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~ 暑假将至,计划出国旅行的小伙伴们,是不是对如何用英语在机场、住宿、点餐、出行和购物时与人交流感到有些紧张呢?别担心,下面整理了出国旅游实用英语口语大全,让你的基本交流无压力。

在机场,基本交流没问题。如需出示护照,说“May I see your passport, please?”;询问登机口,说“Where should I board?”;办理乘机手续,说“I'm checking in for my flight to London.”;了解起飞时间,问“When will the plane take off?”;询问抵达时间,问“What time will we arrive in Paris?”;询问是否有机场巴士,问“Is there an airport bus to the city?”;兑换外币,说“Can you change this into US dollars?”;要零钱,说“Please give me small change.”;询问兑换率,问“What is the exchange rate?”;找到旅游问讯处,说“Where is the tourist information centre?”。

住宿方面,需了解是否还有空房间,说“Do you have any vacancies now?”;预定房间类型,如“a suite/ single room/ twin room”;询问房间价格,问“How much will that room be?”;确认是否包含早餐,问“Does the price include breakfast?”;告知已预约并办理登记,说“I made a reservation and I'd like to check in.”;入住时间,说“We will be staying from Friday for three nights.”;询问早上供餐时间,问“When do you start serving in the morning?”;表达需求,如“Hello, I need a pillow/ quilt/ cup/ glass…”;询问行李寄存处,问“Can I check my baggage here?”。

在餐厅,用餐前点餐,说“A table for two, please.”;请求菜单,说“Could I see the menu, please?”;询问是否提供中文菜单,问“Do you have a menu in Chinese?”;询问招牌菜,问“What is the house specialty?”;告知未准备点餐,说“I'm not ready to order yet.”;请求续杯,说“Could I have a refill, please?”;请求结账,说“We'd like the bill, please.”;询问牛排烹调方式,问“How do you like your steak?”;要求全熟、五分熟或全生,如“Well done (medium/rare), please.”;预订六人晚餐,说“预订今晚7点六个人的座位。我们想要非吸烟区,面对花园的位置。”。

出行时,可以询问路线,说“Excuse me, please. I am looking for the museum/ gallery/ park/ river/ shopping mall/ city centre.”;了解距离,问“How far is it from here?”;请求地图指示,说“Can you show me on the map?”;询问最佳出行方式,问“What is the best way to get there?”;询问附近厕所位置,问“Is it possible to walk there?”;询问街名,问“What is the name of this street?”;询问附近自动取款机位置,问“Can I have the receipt, please?”。

购物时,保持礼貌,说“Thank you. I'm just looking.”;表达尺寸需求,如“a bigger size/ smaller size.”;请求不同颜色展示,说“Could you show me the other color?”;询问特卖品,问“Do you have any on sale?”;请求折扣,说“Could you give me a discount?”;询问批量购买优惠,问“Can I get a special price if I buy in bulk?”;决定购买,说“I like this. I'll take it.”;询问信用卡支付选项,问“Can I pay it with the Credit Card?”;请求收据,说“Can I have the receipt, please?”。


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    白疮姜room price?" 和 "Balcony availability?"Waking up: "Please wake me at 7 am."Breakfast location: "Where's breakfast served?"掌握这些口语,旅行中的沟通将更加顺畅。语言学习是个持续过程,记得不断练习。英孚教育提供个性化的学习方案,帮助你在旅途中自如应对。祝你享受无语言障碍的环球之旅!

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    白疮姜暑假将至,计划出国旅行的小伙伴们,是不是对如何用英语在机场、住宿、点餐、出行和购物时与人交流感到有些紧张呢?别担心,下面整理了出国旅游实用英语口语大全,让你的基本交流无压力。在机场,基本交流没问题。如需出示护照,说“May I see your passport, please?”;询问登机口,说“Where should ...

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