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其品牌的一个最重要方面是它的乘务组,1972年推出首条航线的时候,它雇佣了法国的设计师 Piere balmain 来设计制服,他创造了马来西亚围裙的一个独特版本,新加坡航空空中小姐的形象作为其强项成为了在整个航空业中最闻名的。它还展现了好客与客户关怀的品牌价值,新加坡航空公司为乘务人员进行了非常详细的培训计划,以确保其品牌文化能够被充分的传达。他们的口号--“飞跃万里,超越一切”同样也强调了其高质量的品牌文化。

Today, in modern civilization, the car has become an indispensable means of transport. Since the birth of the first vehicle since 1886, it brought to people's lives and greatly facilitated the work, but also has become one of the pillars of modern material. However, we should also note that the rapid development in the automobile industry, and maintain the continuous increase in the production of motor vehicles, the air pollution has brought automobile, automobile exhaust pollution. The main hazard is automobile exhaust to form smog. 1943, Los Angeles, California in the United States, 2.5 million cars burning off 1,100 tons of gasoline per day. After the combustion of hydrocarbons, such as gasoline ultraviolet rays of the sun under a chemical reaction, forming a light blue smoke, most people suffering from the city jealous, headache disease. Later, it was known as photochemical smog of this pollution. Los Angeles twice in 1955 and 1970 occurred photochemical smog, and more than 400 former featured poisoning, respiratory failure and death, the latter a city of three-quarters of the sick. This is the history to be called "the world's eight major hazard" and "20th Century 10 environmental hazards," Los Angeles smog in one of the incidents. It is a profound understanding of these incidents to the people of the dangers of automobile exhaust. 200 vehicle emissions of organic compounds, including benzene, a highly carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic ingredients, the human body is a long-term cumulative effects. Medical studies have revealed that a large number of benzene vapor inhalation a short period of time can cause life-threatening acute poisoning, the long-term repeated exposure to low levels of benzene can cause chronic poisoning. Data show that PM10 concentrations increased with a series of negative effects on human health closely. American scientists have done in Utah Valley epidemiological studies found that the PM10 air to have a significant impact on human health can lead to cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease and other diseases in patients with sensitive physical death. It is estimated that 60,000 PM10 lead of the United States and the United Kingdom each year 10,000 people died. Through screening and comprehensive analysis of childhood lead poisoning caused by automobile exhaust pollution is the main factor, as automobile exhaust lead dust accumulation in more than one meter above the ground, and that is exactly the children's activities with the breathing zone of pollution caused by it has become one of the major causes of childhood lead poisoning. Include automobile exhaust pollutants : carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and soot particles (some heavy metal compounds, lead compounds, smoke and oil mist), smell (formaldehyde). According to statistics, about 1,000 vehicles a day 3/hm emit carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons 200-400kg and nitrogen oxides 50-150kg; Los Angeles and other mobile sources of pollutants emitted by motor vehicles accounted for 90% of total atmospheric pollutants. According to the State Environmental Protection Administration predicted that in 2005 China's vehicle emissions in urban air pollution will reach 79% of the share of air pollution in automobile exhaust is the "culprit." Automobile exhaust the highest level of carbon monoxide, it can enter through the respiratory tract of gestation, the blood was absorbed, combined with hemoglobin to form carboxyhemoglobin, lowering blood oxygen, blood weaken the oxygen supply of human tissues, resulting in tissue hypoxia, which led to headaches and other symptoms, or suffocation. The content of nitrogen oxides from automobile exhaust smaller, but highly toxic, toxicity is three times the sulfur oxides. Alveolar oxygen into nitrogen compounds, lead to the formation of nitrite and nitrate, a sharp stimulus to the lung tissue, increased pulmonary capillary permeability, leading to emphysema. Nitrite with hemoglobin, forming ferrihemoglobin caused tissue hypoxia. 200 species of hydrocarbons from automobile exhaust, C2H4 concentration in the atmosphere indicated to (1%), to enable some plants dysplasia. Automobile exhaust also found 32 species of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, including 3,4 - benzopyrene and other carcinogenic substances. When the concentration reaches 0.012ug/m3 benzopyrene in the air, residents will have a marked increase in the number of lung cancer. More nearly away from the road, the greater the traffic flow on the highway, the higher the mortality rate of lung cancer.

The bathroom should use the bright gentle lamps and lanterns, thelamps and lanterns should have moisture-proof and not the easy rustyfunction, the photosource to be supposed to use the colored index highincandescent lamp. Uses when the wall lamp must install the lamps andlanterns in with the window blind vertical wall surface on, in orderto avoid reflects the shadow in the window. Uses when the dome lightmust avoid installing bathtub above which directly covers in thesteam. The wall lamp or the dome light power take 40 - 60 tiles assuitable. The decorative lighting installment must conform to the illuminationprinciple The room illumination also by no means only is illuminates theroom in, but is must defer to the certain principle to request to do,only then can have the good decoration effect, manifests theillumination function. One, the illumination certainly must guarantee each kind of activityneeds different illumination the realization. Writing, the game, therest, receives callers and so on, regardless of He Zhong moves allshould have the corresponding lamps and lanterns display function.This kind of illumination should be scientific 配光, causes theperson unconsciously wearily, both favor the eye health, and frugaluses electricity. Two, the illumination must be able to serve as contrast the roombeautifully. The light illumination needs to look after in the roomeach thing outline, the level and the main body image, like suspends,the hanging scroll, the rug, the vase, the fish bowl to some specialarrangements and so on, but also must be able to manifest evenbeautifies its color. Three, the illumination wants reliable and is safe. The lamps andlanterns do not allow to have the leakage, to cook meals and so on thephenomenon, but also must achieve as soon as opens brightly, GuanJiumie. In the illumination the photosource position is important, but thiskind of position elects to be good, the key lies in you to want to letthe object which the photosource illuminates is any. First is theperson, the person most main part is the face. From the differentangle projection light, can cause person's face to appear thedifferent expression effect, if the person stands in a hanging lampunderneath, directly can cause the person face to the underillumination to change indifferently, is serious. If has a lamp frombootom to top title deed to the person face, then worse, the personface can even change the terror, 凶恶. Therefore frequently getstogether in the people the living room, the dining room, the sofagroup and so on place are cannot use direct is upward or to the underillumination. If uses the flanking fire direct lighting, namely letsthe light project from the side, can cause the person face outlineline to be rich bright,; If uses the diffusion type lamps andlanterns, lets the diffused light project the person face, can obtainthe clear lovable image. Next illuminates the furniture, this mustthink you want to achieve any effect. If is set of brand-new ensemblesof furniture, then should highlight its color and the outline, may usethe multi- photosources illumination the way, then achieves thefurniture very few shadows partial effects. The illumination took thedecoration a constituent, must arrange the photosource and its theposition according to the different type. The bedroom often concurrently has the many kinds of functions in ourcountry, like living room, studio, changing room and so on. Changesclothes to request the uniform archery target light front toilluminate from person's on, in order to obtains sharp image in themirror, therefore the photosource cannot put after the human brain, ifmust put on make-up also to have to establish two sides the auxiliarylight, in order to lets on the face the soft body hair all be possibleclearly to see. Reads writes needs to write the desk lamp, when thesleep in the room the light to be allowed dark gentle. Front but restshas reads the custom person on the bed, the bedside lamp is best canadjust brightness and the angle. The simple method installs two lamps,一明一暗. The living room function are more, like receives callers chats, lookedthe television listens to the music, if also is equipped with thesmall bar nearby the family seeing and hearing center, then drinks thedrink also in here. Do not count on a hanging lamp solves the completeproblem. Are many when the person, may use the hanging lamp, the walllamp and so on to obtain the comprehensive illumination and the evenastigmatism. When 23 person of heart-to-heart talks may use the floorlamp or the wall lamp comes the part to illuminate in front of thesofa the tea several, but is not illuminates the participationheart-to-heart talk person itself. When seeing and hearing center use,in the living room only needed 3 tiles small lamps to make thebackground lamp to obtain some weak illuminations to be allowed. If the housing has the entrance hall, that is worth arranging well,because here most can affect a person's mood. As soon as steps intothe main house gate, the entrance hall if bright is lively, can causeto work a day-long person to think all of a sudden invested the familybosom but the spirit to rouse, weary Loughton disappeared. This needsto install in the entrance hall flat top inserts the type tube domelight, insufficient when may install several, colored is better. If islikes artistic others, may the entrance hall, the corridor wallsurface, the flat top make the deep color, inserts several smalllamps, lets the person think immeasurably deep, but steps into theroom also is different immediately. Although is certainly like thisunique, but not necessarily everybody all can accept, because themajority person is accustomed to toes the line.

Bathroom should adopt a soft bright lamps, lamps should have a moisture-proof and not easily corroded function, Source color should be used for high incandescent lamp. He is using bracket light lamps installed in the vertical and curtains on the wall, in order to avoid the window reflected on the shadow. Nine used to avoid when installed in direct steam enveloped the top of the bathtub. Nine wall lamp or the power to the appropriate 40 -60 watts. Lighting installation subject to the principle of indoor lighting lighting is not just indoor light, but according to certain principles requirements, will be a good decorative effect, showing functional lighting. First, the lighting must ensure that the various activities required to achieve a different light. Writing, games, rest, traveling, etc., regardless of what activities should be a corresponding lamps role to play. Such lighting is the distribution of scientific light, people do not feel tired, not only conducive to the healthy eye, again to conserve electricity. 2 lighting to be able to appear more rooms America. - Ray irradiation to take care of the interior contours of the objects, the level and the main image of some special features such as furnishing goods, paintings, rugs, vases, tank, etc., but also be able to reflect and even beautify its color. 3 is reliable lighting and security. Lamps is not allowed to leakage, fire, etc., should do on a bright opening, a concern on the destruction. Lighting source location is important, but how well the location of the election, The key is that you want light source to illuminate the target is. First, people are the most important part of the face. From different angles projection of light, the faces of the people who will be seen from the expressions effect, if a person stood directly below the chandelier. direct lighting downward will face turns cold and serious. For a light reaching the bottom up to face, then worse, the face will become terror, even ferocious. So frequent gatherings in people's living room, dining area, sofa group Equality is not directly upward or downward lighting. Using the direct side-lighting, so that the light projected from the top side, people would face contour lines of rich and bright; Using diffuse light, scattered light to throw people face, will be made clear amiable image. Second is to illuminate furniture, it depends on what you want to achieve results. If this is a brand new combination of furniture, then it should highlight the color and silhouette, multi-source lighting, Furniture can be achieved very little part of the shadow effect. Lighting and decorating as an integral part must be based on the arrangement of different types of light sources and their locations. My bedroom is often the combination of a variety of functions, such as living room, study, changing rooms, and so on. Changing requirements of the optical absorption from the quality of the light on the front, in order to be a mirror image clarity, Therefore source who could not be placed in the back of our minds, but also to set up cosmetics on both sides of the auxiliary light, so that the faces of the innocent can be clearly seen. Need to read and write write table lamps, indoor lighting sleep can be more thoughtful and more covert. But before bed is in bed reading habits, the best bedside lamp to adjust the brightness and angle. The simple way out is installed lamps, one for a secret. The living room more functional, such as traveling chat, watch television and listen to music, as in the audio-visual center next to the family also has a small bar, So soft drinks are also here. Do not expect a chandelier solve all the problems. People in a long time, you can use the chandeliers, wall lamp such as access to comprehensive lighting and have astigmatism. In one heart-to-heart talks on February 3 available landing lights or partial wall lamp to illuminate the sofa before the tea table, rather than illuminate the heart-to-heart talks in the people themselves. When the use of audio-visual center, a living room only three watts of small lights for background light some weak lighting on it. If a residential front, it is worth a good arrangement, since most here can affect a person's mood. Upon entering the home, if the front bright spectacle, The work day will suddenly think people into the embrace of family and spirits, fatigue Duxiao. This requires flattened in front of retrofitting Embedded Barrel Dragon, one can not equipped few, color better. If love is the art of others, can Foyer, corridor walls, causing dark flattened, embedding a few small lights, make people feel unfathomable, and immediately entered the room is Journey Into Amazing Caves. Although this course chic, but not everyone can accept it because the majority of people are accustomed to a conformist.

The health should adopt the brightness soft lamp, the lamp should have tide of defend with not easily rusty of function, the light source should adopt to show a color to point count high incandescent lamp.To install lamp on with the wall noodles of the curtain perpendicularity while adopting bracket lamp, in order to prevent at window up reflect shadow.Adoption crest light want to avoid installing the top of bathtub which covers with directly in the steam.The power of bracket lamp or crest light takes 40-60 tiles as proper.
The lamps and laterns gearing needs to match a lighting principle
The living quarters illuminates also not just indoor illuminate, but want to do according to the certain principle request, would have a good dornment effect a fruit, the body illuminates function now.
While ising the realization that the lighting must promise the dissimilarity that various activity need to shine on only.Writing, game, take a rest, receive guest an etc., have no theory what activities should have a homologous lamp to produce result.This kind of lighting should be science to go together with light, making the person don't feel tired, since benefit in eyes health, again economy in electricity.
Two is a lighting have to set off room more beautiful.The bare irradiation wants to look after outline, layer and corpus image of indoor each thing, to some special display an article if put a piece and hang painting, carpet, vase, fish tank...etc., also want an ability body to even beautify its color now.
Three is a lighting to want credibility and safety.The lamp disallows occurrence electric leakage and light a fire etc. phenomenon, also needing to attain an open bright, put out while closing.
The position of light source is important in the lighting, but this kind of position choose how about it, the key lies in you want let the light source illuminate of the object is what.Is a person first, the part of person's most is a face of department.The ray never projected with angle, will make the person's face appear different facial expression result, if the person stands on a pendant lamp just under, the directly downcast lighting will make person's face become apathetic and serious.If there is an earth shine with bottom-up light to arrive person's face, so even worse, person's face will become terrible, even brutish.So are the lightings that can't adopt to heading up or get down directly at people the living room, dining room, sofas...etc. of the multifarious party.Shoot direct lighting such as the adoption side, then let the ray project above from the side, will make person face the outline lines enrich, lucidity;If adopt a diffusion type lamp, let to spread to cast light to project person's face, will obtain clear can close image.Secondly is illuminate a furniture, this want to see you to want to reach what result.If is a set of brand-new combination furniture, so should outstanding its color and outline, can adopt the way of many light source lightings, can immediately attain a furniture seldom of shadow part of result.1 which illuminates conduct and actions to decorate constitutes part, have to press different type to arrange light source and its position.
The bedroom is in the our country usually and have various functions, such as living room, den, locker room...etc..Changed dress to request evenly the light of quality to come forward a square to illuminate from the person, in order to got a clear picture in the mirror, so the light source can't put after the person brain, if want to make up assistance light of needing to establish two sides still, in order to let milli- hairs of on the face can see clearly.SeeWriting the word needs to write a desk lamp, the indoor ray can be a little darker and a little softer while sleeping.But had on the bed to read the person of[with] book habit before sleeping, the bedlamp haded better regulate bright degree and angle.The simple method is to pack two lights, a clear a dark.
The function of living room is more, if receive guest chitchat and watch a television listen to music, if the center flank still establishes small bar at family audio-visual, drinking beverage so also here.Don't hope a pendant lamp to resolve all problem.Can acquire to illuminate and all spread light completely with the type of pendant lamp, bracket lamp when the person have another.The tea side-table that is before 23 people talk heart can with floor lamp or bracket lamp part illuminate a sofa, not illuminated to participate a person who talk the heart.When the audio-visual center uses, inside in the living room needs a pay 3 tiles small light to make a background light to obtain some illuminate faintly all right.
If the residence contain hall, that worthy of like arranges once, because of here can influence a person most of motion.While stepping into family, hall if brightness noisy, will make to work the person feels a while for a day devotion family of the bosom embrace but the spirit fig up, the tired eliminates.This needs in the hall even top to add a built-in tube type a crest light, can pack several for a not enough hour, the color is better.If is the somebody else who likes an art, can guard a gate the wall noodles, even crest of hall, hallway to make into a deep color, imbeding a few small lights, letting the person feel's can'ting measure, but step deeply is a hidden but beautiful spot again immediately into the room.Certainly so although interesting and novel, not exactly everyones all can accept, because the most people makes it a rule to obey rules and regulations.

PS:the true garbage of the translation software of now
Had to invite each big 侠 to help!The kid sister is extremely grateful!!


Bathroom should adopt a soft bright lamps, lamps should have a moisture-proof and not easily corroded function, Source color should be used for high incandescent lamp. He is using bracket light lamps installed in the vertical and curtains on the wall, in order to avoid the window reflected on the shadow. Nine used to avoid when installed in direct steam enveloped the top of the bathtub. Nine wall lamp or the power to the appropriate 40 -60 watts. Lighting installation subject to the principle of indoor lighting lighting is not just indoor light, but according to certain principles requirements, will be a good decorative effect, showing functional lighting. First, the lighting must ensure that the various activities required to achieve a different light. Writing, games, rest, traveling, etc., regardless of what activities should be a corresponding lamps role to play. Such lighting is the distribution of scientific light, people do not feel tired, not only conducive to the healthy eye, again to conserve electricity. 2 lighting to be able to appear more rooms America. - Ray irradiation to take care of the interior contours of the objects, the level and the main image of some special features such as furnishing goods, paintings, rugs, vases, tank, etc., but also be able to reflect and even beautify its color. 3 is reliable lighting and security. Lamps is not allowed to leakage, fire, etc., should do on a bright opening, a concern on the destruction. Lighting source location is important, but how well the location of the election, The key is that you want light source to illuminate the target is. First, people are the most important part of the face. From different angles projection of light, the faces of the people who will be seen from the expressions effect, if a person stood directly below the chandelier. direct lighting downward will face turns cold and serious. For a light reaching the bottom up to face, then worse, the face will become terror, even ferocious. So frequent gatherings in people's living room, dining area, sofa group Equality is not directly upward or downward lighting. Using the direct side-lighting, so that the light projected from the top side, people would face contour lines of rich and bright; Using diffuse light, scattered light to throw people face, will be made clear amiable image. Second is to illuminate furniture, it depends on what you want to achieve results. If this is a brand new combination of furniture, then it should highlight the color and silhouette, multi-source lighting, Furniture can be achieved very little part of the shadow effect. Lighting and decorating as an integral part must be based on the arrangement of different types of light sources and their locations. My bedroom is often the combination of a variety of functions, such as living room, study, changing rooms, and so on. Changing requirements of the optical absorption from the quality of the light on the front, in order to be a mirror image clarity, Therefore source who could not be placed in the back of our minds, but also to set up cosmetics on both sides of the auxiliary light, so that the faces of the innocent can be clearly seen. Need to read and write write table lamps, indoor lighting sleep can be more thoughtful and more covert. But before bed is in bed reading habits, the best bedside lamp to adjust the brightness and angle. The simple way out is installed lamps, one for a secret. The living room more functional, such as traveling chat, watch television and listen to music, as in the audio-visual center next to the family also has a small bar, So soft drinks are also here. Do not expect a chandelier solve all the problems. People in a long time, you can use the chandeliers, wall lamp such as access to comprehensive lighting and have astigmatism. In one heart-to-heart talks on February 3 available landing lights or partial wall lamp to illuminate the sofa before the tea table, rather than illuminate the heart-to-heart talks in the people themselves. When the use of audio-visual center, a living room only three watts of small lights for background light some weak lighting on it. If a residential front, it is worth a good arrangement, since most here can affect a person's mood. Upon entering the home, if the front bright spectacle, The work day will suddenly think people into the embrace of family and spirits, fatigue Duxiao. This requires flattened in front of retrofitting Embedded Barrel Dragon, one can not equipped few, color better. If love is the art of others, can Foyer, corridor walls, causing dark flattened, embedding a few small lights, make people feel unfathomable, and immediately entered the room is Journey Into Amazing Caves. Although this course chic, but not everyone can accept it because the majority of people are accustomed to a conformist.


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