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Was he seven years old last year?

1. Where was he born?
2. How long did wu peng learn English?
3.the water is so cold that we can't swim in
4.When did you learn to cook?
5.He was too tired to walk farther.
6.he usually spends an hour on his home-work in the evening
7.sally began to play volleyball at the age of ten
8.Did they go to beijing last year
9.he goes to work on his bike every day
10.he no longer play football when he was forty years old

1.When was he born?
2.How did Wu Peng learn English?
3.The water is so cold that we cannot swim in it.
4.When did you learn to cook?
5.He was too tired to walk farther.
6.It usually takes him an hour to doing his homework in the evening.
7.Sally started playing volleyball when she was ten.
8.Did they go to Beijing last year?
9.He cycles/rides his bike to work every day.
10.He played football until he was forty years old.


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    糜费官答:1. Where was he born?2. How long did wu peng learn English?3.the water is so cold that we can't swim in 4.When did you learn to cook?5.He was too tired to walk farther.6.he usually spends an hour on his home-work in the evening 7.sally began to play volleyball ...

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  • 17542319971急急急,请大家帮帮我~

  • 17542319971哪位高人帮我解答一下阿?急急急,

  • 17542319971大家帮我分析下 哥 相亲了 谢谢 急急急急急
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  • 17542319971感情问题,大家帮帮我!高分!

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