
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

Exchanges between people in society today, is accomplished through the exchange of information. Are two different people in the city or further afield when the exchange of information, the use of means of correspondence or telephone. Broadly speaking, by any means through any medium of information transfer from one place to another can be called communication. However, in the computer system, microprocessor functions of this magic and must be achieved through an external device, while the peripheral and the exchange of information between the microprocessor and the communication is realized by interface, so interface technology has become a direct impact on the functions of computer systems and computer applications to promote the key. RS-232 standard was first remote communication links data terminal equipment DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) and data communications equipment DCE (Data Communication Equipment) and developed. Therefore, the development of this standard does not consider the application of computer systems requirements. But it has been widely borrowed for the computer (more precisely, a computer interface) and between the proximal end or peripheral connection standard.

Key words: communication; computer interface; RS-232; data terminal equipment


答案是:For thousands of years, Chinese people's birthday with the recording method is different from the West. Chinese people a new one-year-old Lunar New Year began in the New Year's Day, that is, after New Year's Eve, each person on the length of the one-year-old. So the New Year New Year's means there is also the meaning of a certain age. The general or customary use of the Lunar birthday. So each person can have two birthdays, a lunar calendar. Because the Chinese Lunar Calendar is a revised calendar, with the moon cycle of revolution and therefore the birthday each year corresponding to the Lunar calendar date not the same.

Rammstein的名字来源于Ramstein空军基地(加了个“m”),也就是Ramstein空难的发生地。1988年8月28日,在一次美国空军的飞行表演中飞机相撞造成80人死伤。乐队起这样的名字旨在让人们不要忘记发生在空军基地的悲剧。从字面上看,“ram stein”其实是“石头大槌”的意思。 由于他们国籍的缘故,以及乐队阴暗的风格和军国主义的意象,他们被控为法西斯分子,当然事实上并非如此。Rammstein不想和政治扯上关系,假如非要有关,那他们是左翼。

The Rammstein Ramstein air base (name derives from adding "m"), is also the Ramstein disaster occurred. On August 28, 1988, in an air show in the U.S. air force plane collided 80 people injured. The band plays such name aims to make people don't forget the tragedy occurred in air force base. Literally, "stein" is actually "ram stone big hammer" means. Because of their nationality's sake, and the band dark style and militarism images, they are accused of fascist, of course, in fact not so. Rammstein don't want and political relationshiop between, if must related, that they are left-wing.


Founded in 1994 Rammstein band German east Berlin. Rammstein that violent, a deranged concert let them before the whole Europa. With the famous visual rock band KISS similar, Rammstein also use fireworks to foil atmosphere, but Rammstein performance scene with authoritarian lyrics and music style of industrial metals that they oppose commercial. Although the band vehemently denies Rammstein fans, but mainly in the right-wing political views held the main, because their songs in reflecting such as young to always sexual harassment, human disaster, ecological problems of discontent.

翻译:The Rammstein Ramstein air base (name derives from adding "m"), is also the Ramstein disaster occurred. On August 28, 1988, in an air show in the U.S. air force plane collided 80 people injured. The band plays such name aims to make people don't forget the tragedy occurred in air force base. Literally, "stein" is actually "ram stone big hammer" means. Because of their nationality's sake, and the band dark style and militarism images, they are accused of fascist, of course, in fact not so. Rammstein don't want and political relationshiop between, if must related, that they are left-wing.
翻译:Founded in 1994 Rammstein band German east Berlin. Rammstein that violent, a deranged concert let them before the whole Europa. With the famous visual rock band KISS similar, Rammstein also use fireworks to foil atmosphere, but Rammstein performance scene with authoritarian lyrics and music style of industrial metals that they oppose commercial. Although the band vehemently denies Rammstein fans, but mainly in the right-wing political views held the main, because their songs in reflecting such as young to always sexual harassment, human disaster, ecological problems of discontent.


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