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ABBA的Dancing Queen


You can dance; you can jive, having the time of your life.
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the Dancing Queen.

Friday night and the lights are low.
Looking out for the place to go, where they play the right music, getting in the swing,
you come in to look for a king.

Anybody could be that guy.
Night is young and the music's high.
With a bit of rock music, everything is fine.
You are in the mood for dance.

And when you get the chance ...
you are the Dancing Queen, young and sweet , only seventeen.
Dancing Queen, feel the beat from the tambourine

You can dance; you can jive, having the time of your life.
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the Dancing Queen.

You're a teaser; you turn them on
Leave them burning and then you're gone.
Looking out for another, anyone will do.
You are in the mood for dance

And when you get the chance ...
you are the Dancing Queen, young and sweet, only seventeen.
Dancing Queen, feel the beat from the tambourine

You can dance; you can jive, having the time of your life.
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the Dancing Queen

Dancing Queen


三星 D908

达子的手机铃声 --- 跳舞女王 (Dancing Queen)




  • 13328278485〈达子的春天〉里姜泰峰用的手机的型号和铃声分别是什么
    袁界侄答:三星 D908 达子的手机铃声 --- 跳舞女王 (Dancing Queen)

  • 13328278485〈达子的春天〉里姜泰峰用的手机的型号和铃声分别是什么?
    袁界侄答:泰峰的外型跟三星SGH-D908和848很相似 滑盖 只是颜色和按键分布略有不同 http://img2.zol.com.cn/product/6/739/ce6A6LjVq7ydk.jpg

  • 13328278485达子的春天里姜泰峰手上带的是什么啊?

  • 13328278485达子的春天 达子跟姜泰峰发生关系了吗

  • 13328278485达子的春天里演姜泰峰卖衣服好朋友的是谁?
    袁界侄答:职业:模特 性别:男 生日:1981,4.2 身高:183 体重:65kg 演出电视剧:《达子的春天》 金在旭和小胡子Eon同一家模特公司 在旭在[达子的春天]现身 虽然是小配角 不过公司ms强力推捧两人 金在旭是模特出身,作为2007S/S seoul collection 以及服饰品牌的模特活动,同时也是band"running high(音)"...

  • 13328278485姜泰峰制作简介

  • 13328278485姜泰峰在达子的春天里面饰演有钱人吗
    袁界侄答:是。他爸爸是大学讲师。爷爷是像黑社会收债的那种。家里还蛮有钱的。他自己原本是大律师事务所的大律师。后来因为一个案子导致了一对夫妻自杀死亡。他很内疚。就放弃了律师这份高薪的职业。以上。=。= 李民基很帅哦~哈哈。

  • 13328278485达子的春天里.. 那个男生姜泰峰.真名资料是什么啊?
    袁界侄答:星座:射手座 国籍:韩国 地域:亚洲 身高:184cm 三围:学 历: 建国大学艺术系(入学时间:2006年)作 品 Short Dramas :Drama City (KBS) - My Older Brother (June 13 2004)Drama City (KBS) - Oh! Sarah (January 2 2005)Drama City (KBS) - Booyong of Mt. Kyeryong (August 6 ...

  • 13328278485在达子的春天中姜泰峰与吴达子的所有吻戏
    袁界侄答:2 13 15 22

  • 13328278485达子的春天里面姜泰峰的朋友 那个长头发的男演员叫什么啊?
    袁界侄答:生日:1983.4.2 身高:184 体重:65 血型:B型 腰围:28吋 鞋:280mm 职业:模特 特长:日语,跆拳道,乐器演奏 学历:首尔艺术大学实用音乐系 经历:乐队“Running High”主唱兼吉他手 所属公司:ESTEEM(模特公司)◆出演电视剧◆ 2002《随心所欲》扮演一热爱音乐的少年 2006《达子的春...

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