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新目标七年级下册英语unit1 3a的作文翻译~

我想在中国找一位笔友。我认为中国是一个有趣的国家。 我14岁,生日在11月。我会说英语和一点法语。我有一个哥哥叫鲍尔和姐姐萨拉。他们分别有美国的和澳大利亚的笔友。我喜欢和朋友一块看电影,做运动。在学校里我最喜欢的科目是体育,它很有趣。我不喜欢数学,它太难了。你能尽快给我回信吗?





my pen pal
Since last summer, I have written to my pen pal, Seda, who lives in Turkey. I became acquainted with her when I went to England for a study tour. We stayed with the same family, and she was my roommate and classmate as well. Sometimes we went to the movies together after dinner. Seda is very easy to get along with. I will always remember the two weeks I spent with her. We didn't forget each other and kept writing to each other after we returned home. Although I haven't seen her again since I left England, I still know how she is through letters, cards and photographs. Seda tells me her secrets and also shares her happiness and sadness with me . Both of us hope that we will meet each other somewhere one day. Maybe I'll go to Turkey to visit her, or she'll come to Taiwan to visit me.

my pen pal
My pen pal is from Australia .His name is Jody White.He is forteen
years old.He speaks English and a little Chinese .His hobby is movies.
Romantic Holiday is his favourite.There are five people in his family.They are his parents ,a little brother and a little sister.We often write letters each other.He often helps me with my English and I can help him learn Chinese
dear my friend:
summer holiday is coming!i hope you can come to my home and play together,okay? start from our junior high school,go to the bus station near the school,and take the No.1 bus. get off at the baber's shop,walk north for about three minutes.look for me,you can see me because i wait you .
yours xxx(某某)
I love how they decide to sit by me, whatever room of the house I am in, and sleep in my empty bed next to me. I love how they use their noses as tools to make me pet them. I love how they smell like corn (more like corn chips, its just a dog thing) after theyve been asleep or while they are sleeping. I love my puppy who I will have to say goodbye to soon. I will miss everything about him but I love the time I have spent with him. Whatever happened with me and the ex, he sure did raise a hell of a dog. Or maybe it was just my dogs own self, maybe he was just always going to turn out that loving. Either way, I love them and think they have saved my life.

其余 …………太难打了………… 先写着一点吧…………

就像七色的玻璃折射出七彩的阳光,我们每一个人都有不同的优点。有的同学天资聪明,学习名列前茅;有的同学心灵手巧,多才多艺;而我呢?我拥有一颗善良的心灵,因为我乐于助人.记得一年前有一天,我放学回家,这时天已经接近黄昏。正当我急急忙忙赶路的时候,突然,我发现前面有一位白发苍苍、脸上布满皱纹的老奶奶,恩?这不是13号楼的杨奶奶吗?她吃力地提着一大筐的蔬菜,走得非常缓慢和艰难,腰都快要弯下去了,而且在她的脸上流淌着一颗又一颗雨点般的汗水。当我看到这种情景时,我非常同情老奶奶,于是想:“要是帮助老奶奶提菜的话,回到家时天就会黑到伸手不见五指;何况,我今晚还有很多作业要做呢。但是,要是我不帮忙的话,杨奶奶就会很吃力,很累,可能她再走几步就会走不动了。”最后,我下决心要帮助杨奶奶.于是,我不顾天色已晚,跑到杨奶奶身边,说:“杨奶奶,您提这么重的菜,前面还有很远的路才到家,就让我来帮您提菜吧!”杨奶奶听后,温和而带着微笑地对我说:“孩子,谢谢你,可是天快要黑了,你还是快回家吧,妈妈正在等你呢。”“没关系,让我帮您提回去吧!”于是我一边扶着杨奶奶,一边接过菜筐走了起来。过了一会,我感到胳膊开始酸疼,脚好像灌了铅沉沉的,满头大汗的我好想放下菜筐,休息一会,可是为了不让杨奶奶担心,我装作很轻松地继续走起来.十多分钟后,我提着菜筐终于将杨奶奶送到了家。临走时,杨奶奶留住我,说:“等会,孩子。”我看见杨奶奶手里拿着一把手电筒,“孩子,路上黑,回家时就用它照路吧,一路小心点。谢谢你,佳佳。”“杨奶奶,再见!”回家的路上天色已经很黑了,但是,杨奶奶的手电筒发出的光芒让我路上一片光明,她的关怀驱散了周围的黑暗,让我的心里一片温暖••••••回到家,我发现我的胳膊只要动一动,就会有一种钻心的疼痛,可是,不知怎么,我的心甜滋滋的•••••• 我就是这样一个助人为乐的孩子。我喜欢帮助别人,当我看到在自己的协助下,别人很顺利地度过他们的困难的时候,我就会从心地里涌出一股难以言说的自豪感和幸福感,尽管很累,但是我感到了自己对他人的价值。我愿意继续去帮助那些需要帮助的人,让我们的生活充满七彩的阳光!


Hello,everyone!(大家好。)My name is Li Yida.(我叫李依妲)I am a girl.(我是一个女孩。)I come from Sichuan.(我来自四川。)My birthday is April 11.(我的生日在4月11日。) My family has three people。(我家有三个人。)They are my father, mother and I.(他们是我的爸爸,妈妈和我。)I like sports very much.(我非常喜欢运动。)I often play ping-pong everyday with my father.(我经常在下午和我爸爸打乒乓球。)I like Strawberries, apples, oranges and vegetables .(我喜欢草莓,苹果,橘子和蔬菜。)I like watching movies.(我喜欢看电影。)I like comedies and action movies .(我喜欢喜剧和动作片)I think comedies are funny.(我认为喜剧很有趣。)And action movies are exciting。(动作片令人兴奋。)I am a student.(我是一个学生。)So I have many classes.(所以,我有很多科目。)I like Chinese and Math.(我喜欢语文课和数学课)Because I think Chinese is interesting.(我认为语文课很有趣。)And I really like my Chinese teacher.(我很喜欢我的语文老师。)I think Math is easy.(我认为数学课很容易。)

Like seven color glass reflects the colorful sunshine, every one of us have different advantages. Some classmates intelligent top, learning; Some classmates xinlingshouqiao, versatile; But I? I have a heart of docile, because I'm helpful. Remember a year ago one day, when I returned home from school, when it is close to sunset. As I set off of time, suddenly, I discover front have a gray hairs, face wrinkled granny, huh? This is not 13th floor of Yang grandma? Her sweaty carrying a big basket of vegetables, walk very slow and difficult, waist are almost bent down, and in her cheeks with a single and a star with a shower of sweat. When I saw this scene, I'm very sympathetic to granny, hence think: "if help grandma carry food words, came home days will black to hand, unable to see tonight; how much more when I have a lot of homework to do. But if I don't help words, Yang grandma will be very sweaty, very tired, may she a few more steps will can't walk anymore." Finally, I decided to help grandma. So, my young despite since it was already late, run to Yang grandma side and said: "Yang grandmother, you mention such heavy food, front and long way before we got home, let me help you carry food!" Yang grandma, mild and after listen to with a smile to say to me: "children, thank you, but it is going to black, you still let's go home, mom are waiting for you." "It's all right, let me help you back!" So I hold the Yang grandma, while CaiKuang go up while took over. After a while, I feel arm began to ache, feet like lead stale, filling the I want to put down CaiKuang sweating, take a break, but in order not to let Yang grandma worry, I pretended to be very easily continue to go up. More than ten minutes later, I carry CaiKuang finally will be delivered to home. Yang grandma Upon leaving, Yang grandma keep me, said: "later, the child." I saw Yang grandmother holding a torch, "child, the way black, according to the home use it all away; be careful. Thank you, allison." "Yang grandma, goodbye!" On the way home has been very dark sky, but the flashlight, Yang grandma a bright light let me the way she care dispelled the surrounding darkness, let my heart warm • • • • • • back home, I found my arm as long as to move, there will be a pain, but he and somehow, my heart TianZiZi's • • • • • • I was such a helpful child. I like to help others, when I see in his help, the others very smoothly through their trouble, I will carefully inside gush a share from debasing the pride and happiness difficult, though very tired, but I feel the value to others. I would like to continue to help those who are in need of help, let our life is full of colorful sunshine!

Dear Gina,
I'm Bob.I live in Toronto,Canada.I have a new pen pal,Tom.He is a English boy.His favorite subject in school is mith.It is too diffcult.But interesting.I think he is a very excited people.
Do you have a new pen pal?


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