求一篇英语作文:以"The ways of my study"为题写一篇不少于60个字的短文,标点符号不占格

来自:江苏    更新日期:早些时候
以"the ways to learn english"为标题写一篇英语作文60字~

As we all know,English is becoming more and more important with the need of communication【交流】 all over the world. Then how to learn English and master【精通,掌握】 it to help us communicate【vt.交流】 with others? There are various【多种多样的】 ways.
Above all【首先】,you should always believe in yourself if you want to master English.You can build your confidence by learning what is easy first. Secondly【其次】,forming good learning habits【 is of great value很有价值的】,such as reading at least three times a day,writing the phrases and 【sentence patterns句型】 you have learned each day,listening English materials【材料】 and making notes in class.. Thirdly【其三】, asking questions is a very efficient【有效的】 and practical【实用的】 way of learning English. Last but not least, developing 【培养】 and keeping【保持】 your interest in English is always helpful to your learning , because "Interest is the best teacher"【英语俗语:兴趣是最好的老师】.

怎么说呢?用简练生动的语言描述你孤独的经历!不过最好别写孤独,毕竟孤独是一时的!我给你推荐篇,或许你不喜欢,也是我也一点帮助的心意吧!那一刻,我读懂了你苍翠的青山之间,欲滴的绿草地之上,潺湲的溪水旁,游荡着一个高贵而孤独的灵魂。他宁静淡泊,无欲无求,卓然洒脱,永远以一份超乎物外的心态来应对这纷繁复杂的世界。庄子,读了你百遍千遍,每一遍都让我感动,让我品味良深。席地而坐,持竿垂钓。濮水,倒映出你平静的面容,眼神里分明透着坚定与豁达。风乍起,树影摇曳,水面泛起了点点波光。两位来自楚国的大夫出现在你身旁。你看透了大夫脸上写着的欲望,淡然一笑,便拒绝了唾手可得的财富和背后那虚无缥缈的浮华。对于一切尘世喧嚣你早已看淡,因为富贵荣华不过是过眼云烟,而内心的安宁舒适才是最好的归宿。“吾将曳尾于涂中”,将你的宠辱不惊阐释得淋漓尽致,一身风骨在清风中涤荡得不染纤尘。那一刻,我读懂了你崇尚自由的本性。一间草屋,一方院落,经营着你和妻子清贫却不卑微的生活。身穿粗布麻衣,脚蹬自织的草鞋,日出而作,日落而息,从容淡定,没有丝毫徘徊迷惘。你的妻死后,惠子前去吊唁,却见你席地而坐,击缶而歌,以自己的方式表达着对妻子的追念与安抚。歌声在空旷的山谷间愈发撼人心魄。你主张天葬,愿以“天地为棺椁,日月为连璧,星辰为珠玑,万物为齑送”。在世间以天地为家,死后也以最原始朴素的方式回归自然。“上为鸟鸢食,下为蝼蚁食”,就连这最后的躯体也要完美地融入自然,只留下被后世景仰的精魂。那一刻,我读懂了你追求自然的气韵卧于静谧的高山绿水之间,你悠然入梦。在空灵透明的精神世界,一只蝴蝶翩跹而至。你轻盈的身体飘然而起,与蝶共舞,恍惚间感觉自己已化为一只蝴蝶,优游于天地。到底是庄周梦蝶,还是蝶梦庄周都已经不重要了。能做到如此的 物我合一,已是灵魂的完美升华。那一刻,我读懂了你包容万物的品质。庄子,你就象一盏有着淡淡琥珀色的菊花茶,清幽的香味穿越千年,聚成一束从混沌生命中脱颖而出的灵光,给世界添上一抹温厚的色彩。

The ways of my study
My favorite subject is English,because it is important in our lift.By my way to learn English,I think is useful.Every morning,I read a book in English for half an hour and looking up words in an English dictionary.While eating breakfast or supper,I listen to an audio book or other recording in English, trying to understand what is being said.But I Think I can do more.I want to carefully write an e-mail message in English. And also when I walk down the street ,I can build simple English sentences in mu opinion.

求一篇英语作文:以"The ways of my study"为题写一篇不少于60个字的短文,标点符号不占格视频

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