
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

Dim a(1 To 50) As Integer
Dim b(1 To 50) As Integer
Dim c(1 To 50) As Integer
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim j As Integer
Me.Text1.Text = "排序前数据" + vbCrLf
j = 1
While j <= 50 '产生随机数
a(j) = Int(100 * Rnd())
Me.Text1.Text = Me.Text1.Text + Mid(CStr(a(j)) + " ", 1, 4)
If j Mod 10 = 0 Then '满10个就要换行
Me.Text1.Text = Me.Text1.Text + vbCrLf
End If
j = j + 1
Wend '产生随机数 完毕
For j = 1 To 50
b(j) = a(j)
c(j) = a(j)
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
For i = 1 To 49
For j = 1 To 49
If b(j) > b(j + 1) Then
k = b(j): b(j) = b(j + 1): b(j + 1) = k
End If
Me.Text1.Text = Me.Text1.Text + "冒泡排序后数据" + vbCrLf
For i = 1 To 50
Me.Text1.Text = Me.Text1.Text + Mid(CStr(b(i)) + " ", 1, 4)
If i Mod 10 = 0 Then
Me.Text1.Text = Me.Text1.Text + vbCrLf
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
For i = 1 To 50
For j = i To 50
If c(i) < c(j) Then
k = c(i): c(i) = c(j): c(j) = k
End If
Me.Text1.Text = Me.Text1.Text + "选择排序后数据" + vbCrLf
For i = 1 To 50
Me.Text1.Text = Me.Text1.Text + Mid(CStr(c(i)) + " ", 1, 4)
If i Mod 10 = 0 Then
Me.Text1.Text = Me.Text1.Text + vbCrLf
End If
End Sub


Option Explicit
' 'variables for the Quick sort iteration as the sub is recursive
Global QSCallCnt As Integer
Global QSSwaps As Integer
' 'variable for the Bubble sort as the sub can be aborted
Global Bcnt As Long
' 'variable for the Selection sort as the sub can be aborted
Global SScnt As Long
' 'used to abandon long sorts
Global SkipFlag As Integer

Public Sub BubbleSortNumbers(iArray As Variant)

Dim lLoop1 As Long
Dim lLoop2 As Long
Dim lTemp As Long
frmSorts.lblIterations(0) = "Working..."

For lLoop1 = UBound(iArray) To LBound(iArray) Step -1

For lLoop2 = LBound(iArray) + 1 To lLoop1
If iArray(lLoop2 - 1) > iArray(lLoop2) Then
lTemp = iArray(lLoop2 - 1)
iArray(lLoop2 - 1) = iArray(lLoop2)
iArray(lLoop2) = lTemp

' '----------------------------------------------------
' 'Required for the speed Test; comment out for real use
' 'update the iterations label
Bcnt = Bcnt + 1
If SkipFlag% Then Exit Sub
' '----------------------------------------------------

End If
Next lLoop2

Next lLoop1

frmSorts.lblIterations(0) = "Elements swapped : " & Bcnt

End Sub

Public Sub SelectionSortNumbers(vArray As Variant)

Dim lLoop1 As Long
Dim lLoop2 As Long
Dim lMin As Long
Dim lTemp As Long
frmSorts.lblIterations(1) = "Working..."

For lLoop1 = LBound(vArray) To UBound(vArray) - 1
lMin = lLoop1

For lLoop2 = lLoop1 + 1 To UBound(vArray)

If vArray(lLoop2) < vArray(lMin) Then
lMin = lLoop2
' '----------------------------------------------------
' 'comment out for real use
' 'update the iterations label
SScnt = SScnt + 1
' '----------------------------------------------------
End If

' '----------------------------------------------------
' 'Required for the speed Test; comment out for real use


If SkipFlag% Then Exit Sub
' '----------------------------------------------------

Next lLoop2

lTemp = vArray(lMin)
vArray(lMin) = vArray(lLoop1)
vArray(lLoop1) = lTemp

Next lLoop1

frmSorts.lblIterations(1) = "Elements swapped : " & SScnt

End Sub

Public Sub ShellSortNumbers(vArray As Variant)

Dim lLoop1 As Long
Dim lHold As Long
Dim lHValue As Long
Dim lTemp As Long
Dim SHcnt As Integer
frmSorts.lblIterations(2) = "Working..."
lHValue = LBound(vArray)

lHValue = 3 * lHValue + 1
Loop Until lHValue > UBound(vArray)

lHValue = lHValue / 3

For lLoop1 = lHValue + LBound(vArray) To UBound(vArray)
lTemp = vArray(lLoop1)
lHold = lLoop1

Do While vArray(lHold - lHValue) > lTemp
vArray(lHold) = vArray(lHold - lHValue)
lHold = lHold - lHValue
' '----------------------------------------------------
' 'Required for the speed Test; comment out for real use
' 'update the iterations label
SHcnt = SHcnt + 1
' '----------------------------------------------------

If lHold < lHValue Then Exit Do

vArray(lHold) = lTemp
Next lLoop1

Loop Until lHValue = LBound(vArray)

frmSorts.lblIterations(2) = "Elements swapped : " & SHcnt
End Sub

Public Sub QuickSortNumbers(iArray As Variant, l&, r&)

' 'iArray() The iArray to sort
' 'l& First element of iArray to start sort
' 'r& Last element of iArray to start sort

' '----------------------------------------------------
' 'update the call count label ; comment out for real use
QSCallCnt = QSCallCnt + 1
' '----------------------------------------------------

Dim i&, j&
Dim X
Dim Y

i& = l&
j& = r&
X = iArray((l& + r&) / 2)

While (i& <= j&)

While (iArray(i&) < X And i& < r&)
i& = i& + 1

While (X l&)
j& = j& - 1

If (i& <= j&) Then
Y = iArray(i&)
iArray(i&) = iArray(j&)
iArray(j&) = Y
i& = i& + 1
j& = j& - 1

' '----------------------------------------------------
' 'update the swap count label ; comment out for real use
QSSwaps = QSSwaps + 1
' '----------------------------------------------------
End If


If (l& < j&) Then QuickSortNumbers iArray, l&, j&

If (i& < r&) Then QuickSortNumbers iArray, i&, r&

frmSorts.lblIterations(3) = "Sub was called : " & QSCallCnt & " times"
frmSorts.lblIterations(4) = "Elements Swapped : " & QSSwaps
End Sub

In the form, add the following code:
' 'general declarations
Option Explicit
' 'Used for the counter in the speed test
Dim tmrCounter As Long
' 'flag for the timer
Dim sortMethod As Integer

Private Sub cmdEnd_Click()

Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)

Set Form1 = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub cmdSkipBubbleSort_Click()

SkipFlag = True
End Sub

Private Sub cmdSkipSelectionSort_Click()

SkipFlag = True
End Sub

Private Sub cmdSort_Click(Index As Integer)

' 'The example here builds an Array of 15 elements and
' 'places random numbers into it. The string is then printed
' 'to screen. The array is passed to the procedure called
' 'BubbleSortNumbers in the project Module and it performs
'a Selection sort. Then redisplays the sorted elements to Screen.
Dim lMyArray(0 To 30) As Long
Dim iLoop As Integer
Dim sBuiltString As String

For iLoop = LBound(lMyArray) To UBound(lMyArray)
lMyArray(iLoop) = Int(Rnd * 9) + 1
sBuiltString = sBuiltString & " " & lMyArray(iLoop)
Next iLoop

lblOriginElements = sBuiltString
sBuiltString = ""
Select Case Index
Case 0
Bcnt = 0
Call BubbleSortNumbers(lMyArray)
Case 1
Call SelectionSortNumbers(lMyArray)
Case 2
Call ShellSortNumbers(lMyArray)
Case 3
QSCallCnt = 0
Call QuickSortNumbers(lMyArray, 0, UBound(lMyArray))
End Select

For iLoop = LBound(lMyArray) To UBound(lMyArray)
sBuiltString = sBuiltString & " " & lMyArray(iLoop)
Next iLoop

lblSortedElements = sBuiltString
End Sub

Private Sub cmdSpeedTest_Click()

Dim lMyArray() As Long
ReDim lMyArray(0 To CLng(txtNumberOfElements - 1))
Dim i As Integer
Dim vTemp1 As Variant
Dim vTemp2 As Variant
Dim vTemp3 As Variant
tmrCounter = 0
lblSpeedTestStatus.Caption = "Building Array of " & txtNumberOfElements & " Elements ........."

For i% = LBound(lMyArray) To UBound(lMyArray)
lMyArray(i%) = Int(Rnd * 100) + 1
Next i%

vTemp1 = lMyArray
vTemp2 = lMyArray
vTemp3 = lMyArray
Frame1.Enabled = False
' -----------
SkipFlag% = False
cmdSkipBubbleSort.Enabled = True
sortMethod = 1
Bcnt = 0
frmSorts.timSpeedTest.Enabled = True
lblSpeedTestStatus.Caption = "Performing Bubble Sort ......"
Call BubbleSortNumbers(lMyArray)
lblSortTimeReport(0).Caption = "Bubble Sort Time Taken was : " & tmrCounter & " seconds"
timSpeedTest.Enabled = False
frmSorts.lblIterations(0) = "Elements swapped : " & Bcnt
tmrCounter = 0
cmdSkipBubbleSort.Enabled = False
' -----------
SkipFlag% = False
cmdSkipSelectionSort.Enabled = True
sortMethod = 2
SScnt = 0
frmSorts.timSpeedTest.Enabled = True
lblSpeedTestStatus.Caption = "Performing Selection Sort ......"
Call SelectionSortNumbers(vTemp1)
lblSortTimeReport(1).Caption = "Selection Sort Time Taken was : " & tmrCounter & " seconds"
timSpeedTest.Enabled = False
frmSorts.lblIterations(1) = "Elements swapped : " & SScnt
tmrCounter = 0
cmdSkipSelectionSort.Enabled = False
' -----------
sortMethod = 3
frmSorts.timSpeedTest.Enabled = True
lblSpeedTestStatus.Caption = "Performing Shell Sort ......"
Call ShellSortNumbers(vTemp2)
lblSortTimeReport(2).Caption = "Shell Sort Time Taken was : " & tmrCounter & " seconds"
timSpeedTest.Enabled = False
tmrCounter = 0
' -----------
frmSorts.lblIterations(3) = "Working..."

sortMethod = 4
frmSorts.timSpeedTest.Enabled = True
lblSpeedTestStatus.Caption = "Performing Shell Sort ......"
Call QuickSortNumbers(vTemp3, 0, UBound(vTemp3))
lblSortTimeReport(3).Caption = "Quick Sort Time Taken was : " & tmrCounter & " seconds"
timSpeedTest.Enabled = False
lblSpeedTestStatus.Caption = "Completed Speed Test ......"
' -----------
Frame1.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub timSpeedTest_Timer()

tmrCounter = tmrCounter + 1

If sortMethod = 1 Then
lblSortTimeReport(0).Caption = _
"Bubble Sort Time Taken was : " & tmrCounter & " seconds"
End If

If sortMethod = 2 Then
lblSortTimeReport(1).Caption = _
"Selection Sort Time Taken was : " & tmrCounter & " seconds"
End If

If sortMethod = 3 Then
lblSortTimeReport(2).Caption = _
"Shell Sort Time Taken was : " & tmrCounter & " seconds"
End If

If sortMethod = 4 Then
lblSortTimeReport(2).Caption = _
"Quick Sort Time Taken was : " & tmrCounter & " seconds"
End If

End Sub

Function createRndNumbers(max As Long) As String
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 49
createRndNumbers = createRndNumbers & CLng(max * Rnd(Timer) + 1) & IIf(i < 49, ",", "")
Next i
End Function

Function sort1(numbers As String) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim list As Variant
Dim tempNumber As Long
Dim str As String
list = Split(numbers, ",")
For i = 0 To UBound(list)
For j = 1 To UBound(list) - i
If CLng(list(j)) < CLng(list(j - 1)) Then
tempNumber = list(j - 1)
list(j - 1) = list(j)
list(j) = tempNumber
End If
Next j
Next i

tempNumber = 0
For i = 0 To UBound(list)
str = str & list(i) & IIf(i < 49, ",", "")
tempNumber = tempNumber + CLng(list(i))
Next i
sort1 = str
End Function

Function displayNumbers(numbers As String) As String
Dim list As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim text As String
list = Split(numbers, ",")
For i = 0 To UBound(list)
text = text & list(i) & vbTab & IIf(Right(i, 1) = 9, vbCrLf, "")
Next i
MsgBox text
End Function



Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim i%, j%, s!(1 To 3), t!
For i = 1 To 3 '几个数改成几
s(i) = Val(InputBox("请输入第" & i & "个数:"))

For i = 1 To 3
For j = i + 1 To 3
If s(j) < s(i) Then t = s(i): s(i) = s(j): s(j) = t
Print s(i);
End Sub


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