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YAHIA IBRAHIM AL DOMA ADAM = 叶海亚易卜拉欣亚当捍卫婚姻法案


1.2 topic research foundations
1.2.1 The four-wheeler changes direction the assurance of the controller main processor
Take a wide view the development of engineering machine, experienced three revolutions mostly on the technique:the emergence, liquid of the diesel engine press technical of extensively applied and electronics technique is the calculator is technical particularly of extensively applied.To make the engineering machine economize on energy efficiently will spread to move system to carry on a control towards launching machine and, reasonable allotment power, make it be placed in the best work condition;For easing a pilot to labor strength and improvement to manipulate function, need to adopt an automatic control, carry out an engineering machine automation;To complete the homework of high technical ability need intelligence to turn;For the sake of exaltation safety, demand safety control, carry on circulating appearance surveillance, the breakdown reports to the police automatically;Because the construction realm expands, in order not to the personnel arrive can't and not come-at-able place and the very bad place of the homework environment go to homework, need to be adopted long-distance leave remote control and no man to drive a technique.The all these all explained the current key problem of the engineering machine to control a problem.To resolve a control problem have to lead to go in to have the electronics technique that good control function and information handle an ability, spread the feeling machine technique and the electricity liquid control technique and correspond of software control technique is the forerunner's controller of integral whole.
The development direction changed direction according to the four-wheeler, the domestic and international company changes direction organization to control to the four-wheeler currently main adoption of is a numeral control, this is owing to a lot of advantages of numerical control:the procedure turn a control, the controller carries on the processing of operation and numerical information according to the control regulation designed, mainly passing procedure(namely software) to carry out, if change control regulation need to change software, but need not change the hardware structure of system: control the accuracy is high, in the emulation the control the system, the accuracy of the controller from the accuracy of the component but settle, numerical controller accuracy from word long decision;Stability good;The software replies to use, needing a hardware environment of using the homology realization in the emulation the system, the numerical controller is a procedure control, the sub- procedure mold piece which need to be designed and write to carry out its model, can immediately carry out several links of functions expediently.
Currently each factory house mostly adoptive is a PLC, single slice machine to apply to change direction controller in the four-wheeler in, the function is basic and can carry out, mutually in comparison, the digital signal processor(DSP) with stronger ability of the signal processing everyone's noodles all the function is above three kinds of better than processors.The DSP(the Processor of the Digital Signal) is the core that the new century numeral turns revolution.It is a kind of special microprocessor, having programmable, and the solid luck go speed far far above the in general use microprocessor.The movement speed of[with] strong ability and high speed of the data processing is the two greatest special featureses that the DSP is the most worthy of to call a way.The DSP chip is a kind of microprocessor which suits to carry on numerical signal to handle specially.It emphasizes operation processing of solid hour, so in addition to have common microprocessor to emphasize of high speed operation and control function, mainly aim at solid hour numerical signal processing, did to change to move very greatly on the processor structure, instruction system and the data process.It has vivid, accurate, credibility good, the physical volume is small, the achievement consume low with be easy to large-scale integration etc. advantage.

1.2:2 four-wheelers change direction the basic function of the controller personal realization
Change direction controller according to the DSP four-wheeler before carrying on this topic to study have already had basic function as follows:
1, have three kinds of work modes:.Rotated ago to, whole rotations to and the inclined line changed direction, can carry on mode to cut over, and can promise the mode cuts over transfer steady.
2, have to switch on from the check function, be have circumstance occurrence of being unsuited to the system request, can check a position place of mistake, and come out the false code manifestation for corresponding, in order to operation the personnel check to be alongside of to debug a mistake in time.
3, have to make to move function urgently, then while having mistake occurrence, if turn Cape to outrun biggest turn Cape scope, or outrun request of turn Cape, can make to move to carry on a mistake a check and expel an operation urgently.
4, while changing direction to carry on mode to cut over in the process, the system has positive function of return.Is also say, from a mode cut over to another a process of mode, system's shoulding start to change direction appearance back from the beginning is arriving the appearance that the straight line drove, hasing been returned to positive process behind each car wheel should be placed in zero become horny position, the steer device should be placed in medium, then then can carry on moreover a kind of mode under of change direction an operation.


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