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从蜗居 ,蚁族,鼠族反映大学生生存现状的词语不断涌现 出现这种现象的原因 我的看法 一篇120字的英语作文~

ff.从蜗居 ,蚁族,鼠族反映大学生生存现状的词语不断涌现

The ant tribe, they were born in the 1980s and now live in the underdeveloped suburbs of major cities. The majority come from other areas, particularly the countryside, and they are mostly young graduates who started their college life in 1999, when Chinese universities increased their enrollment dramatically. They don't have a stable job and their average salary is below 2,000 yuan. They are the 'ants', according to Lian Si, a post-doctoral fellow at Peking University who coined the phrase "ant tribe" and wrote a book on it. Indeed, they share every similarity with "ants": living in "colonies" in cramped area, intelligent, hardworking, yet anonymous and underpaid.

Nowdays, we Chinese college students could feel that we are full of pressures.Especially to those who just graduated could feel all kinds of pressures from the society and from our parents,etc.The living pressure is the biggest pressure that every graduated college students have to face.
From those new words of living like ants you could see recently a lot of college students are living like ants. Why? The main reason is college students have no ability to afford the house rent. Another reason is college students have get used to live in a dormitary as they did in college.when they were in college, they have get used to live with others in a dormitary, and they somehow also feel alone if they live by themselves.
No ability to afford the rent has three aspects reasons.
First, after college students graduated they start to become impendent suddenly. Because parents and teachers ,even the government try to help college students with their living at school. While after their leaving of campus, they start think of becoming independent and feel ashamed of asking money from parents. However, they cannot earn a lot at the first several years of their leaving college.
After leaving college, they start to face a new life.Some choose to work in a company ,some choose to have their own business, some will try to continue their study,they want to go on their master degree study. No matter which kind of situation they are facing, they are a greenhand and need to live all depends on themselves. Those who choose to work in a company will be paid by a low salary because they have no experience, they cannot really make a big progress at the very beginning. Those who choose to start their own business need to have their own money to start. Those who choose to continue study need to pay for their living without working and probably still have to prepare the fee after they entering their dream university.
Being young , lack of experience and lack of money make college students feel a lot of pressures.Although cannot live in a good condition they still could enjoy their own time and life because they are full of dream.


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