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I can not understand it

1 The two miles" the feeling after reading

Until this summer, I have put the submarine two miles "all look out. But I always feel not enough to satisfy, so, I'm going to read it again, because if a good book to read it again to the entire book read thoroughly, so, he also can't so great, it also won't be a good books.
Read this book, I think of a filling the rich world, a vast expanse of ocean, captain nemo together with our exploration seabed is wonderful. In the book, I can feel the peacetime not feeling, can think we usually do not imagine.
In this book, you can know the forest is can stroll along, can know in the bottom of the sea is how to hunt, can know how captain nemo uniform sharks, still can the ?
2 The biography of celebrity feeling after reading
Read the Roman Rowland biography of the celebrity, very. Roman Rowland 20 centuries France is famous writer, his work is the spiritual pillar of the powerful people. The biography of celebrity wrote Beethoven, Michelangelo and Tolstoy's story, they experienced all kinds of hardships, but did not give in to fate in the final seconds of life still indomitable struggle, and ultimately become the great man. It also tells us a reason: difficult and frustration is the best life for the fate and temper!!!!!
In the three great men, of what impressed me is Beethoven. He has to music, the passion of fire, has created many excellent works. His work is abstruse and brilliant spectacular, is full of illusion. But disaster also ?


  • 19639583480我要两篇名著读书笔记(全英文),1000字左右~‘谢谢~!
    乌师有1 The two miles" the feeling after reading Until this summer, I have put the submarine two miles "all look out. But I always feel not enough to satisfy, so, I'm going to read it again, because if a good book to read it again to the entire book read thoroughly, so...

  • 19639583480英语名著简爱读书笔记。也可以是好句好段。关键是要英文的!要注明中文...
    乌师有Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong! — I have as much soul as you — and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to...

  • 19639583480英文——名著——读书笔记
    乌师有我了解了这么多,说到底还是要读书,如果不读书,也就不会了解这么多.其实多读书是有好处的,像我读《海底两万里》这本书,有时可以开发你的智慧,启迪人们的思维,活泼人们的大脑,让大家在惊险与刺激中得到艺术的享受. 让大家多读书,走进文学的时代吧!走进文学,情感会为之温润;走进文学,心灵会为之舞蹈;走进文学,生命...

  • 19639583480英语读书笔记(不要一定要名著)
    乌师有要:TitleTypeBackgroundMainideawhowhenwherewhatwhyhow15篇(能多少就多少了,当然是越多越好,谢谢)全英文... 要:Title Type Background Main idea who when where what why how15篇(能多少就多少了,当然是越多越好,谢谢)全英文 展开  我来答 2个回答 #热议# 张桂梅帮助的只有女生吗?山山而川1222 2014-...

  • 19639583480英文读书笔记3000字???
    乌师有英文读书笔记3000字见http:\/\/zhidao.baidu.com\/question\/54658677.html有点儿麻烦,所以给的分也很多,希望认真点,别指望一个链接就拿这么多分,谢谢。... 英文读书笔记3000字见http:\/\/zhidao.baidu.com\/question\/54658677.html有点儿麻烦,所以给的分也很多,希望认真点,别指望一个链接就拿这么多分,谢谢。 展开...

  • 19639583480世界名著英文读书笔记

  • 19639583480求读书笔记和读后感以及英语作文
    乌师有读书笔记要3篇《钢铁是怎样炼成的》和3篇《水浒传》的,读后感《钢铁是怎样炼成的》和《水浒传》各1篇,英语作文是初一水平的4篇,答得好的再给20分读书笔记是好词好句的感想300字,读... 读书笔记要3篇《钢铁是怎样炼成的》和3篇《水浒传》的,读后感《钢铁是怎样炼成的》和《水浒传》各1篇,英语作文是初一...

  • 19639583480...骆驼祥子》《朝花夕拾》各两篇读书笔记,要每篇不少600字_百度知 ...
    乌师有65头发 uiehdiuhdiojoqijwhbdokckoqiwjdpkcm我的立法金额我ijfijhebfnuiy死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死 天桃中学 初一(6)班留言 ...

  • 19639583480英语读书笔记
    乌师有英语读书笔记3 《现代中学英语教师素养》这是一本集中学英语教师综合教学技能指导的教材,课堂用语篇针对英语教师语言基本功要求,编写了英语课堂常用语,如:课前准备,课中提问,教师指令、演示、评价语言等,指导教师准确并流利地运用英语组织教学。在附录部分还为教师提供了几百条与教学有关的校园用语。 通过阅读,我深深...

  • 19639583480求两篇读书笔记、
    乌师有《西游记》读书笔记 《西游记》是中国四大名著之一.它是吴承恩先生的杰作,讲述的是一个泼猴和唐三藏及师弟八戒,沙僧去西天取经的故事,这本书我虽然看了一遍,但是以这本书编辑的电视机不知道看过多少遍了,它给人一种百看不厌的感觉,让人看了就喜欢上了它. 看完这部小说,有很大的感悟,我觉得学习唐僧的全心全...

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