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~ 1.A.Whom,在从句中做宾语,用宾格


  • 19674406548问几道初中英语单项选择题、.1.They asked me to have a drink with...
    贝舍贤1:A 2:B因为明年他是10岁是一定正确的事实,这时候就不用什么特殊的时态,只要 用be动词就行了 3:A "Hongqi cars ”是指所有的红旗车,当然就包括已生产出的,正在生产的,未生产的,所以要用一般现在时,后半句意思是“在上海生产的”4:C “The cars"是指特指的这些车,当然是已经生产出来的,...

  • 19674406548初中英语单项选择难题(越难越好,越多越好)
    贝舍贤28. The Great Wall is ___ tourist attraction that millions of people pour in every year.A. so a well-known B. a so well-known C. such well-known D. such a well-known 【答案】D 【解析】tourist attraction可数,such a +adj+n=so +adj+a + n 31. A small plane crashed...

  • 19674406548问几道初中英语的单项选择题目。
    贝舍贤1.A.Whom,在从句中做宾语,用宾格 2.B.while,表示动作进行的时间段。原句是“在我回去拿钥匙时等我”3.B.going,现在分词作定语 4.A.\/,as we know 是插入语,不影响原句结构

  • 19674406548初中英语语法点的知识 是单项选择题目
    贝舍贤1. B. himself 作同位语 2. A. untill 直到...3. B. so that 以至于 4. B. in risk one's life in doing sth. 冒着生命危险做某事 希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不明白的请继续追问(*^__^*)

  • 19674406548初中英语知识试题和答案
    贝舍贤我为大家整理的初中英语知识试题和答案资料,提供参考欢迎参阅。 一、单项选择 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. Jim and Tim are talking ___ thephone. A. at B. on C. with D. in 2. Today is Sunday. My family ___all at home. A. am B. is C. are D. be...

  • 19674406548初中英语单项选择练习题(急~~!~~!)
    贝舍贤42. You can find a tower at ___ end of the bridge.A. both B. every C. either D. any 43. Have you got any books on the computer? I’d like to borrow.A. them B. some C. it D. those 44. The most interesting books are not necessarily ___ ...

  • 19674406548初中英语:现在完成进行时练习题单项选择
    贝舍贤单项选择 1)Jack is___with Jim.They are good___.A:running;friend; B:running;friends; C:runing;friends D:run;friend's 2)Look! Mary___doing___homework.A:is;one's B:is;her C:are;his D:are;her 3)The Greens___supper now.A:is having B:are;ha...

  • 19674406548求初中英语时态单项选择题
    贝舍贤B. clever enough;with C. clever enough;as4. ---Do you know ___ for Shanghai last night? ---At 9:00.A. what time he leaves B. what time does he leave C. what time he left D. what time did he leave.5. Could you tell me ___...

  • 19674406548初中英语单项选择题!!!

  • 19674406548初中英语单项选择
    贝舍贤回答:1d 2d 3d 4c 5b 6c 7b 8b 9a 10d 11c 12a 13b 14c

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