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小时候,我问妈妈 : 圣诞节是谁 ? 他和我一样都是上帝创造的吗 ?
妈妈笑了,说 :
圣诞节穿着红衣服 .

我掰开一根根胖乎乎的手指 ,
期盼着我的圣诞节又一次地来临 .

哈哈 ,
冬爷爷穿着白棉袄 ,
舒展着白眉毛 ,
白胡子一颤一颤地 ,

遥远的伯利恒在夜色中闭上双眼 ,
夜 , 吞没了鸟儿的影子 , 风,吹落了每片叶子 .
大地埋在冰雪中透着微弱的气息 .
星星疲惫地眨了几下眼皮 .

钟声 ! 钟声 ! 圣诞的钟声 ! 生命的钟声 !
光华射 ! 歌声传 ! 万民的信息 ! 大喜的信息 !
夜睁开了眼睛 !
星星喜悦地闪烁着 !
月亮摇摆着身姿 !
大地冲破了积雪的捆绑 !
万物 , 万物的救主 , 万物的救主耶稣 , 他来了 !!!


可这一次 , 圣诞节来拥抱我了。

雪圣诞 圣诞的每一下钟声都凝成 片片雪花 洒落进万暗初渡的世界 于是 我伸开双臂 深情地将你怀抱在怀间 走进飞雪编织的空灵 在爱抚中得到平静圣洁的白雪哟 你是主耶稣祈祷的诗篇 送给每个孩子 一片祥和的爱心 圣诞拥抱了我 小时候,我问妈妈 : 圣诞节是谁 ? 他和我一样都是上帝创造的吗 ? 妈妈笑了,说 : 圣诞节穿着红衣服 . 两千年前上帝挥着手指写了个爱字,圣诞节就来了。 坐在金秋的院子里, 我掰开一根根胖乎乎的手指 , 期盼着我的圣诞节又一次地来临 . 哈哈 , 冬爷爷穿着白棉袄 , 舒展着白眉毛 , 白胡子一颤一颤地 , 乘着西伯利亚寒流跌跌撞撞地赶来了。 遥远的伯利恒在夜色中闭上双眼 , 夜 , 吞没了鸟儿的影子 , 风,吹落了每片叶子 . 大地埋在冰雪中透着微弱的气息 . 星星疲惫地眨了几下眼皮 . 钟声 ! 钟声 ! 圣诞的钟声 ! 生命的钟声 ! 光华射 ! 歌声传 ! 万民的信息 ! 大喜的信息 ! 夜睁开了眼睛 ! 星星喜悦地闪烁着 ! 月亮摇摆着身姿 ! 大地冲破了积雪的捆绑 ! 万物 , 万物的救主 , 万物的救主耶稣 , 他来了 !!! 上帝温和地把写好的爱放在主耶稣的马槽里。 主耶稣把上帝的爱背在十字架上。 圣诞节就这样地来了。 妈妈,您说得对, 两千年前上帝挥着手指写了个爱字,圣诞节就来了。 可这一次 , 圣诞节来拥抱我了。 我闻到了他红色衣服上主耶稣的安详宁和。 我睁开眼一看,圣诞节红色衣服上布满了主耶稣的爱。 永恒的爱正源源不断地流向我们。



The Window of Heaven

The window of Heaven is open,
The angels can fly to and fro,
And those that I love can all gather,
And look down at Christmas below.

For Christmas is special in Heaven,
The love is so easy to see,
And down from the window at Christmas,
God sends a present to me.

'I will forever be with you,
Your side, I shall always be near,
And though you may not always see me,
In your heart I will always be there.

I will warm up your soul during Christmas,
My love is a fire burning bright,
Then my blanket of love will surround you,
And keep you all through the night.

On the brink of your Christmas morning,
I'll be the star at the top of the tree,
Shining my light on your teardrops,
You'll see a reflection of me.

Then as the gifts are all opened,
With the children encircling the hearth,
Look deep in their little faces,
Their kisses will be from my heart.

For the window of Heaven is open,
My love can pour out so free,
And those that I love can all gather,
And look up to Heaven at me.'

1, The Last Supper
(1) The Last Supper, in the holy city has put in the floor inside, and quiet at night thinking of God, the Lord also miss the main martyrs will be good news for Jesus, God's will be able to help the large, it is necessary to master Jesus Crucified God's salvation should come, ah, ah, park, you have the sweet, but also my sweet, you heaven, you have the crown on the head, I have the crown on the head.
(2) The Last Supper, in the holy city has put in the floor inside, quiet night with the disciples feet, and talk, then again, so they Judas sold Jesus to comfort his disciples not sad that he prepared his disciples for the home , And give me Holy Father, ah, ah, park, you have the flowers, there are my flowers, you heaven, my home, but also your home.
(3) The Last Supper, in the holy city on the floor inside, the quiet night before Holy Communion disciples inside the main disciples of Jesus take the cake blessing, I Shexia for your body, get glasses I wish to thank again, there are My blood flow to you, ah, ah, Paradise, your smiling face, but also my smiling face, the reunion of heaven, you have the desire, but also my wish.
6, Lan Lan lazy
(1) Lanlanlanlan, I really lazy, to be the main point of the TU, I do not propaganda, the more Yue Kan television drilling heart, like me, how can his followers into the park.
(2) Lanlanlanlan, I really lazy, sleep in the nest is not to move, speak mouth to pray, not into the whole mind, as I discuss how the followers of the Lord like.
(3) Lanlanlanlan, I really lazy, glittering in the Bible placed at home, do not touch Xiangmo, Kanyebukan, like me real danger of followers.
(4) Lanlanlanlan, I really lazy, the main teachings I did not care about other people dedicated pipe, I did enjoy the busy, I like this kind of followers after the rain Song San.
(5) Lanlanlanlan, I really lazy, my father told me to put my eyes up to work, Dad, I learned, as I have trouble, as I discuss how the followers of divine joy.
(6) Lanlanlanlan, I really lazy, Zaikuzailei mother when I did not see the first afraid to work, the fear of washing dishes in the second, I like this kind of believers, holding her mother when Yahuan.
(7) Lanlanlanlan, I really lazy, three meals a day, I avoid trouble, Duanqi ate a bowl, I forgot Grace, you look at the difficulties encountered on many occasions I have many sweet mouth.

(8) Magic to change and change change, I change the sender, not the first drink, do not play in the second, from now on school token, I-Gospel.

I Want You to Be Here with Me for Christmas ,
Even if you leave your heart at home. I know that lately my love makes you restless. But it's too hard to spend this time alone.My love for you is like the Christmas season:Joyful, yet with knowledge of the end.
My need for you has neither hope nor reason: If not a lover, please, just be a friend. Please, just be a friend, and come to me
When all the world is bright with love and song. You are my pillar and my fantasy,
My earth and yet the sky for which I long. My need for you, of course, is mine, not yoursNor need you answer me but out of love.This is the season when we open doorsTo let in those whose need our hearts might move.And after Christmas you may go your wayTo leave me with my sadness and my dreams. I have no right to bother you to stay,Knowing how your heart, unaltered, leans.I want you to be here with me for Christmas,Even if you leave your heart at home.What you decide, and why, is not my business,But still for me it's hard to be alone.


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