliated 1905
WC participations 11 (1950, 1954, 1958, 1962, 1966, 1970, 1982, 1986, 1990, 1998, 2002)
WC honours World champions (1966)
Continental Titles None

England, the cradle of the modern game, took part in the FIFA World Cup finals for the first time in 1950. Despite winning their opening game against Chile, they lost to the USA and Spain and packed their bags after the first round. In 1954, England lost to Uruguay in the quarter-finals, and in 1962 they fell at the same stage to the eventual world champions Brazil.

England's glory came in the 1966 FIFA World Cup, on home turf. Football's inventors were crowned world champions for the first and only time after a 4-2 win against Germany in the final. Geoff Hurst scored a hat-trick in the match.

Since then, England have not progressed beyond the semi-finals. In 1990 they reached the last four but were eliminated by the eventual champions Germany in a penalty shoot-out.

1.7 BECKHAM David

Date of birth: 2 May 1975
Height: 182 cm
Weight: 74 kg
Position: Midfielder
Current Club: Real Madrid (ESP)
Int'l Goals: 17 (as of 1-Jul-2006)
Int'l Caps: 94 (as of 1-Jul-2006)
First Int'l Cap: Moldova v. England ( 1-Sep-1996)

5 407 1 0 2 3 7 110
56 48 0 0 6 7 4 5

Budweiser Man of the Match
15 Jun England 2:0 (0:0) Trinidad & Tobago More...

Club History
1993-1995 Manchester United (ENG)
1995 Preston North End (ENG) - Loan
1995-2003 Manchester United (ENG)
Since 2003 Real Madrid (ESP)

David Beckham is one of the world’s most recognised sportsmen. Years of success on the field at Manchester United combined with a high-profile lifestyle off it had ensured him a rare level of wealth and celebrity even before he became part of Real Madrid’s galácticos project in 2003.
More than anything, however, Beckham is a dedicated professional, who takes immense pride from his role as England captain. His talent with a football was evident from an early age: as a boy he won a Bobby Charlton Soccer Schools National Skills competition and before long he had signed up for his favourite team, Manchester United.

Beckham was part of a remarkable United youth side containing fellow future England internationals Nicky Butt, Gary Neville and Paul Scholes that won the FA Youth Cup in 1992. Although it was not until the 1995/96 season, when he was 20, that he established himself in the first team at Old Trafford, the wait was worthwhile.

That campaign ended with him collecting Premiership and FA Cup winner’s medals and Beckham began the following season by scoring a memorable goal from the halfway line against Wimbledon. He ended it with the award for English football’s Young Player of the Year and in between made his England debut in a FIFA World Cup™ qualifier against Moldova.

Beckham had to wait until the 1998 finals in France to score his first international goal and fittingly it was a trademark free-kick in a 2-0 victory over Colombia. It is arguable that during the past decade nobody in world football has delivered better set-pieces than the Englishman, who is famed for his ability to provide perfect crosses from the right flank.

Unfortunately for Beckham, the 1998 FIFA World Cup ended in dismay as he was sent off for aiming a kick at Diego Simeone during England’s second-round loss to Argentina. That act of petulance made him a convenient scapegoat for the defeat, yet he won over his critics with his subsequent efforts in an England shirt.

After helping United complete a treble of Premiership, FA Cup and UEFA Champions League successes in 1999, Beckham received personal recognition as he finished second in both the FIFA World Player and European Footballer of the Year polls.

The next year he was named England captain for the first time for a friendly in Italy and he quickly grew into the role. Relishing the extra responsibility, Beckham sealed his country’s place in the 2002 FIFA World Cup with a spectacular late free-kick in their last qualifier against Greece and his excellent form in 2001 earned him second place in the FIFA World Player of the Year voting.

A foot injury meant Beckham faced a race against time to be fit for Korea/Japan but he eventually appeared in every match of England’s run to the quarter-finals in the Far East and enjoyed a moment to savour as his penalty brought a 1-0 victory over old rivals Argentina.

After collecting his sixth Premiership winner’s medal in 2003, Beckham said goodbye to English football for a new challenge at Real Madrid. However, he remains a fixture in the England team. He scored fine goals against Wales and Azerbaijan during Germany 2006 qualifying and completed 50 matches as national captain during last November’s friendly against Argentina.

Beckham will be 31 when the FIFA World Cup kicks off and will surpass the 90-cap mark during the tournament. But what he really wants is to end it by emulating another Londoner, Bobby Moore, and lifting world football’s greatest prize.

Previous WC Final Matches
21 June 2002 England : Brazil 1:2 (1:1)
FIFA World Cup Final 2002 Competition
15 June 2002 Denmark : England 0:3 (0:3)
FIFA World Cup Final 2002 Competition
12 June 2002 Nigeria : England 0:0
FIFA World Cup Final 2002 Competition
7 June 2002 Argentina : England 0:1 (0:1)
FIFA World Cup Final 2002 Competition
2 June 2002 England : Sweden 1:1 (1:0)
FIFA World Cup Final 2002 Competition
30 June 1998 Argentina : England 2:2 a.e.t (2:2, 2:2) 4:3 PSO
FIFA World Cup 1998 Final Competition
26 June 1998 Colombia : England 0:2 (0:2)
FIFA World Cup 1998 Final Competition
22 June 1998 Romania : England 2:1 (0:0)
FIFA World Cup 1998 Final Competition

Previous WC Preliminaries Matches
7 September 2005 Northern Ireland : England 1:0 (0:0)
FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone
3 September 2005 Wales : England 0:1 (0:0)
FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone
30 March 2005 England : Azerbaijan 2:0 (0:0)
FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone
26 March 2005 England : Northern Ireland 4:0 (0:0)
FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone
9 October 2004 England : Wales 2:0 (1:0)
FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone
8 September 2004 Poland : England 1:2 (0:1)
FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone
4 September 2004 Austria : England 2:2 (0:1)
FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone

2.9 ROONEY Wayne

Date of birth: 24 October 1985
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 78 kg
Position: Forward
Current Club: Manchester United (ENG)
Int'l Goals: 11 (as of 1-Jul-2006)
Int'l Caps: 33 (as of 1-Jul-2006)
First Int'l Cap: England v. Australia (12-Feb-2003)

4 252 0 0 0 4 5 0 0 1 1

Gillette Best Young Player Candidate

Club History
2002-2004 Everton (ENG)
Since 2004 Manchester United (ENG)

The thought of what Wayne Rooney might achieve at the FIFA World Cup™ is enough to whet the appetite of any England fan – without even getting to the other 22 members of Sven-Goran Eriksson’s squad.
Simply recalling how Rooney performed at the 2004 UEFA European Championship, his first major international tournament, should set English pulses racing. Forget stage fright, it was the Liverpudlian teenager who was terrifying the opposition.

Rooney struck twice against both Switzerland and Croatia to lead England to a quarter-final against Portugal where his early departure with a broken foot was a pivotal moment in a match Eriksson’s men eventually lost on penalties.

Now 20, he is widely considered the finest natural talent in English football since Paul Gascoigne but where Gazza was 22 when he made his international debut, Rooney – as his performances in Portugal showed – was already England’s most important player at 18. Just as he appears to do things at a different speed to everyone else on the football pitch, so his career has progressed on fast-play.

As a 14-year-old Rooney was starring for the U-19s at Everton, his boyhood club. Aged 16 he was in the Everton first team and signalled his arrival on the Premiership stage with an unforgettable first league goal against then champions Arsenal in October 2002. After taking the field as a late substitute he curled a spectacular last-minute strike over David Seaman to end Arsenal's 30-match unbeaten run.

The message was clear: with Rooney anything is possible. Just as defenders bounce off his stocky boxer's frame, so he sends records tumbling. He beat James Prinsep's 124-year record as England's youngest player when, aged 17 years and 111 days, he made his debut against Australia on 12 February 2003. Seven months later, he became England's youngest ever scorer when he struck the opening goal in a European Championship qualifying win in FYR Macedonia. He was 17 years and 317 days old.

The football pitch, in the words of Colin Harvey, his former youth coach at Everton, is Rooney’s ‘playground’. Although a striker, he does his best work from deep, using his strength and skill to run at defenders while his vision creates openings for others.

Michael Owen once described Rooney’s game as "running at people, playing in that hole, shooting from distance, passing the ball, bits of skill". In other words just about everything. Not surprising for someone known to excel in central defence during Young v Old games on the training ground – and who even enjoys trying his luck in goal.

After leaving Everton for Manchester United in August 2004, Rooney soon showed that he was cheap at the £27million United paid for him. He struck a remarkable hat-trick on his debut at Old Trafford against Fenerbahce in the UEFA Champions League and ended the 2004/05 season with 11 goals from 29 league appearances and the Young Player of the Year award.

He produced more of the same during the 2005/06 campaign, notably with his man-of-the-match display in the League Cup final against Wigan Athletic where his two goals helped United to a 4-0 triumph – and himself to the first winner’s medal of his career.

And although he did not net a single goal in England’s Germany 2006 qualifying campaign, the performance he gave in the friendly win over Argentina last November – a fearsome combination of raging bull and floating butterfly – underlines why England fans are expecting so much from him.

Previous WC Preliminaries Matches
12 October 2005 England : Poland 2:1 (1:1)
FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone
7 September 2005 Northern Ireland : England 1:0 (0:0)
FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone
3 September 2005 Wales : England 0:1 (0:0)
FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone
30 March 2005 England : Azerbaijan 2:0 (0:0)
FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone
26 March 2005 England : Northern Ireland 4:0 (0:0)
FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone
13 October 2004 Azerbaijan : England 0:1 (0:1)
FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone
9 October 2004 England : Wales 2:0 (1:0)
FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone

3.10 OWEN Michael

Date of birth: 14 December 1979
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 67 kg
Position: Forward
Current Club: Newcastle United (ENG)
Int'l Goals: 36 (as of 1-Jul-2006)
Int'l Caps: 80 (as of 1-Jul-2006)
First Int'l Cap: England v. Chile (11-Feb-1998)

3 115 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 2

Club History
1996-2004 Liverpool (ENG)
2004-2005 Real Madrid (ESP)
Since 2005 Newcastle United (ENG)

Michael Owen was just 18 when he etched his name on to the minds of football fans around the world with one of the goals of the 1998 FIFA World Cup™.
It was a moment that took the breath away as Owen, with the insouciance of youth, raced through the Argentina defence and fired a bullet shot into the top corner of Carlos Roa’s goal as if scoring a wonder goal in the FIFA World Cup finals was the most natural thing in the world. England lost that second-round match, but Owen was now a global star.

In the intervening eight years, he has experienced many things – trophies with Liverpool, transfers to Real Madrid and Newcastle United, and injuries which have lessened fractionally his once-lightning speed – yet throughout this time he has not stopped doing what he started back in 1998, scoring for England.

Owen grew up supporting Everton, the club where his father Terry once played, yet it was with their local rivals Liverpool that he learnt his trade. His goals helped Liverpool win the 1996 FA Youth Cup and the following year he made a goalscoring debut in a Premiership match at Wimbledon, aged 17 years and 143 days.

Owen’s form in first full season in the Premiership was remarkable, the youngster netting 18 times in 36 league appearances, and it earned him his first England cap just nine months after his Liverpool debut, against Chile in February 1998. His first goal for England followed not long afterwards, in a friendly against Morocco on the eve of France 98.

He started the finals that summer on the bench but after his scoring turn as a substitute in a 2-1 defeat by Romania, then manager Glenn Hoddle could no longer ignore his claims. Eight days later, with that goal against Argentina, the whole world knew about him.

Owen has enjoyed plenty of high points since in an England shirt. In September 2001 he struck a hat-trick as England beat Germany 5-1 in a FIFA World Cup qualifier in Munich. The following summer he found the net against Denmark and Brazil as England reached the FIFA World Cup quarter-finals in Korea/Japan.

He was on target three times in qualifying for Germany 2006 and in his final appearance of 2005 scored two headers against Argentina to give Sven-Goran Eriksson’s side a morale-boosting 3-2 friendly win – and leave himself with 35 goals from 75 international appearances. Only three players have recorded more goals for England.

Owen’s finest hour to date at club level came in 2000/01 when his two late goals won the FA Cup for Liverpool against Arsenal. He also picked up League Cup and UEFA Cup winner’s medals that season and ended the year by becoming the first Englishman since Kevin Keegan 22 years earlier to collect the European Footballer of the Year award.

By the time Owen left Liverpool in 2004 to join Real Madrid, he had scored 118 times in 216 league appearances for the Reds. He maintained his impressive strike rate in Madrid, where despite making only 20 league starts, he claimed 13 goals. However, frustration at his limited opportunities meant Owen returned to England in August 2005 to join Newcastle United.

Owen, whose principal pastime away from football is horse-racing, has had an injury-hit year at Newcastle but after recovering from a broken metatarsal, he will be raring to go in Germany.

Previous WC Final Matches
21 June 2002 England : Brazil 1:2 (1:1)
FIFA World Cup Final 2002 Competition
15 June 2002 Denmark : England 0:3 (0:3)
FIFA World Cup Final 2002 Competition
12 June 2002 Nigeria : England 0:0
FIFA World Cup Final 2002 Competition
7 June 2002 Argentina : England 0:1 (0:1)
FIFA World Cup Final 2002 Competition
2 June 2002 England : Sweden 1:1 (1:0)
FIFA World Cup Final 2002 Competition
30 June 1998 Argentina : England 2:2 a.e.t (2:2, 2:2) 4:3 PSO
FIFA World Cup 1998 Final Competition
26 June 1998 Colombia : England 0:2 (0:2)
FIFA World Cup 1998 Final Competition
22 June 1998 Romania : England 2:1 (0:0)
FIFA World Cup 1998 Final Competition
15 June 1998 England : Tunisia 2:0 (1:0)
FIFA World Cup 1998 Final Competition

Previous WC Preliminaries Matches
12 October 2005 England : Poland 2:1 (1:1)
FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone
8 October 2005 England : Austria 1:0 (1:0)
FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone
7 September 2005 Northern Ireland : England 1:0 (0:0)
FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone
30 March 2005 England : Azerbaijan 2:0 (0:0)
FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone
26 March 2005 England : Northern Ireland 4:0 (0:0)
FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone
13 October 2004 Azerbaijan : England 0:1 (0:1)
FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone
9 October 2004 England : Wales 2:0 (1:0)
FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone
8 September 2004 Poland : England 1:2 (0:1)
FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone
4 September 2004 Austria : England 2:2 (0:1)
FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone

4.4 GERRARD Steven

Date of birth: 30 May 1980
Height: 188 cm
Weight: 78 kg
Position: Midfielder
Current Club: Liverpool (ENG)
Int'l Goals: 9 (as of 1-Jul-2006)
Int'l Caps: 47 (as of 1-Jul-2006)
First Int'l Cap: England v Ukraine (31-May-2000)

5 411 2 0 0 2 8 128
69 16 1 0 11 9 2 6

Club History
Since 1998 Liverpool (ENG)

The heartbeat of his hometown club Liverpool, Steven Gerrard will travel to Germany desperate to make up for the disappointment of missing out on the 2002 FIFA World Cup™ because of injury.


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