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I think we should establish correct guiding ideology of English learning. English learning should focus on the communicative competence, jump out examination-oriented education. Due to the reasons such as the limit of time, many colleges and universities are unable to non English majors have phonetic course, but this does not mean that we should reduce to the study of English phonetics. I think the English phonetics learning can begin from the following respects:1 create a real language learning environment, so that the skills do many things at once. As everyone knows, in actual communicative activities, is a comprehensive sentences and discourse segment as the unit. Only the individual voice learning and the actual context are combined skillfully, in a real context learning, is conducive to acquire English language, and to master the correct pronunciation and intonation. Therefore, learning good English pronunciation to know how to make flexible use of the correct method:First of all, we want to hear. Listen, also known as" ear irrigation tone", is the key to learning of speech. Whether it is listening to the teacher in class, in the team work activities with students to discuss, after listening to the radio, listen to the tape, or to communicate with our foreign teachers, etc., all belong to the listening part. In this segment, not only easy to imitate, also helps to improve their communication ability. Secondly, we want to say, this is a practice link. In learning English, the most important thing is to say, Li Yang's Crazy English is talking in practice come out? In said process, must bold, do not worry too much, to abandon the idea of reach the acme of perfection, will want to express their own things to say, by saying that, can we learn phonological rules to live, also can check on our right, and correct their mistakes, in the accumulation of make progress. Finally, we should read more. As the saying goes," read a hundred times, its meaning from the see." Way of learning a language is the same, so that Chinese, english. In the process of reading, can form the good sense of the English language. To listen and speak a lot on the basis of reading, namely is to strengthen and consolidate the English voice of the most effective way to.2 hold lots of practice. English is a skill, only repeated practice to master, so keep a lot of practice, and to find teachers or students to our guidance in. Teach is inspired us to speak English as much as possible, so that we have some practice opportunity. In junior high school to learn English first class, the teacher told us that:" don't put your English and history, geographical subjects such as, and should regard it as a skill. A mastery of skills only through repeated practice . " Therefore, English learning but also through the complex repeat basic sentence patterns and vocabulary, and long-term adherence, constantly improve the level of their own.3 pay more attention to English pronunciation learning long-term, English learning goals. The voice of learning is a long process, after a considerable period of time to accumulate and strict need of temper. Constantly explore, summary, practice and imitation, to make progress, therefore, not lax, give up halfway. With the in-depth study, the intensity of training and standards should also constantly upgrade. Every day, the timely review, deepen the impression, so repeatedly.4 some English phonetics learning methods: microscopic method of pronunciation. We can use the mirror to observe their lips, mouth and place of articulation, aware of his mistakes, and correct their bad pronunciation habits; transfer type method. By doing some transfer type of game, this will enable students to a degree between phonemes of oral, lip, tongue and the tongue level changes and differences have a certain understanding; role play. Intonation can help us to express joy, sadness, surprise, anger, regret, different emotion, we can copy the movie dialogue. Dialogue held in imitation of tone of the application.

它只变比较难, 只变比较热
沿海岸而行沿海岸而行表演, 他 ''''s 知道如世界观光旅行家
孤单的道路, 上帝只知道
他 ''''s 长大的更远从家, 他 ''''s 没有父亲
但是支撑这里的你的鼻子 cuz 去冷水
他的老板君 ''''t 想要他没有 mo, 他 ''''s 寒冷产品
他们转移至流动的下 schmoe
他嗅到鸽子而且卖 nada
我推想它 ''''s 旧的 potna, 但是打继续
Da da dum da dum da da
你最好在音乐方面失去你自己, 片刻
你拥有它, 你更不再让它去
你只拿注射, 不失踪你的机会吹
这一个机会在终生的 yo 中被提出一次
你最好在音乐方面失去你自己, 片刻
你拥有它, 你更不再让它去
你只拿注射, 不失踪你的机会吹
这一个机会在终生的 yo 中被提出一次

没有较多的游戏, 我 ''''妈变化什么你呼叫发怒
流泪这 motha****在屋顶中走开相似的 2只狗关进笼内
我在 beginnin 中是 playin, 心情全部改变了
但是我保持了 rhymin 和 stepwritin 下一个零
最好相信某人 ''''s payin 斑驳的吹笛者
我能 ''''t 经过由于我的 9 到 5
而且我能 ''''t 为我的家庭提供正确类型的生活
Cuz 男人 , 这些 goddam 食物邮票君 ''''t 买尿布
而且它 ''''s 没有电影 , 在那里'''' s 没有 Mekhi Phifer, 这是我的生活
而且这些时代如此难和它 ''''s 变得平坦比较难
Tryin 喂而且加水给我的种子,加号
见到被追赶 bein 一位父亲和主要的 donna 的不名誉
纵容妈妈戏剧 ''''s screamin 在和之上
留在一个地点, 另外的一罐果酱
已经扼要得到我, 我 ''''m 喜欢一个蜗牛
我 ''''ve 开始制定一个情节在前的我在监牢或注射中结束
成功是我的唯一的 motha****在选项, 失败 ''''s 不
妈妈, 我爱你, 但是这一条踪迹已经开始去
我不能够在沙连 ''' 变旧's 运气
脚也许失败我不 cuz 我得到的唯一的机会
你最好在音乐方面失去你自己, 片刻
你拥有它, 你更不再让它去
你只拿注射, 不失踪你的机会吹
这一个机会在终生的 yo 中被提出一次
你最好在音乐方面失去你自己, 片刻
你拥有它, 你更不再让它去
你只拿注射, 不失踪你的机会吹
这一个机会在终生的 yo 中被提出一次

你能做任何事你设定你的思想到, 男人













但如果你生活rememb 'red不做,






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